DafriBank-The Multipurpose African Bank


As blockchain and crypto expertise have been at the forefront of the next industrial revolution in recent times, Africa has made concerted efforts to ensure inclusion in the dialogue. As an African multipurpose financial institution with more than 1 million clients worldwide, DafriBank presents the venture of the African Digital Finance institution (DBA) and aims to make it Africa's number 1 digital currency.

Introducing DafriBank

DafriBank is an African multipurpose financial institution exploring immediate and higher-end options for saving, generating funds, handling buyer and corporate cash anytime, anywhere. Standard banks are finding it difficult to handle demand from trendy digital-focused companies, which has limited their progress. DafriBank overcomes this weakness by offering a typical digital banking company that may be fast, secure, and cost-effective. Its aim is to democratize monetary enterprises, bring individuals out of the spiral of the standard banking system, and encourage individuals and companies to stagnate and prosper in the international financial situation.

More than 1 million clients worldwide use DafriBank for similar purposes with no hidden fees, smooth security features, easy payments, and no delays. DafriBank supports personal accounts other than corporate accounts. Non-public financial savings accounts are accounts that serve clients' deposits towards monetary security and peace of mind, and corporate accounts help clients deal with their daily banking and special business needs such as investing, blocking free 3rd round transactions, financial saving purposes, and fast transactions worldwide.

DafriBank Aims for Africa's No.1 Crypto Bank

Statistics from Google Tendencies have revealed that African countries are all consistently ranked in the top 20 countries worldwide in cryptocurrency-related searches, demonstrating the huge potential of crypto in Africa.

But the reputation of the cryptocurrency and blockchain technology options in Africa while the laudable one leaves a lot to be desired. To encourage wider adoption of nascent technologies namely blockchain and cryptocurrencies, examples of extra progressive uses must be put forward to disrupt many additional industries.

DafriBank is a DBA, a cryptocurrency setup to realize its elite position as Africa's premier cryptocurrency due to the increasing variety of uses made specifically for Africans. DBA was specifically created to behave instead of foreign money used throughout the DafriBank ecosystem to help its customers take advantage of trendy instruments similar to blockchain and cryptocurrencies to streamline banking processes. The token was later adopted as a governance token for financial institutions. In addition to having a say in the future choices of financial institutions, buyers can vouch for a DBA and get curious.

Growing with agency perception

DafriBank has the agency's perception and dedication to providing an empowering, enabling, and accessible digital society, without leaving anyone behind. In this changing world, he seeks to absorb the traditions of connectivity, digital expertise, and relative products that can help close the digital divide. DafriBank also has a basic perception that there is energy in connectivity and digital companies to strengthen economic capabilities.

DafriBank (DBA) IEO Project 

This financial technology company is Africa's largest digital entrepreneur-focused bank and is the flagship brand of DafriGroup PLC, a publicly-traded company founded in South Africa, the UK, Botswana, Nigeria, and the Comoros Island.

DafriBank became the first bank in Africa to offer its business accounts a built-in Merchant API which has attracted global household names such as Bittrex Global, IQ Option, XM Global, Deriv LTD (formerly known as Binary.com) Exness Brokers, Globex360, FXCM Brokers, Fresh Forex, and ChainEX just to name a few.

We recently signed a strategic partnership agreement with one of the largest commercial banks in (Nigeria) to co-brand and offer MasterCard credit & Debit cards that can be used on a global scale. We have partnered with Circle, a global financial technology company, the second-largest USDC Stablecoin issuer, and are in the process of bringing Credit & Debit card payments into our system.

The DBA token is currently trading on CoinMarketCap at $11.5 per token with a diluted market cap of $1,144,957,338 with an ATH of $34.38 and a low of $10.49.

$DBA is built under the Binance Smart Chain Protocol (BEP20) to make it highly scalable for users. Smart contract address 0x1006ea3289b833b6720aaa82746990ec77de8c36

Token Details






Token Protocol


Project Website



Project Industry

Commercial Bank

Token supply for session



Token Price in USD

1.8 USD

Minimum Purchase Amount in Tokens



Minimum buy amount in contribution currencies

ü  0.00003143 BTC

ü  0.00041621 ETH

ü  1.8 USD

ü  5.33017471 XLM

ü  1.8 USDT


Registration country: South Africa

Office address: 35 Mozart Lane Midrand, Forte Complex, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1685

Digital Bank of Africa Roadmap

Q4 2019

ü  Idea Conception

ü  Define market segments

ü  Estimation of development cost

1.       Q1-Q2 2020

ü  Project feasibility

ü  Preliminary Research

ü  Team structuring

ü  Business Development and Logistics

ü  First Investor Donations to the tune of $5 million

ü  Legal processes

Q3 2020

ü  DafriBank Digital Banking system development

ü  DafriExchange Web & Mobile App development

ü  Development of DafriPay

ü  DafriEstate expansion and land acquisition

Q4 2020

ü  DafriExchange open for public trading

ü  DBA Token Internal sales month 1 begins.

ü  DafriBank Digital Banking system pre-registration begins

ü  The development of the DeFi application begins

Q1- Q3 2021

ü  DBA Token Internal sales end.

ü  Listing of DBA on Tier 1 exchange platforms.

ü  Launch of DafriBank iOS Mobile App

ü  Start of DafriBank 1 million customer campaign begins.

ü  Development of DafriNative Wallet with DApp Integration

ü  OMAHA hotel Mthatha open for bookings

ü  DafriBank final testing and release to the public

ü  Release of DafriPay for public use

Q4 2021

ü  DafriBank ATM card rollout

ü  Integration of DeFi Lending Protocol to Dafri network

ü  End of vesting period and commencement of 3% monthly token release to investors

ü  OMAHA hotel Limpopo open for bookings

ü  The development of acquired landed properties begins

2.       Q1- Q4 2022

ü  DafriBank commercial banking license application submission to CBN with N25 billion down payment. DafriBank Nigeria headquarters construction begins

ü  DBA adopted as the main currency across all DafriNetwork

Q1 - Q4 2023

ü  The launch of DafriChain, The expansion of OMAHA Hotels into West Africa

ü  Preliminary Research of DafriBlockchain University of Africa (DBUA) begins

ü  Preliminary Research of DafriPrivate Hospital begins.

ü  The establishment of DafriSport Academy in 3 major African football countries., token burn

ü  The process of establishing DafriAir begins

For more information about DafriBank, you can visit the official website. Some of the information we present is also sourced on the DafriBank website. You can check details about investing in DafriBank.

DafriBank [DBA]

DafriBank official website:

Ø  https://www.dafribank.com/

Ø  https://twitter.com/DafriBank?s=09

Ø  https://www.facebook.com/DafriBank/

Ø  https://t.me/DBATalk

Ø  https://www.instagram.com/dafribank/

Ø  https://www.linkedin.com/mwlite/company/dafribank-limited

Ø  https://www.dafribank.com/investor-relations

Author: 0x74042476676A95a5B13B515293cd37f979b07F82

How to Add a Custom Network to MetaMask

Custom RPC Metamask

This is a good question because many users are not aware of different specialized networks with lower gas costs or how to set them up in MetaMask.

Some people mistakenly think that MetaMask charges high fees and tries to rip it off. In reality, it is the market demand for blockchain networks that determines the price. MetaMask has no control over this. Plus, we love our users.

If things get expensive on one network, you can go to another network with possibly lower fees, while Ethereum starts to scale and lower costs.


  • The dedicated network is an Ethereum compatible network.
  • Gas is determined by network requests, not by MetaMask or any wallet provider.
  • Different networks have different gas costs based on their design and demand.
  • Sidechains and Layer-2 solutions are special types of networks that you can add to MetaMask. They may have lower gas costs at the expense of decentralization or security.
  • Sidechains and Layer-2 solutions mainly differ on how their blocks are validated.
  • Examples of custom networks are Binance Smart Chain, Polygon (MATIC), Huobi ECO Chain, Avalanche, and xDai.

After successfully installing (or re-installing 101) MetaMask and securing your secret recovery phrase (aka seed phrase) 50, you decide you want to interact with a custom network.

How do you do this? First of all, what is a custom network?

What is a custom network?

The Custom Network is a non-Ethereum network compatible with EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine). They are based on Ethereum but not Ethereum. Think of them as Ethereum siblings or relatives. They share many of the same features but differ in several key ways.

What they have in common is that they execute smart contracts in the same way. The difference can lie in achieving consensus (agreement between different nodes) and how much data can be placed on their blockchain blocks.

Since they are an Ethereum based network, your address will be the same across all networks. That means that one secret recovery phrase (aka initial phrase) can access your assets across all your accounts and networks.

Reminder: Never share your start phrase, aka secret recovery phrase.

Why is this blockchain different?

Different blockchains can be used for different needs. As the industry evolves, many will specialize in different use cases. In general, blockchains can specialize through three avenues: scalability (high throughput), decentralization, or security. This is known as the security trilemma and states that a blockchain can have 2 of 3 properties, but not all three. This is called the trilemma of security.

Blockchain-based video games with small, high transaction volumes will have different requirements than borrow/borrow protocols. Video games will require high throughput and be willing to sacrifice a little security. Lending and lending protocols will value security and decentralization over higher throughput. The real-world effect of this exchange is that a less scalable blockchain generates higher gas but is more secure.

Each network usually has its own special token which is used to pay for network activity. Ethereum uses ETH (Ether). Binance uses BNB. MATIC is the native token for Polygon.

MetaMask and Gas Fees

The reason gas prices are high is not that MetaMask controls costs. MetaMask is just a valuable interface to the internet. This is similar to how your web browser is an interface to the internet of information.

No wallet can control gas costs on the blockchain network because the demand dictates it. There is very little space in blockchain blocks, which are offered by those who want their transactions confirmed. Currently, miners choose the highest paying fees to maximize profits and remain incentivized to run the network.

What is Side Chain vs Layer-2?

Sidechains and Layer-2 chains are scaling solutions to enable more transactions at less cost by removing them from the main network. Think of them as side roads that cars can drive to reduce traffic on Main Street.

In general, the difference between sidechains and layer 2 is how the network is secured. Sidechains secure their network by having their own validators or miners. That means they have greater independence and flexibility. However, depending on the number of block validators, security is lacking.

Additional note: Validators are like miners in their role of verifying network transactions. However, how independent nodes agree on their shared status (consensus mechanism) is Proof of Stake versus Proof of work.

The Layer-2 solution locks into the main network and leverages the main network validator for security. This increases their security but reduces their independence and adaptability.

You can learn more about sidechains via EthHub 64 and about Layer-2 via Ethereum.org 30.

For the more technically inclined here, listen to Vitalik Buterin talked about the Layer-2 20 solution or read about it. 2 Additionally, here is a post about sidechains from ethresearch.ch 18.

Popular Custom Networks:

  • The most popular custom networks at the time of this writing (around May 2021) are:
  • Binance Smart Chain
  • Polygon (MATIC)

HECO (Huobi Eco-Friendly Chain)

Please note that Polygon used to be called Matic. After the rebranding, their token is still called MATIC.

Others who begin to see traction include:

  • avalanche
  • xDai

Crypto is fun! Experiment with different networks and discover new things. Ethereum is the leading and most secure network that is rapidly becoming the settlement network for the world.

However, due to the high cost of gas, many are locked up. Instead of missing out on the fun, try out the new chains, including the many Layer-2 and sidechain solutions that are out now.

In general, how to set up a custom network?

Maybe your custom network is not described here. It does not matter. As the ecosystem grows, more chains will come out.

Usually, you can visit the protocol website. They will have information on how to configure MetaMask as a custom network.

Please be careful to get this information from the official website of the project. It is possible to connect to a fraudulent network and become a target for phishing or lose your funds.

What is the difference between Mainnet and Testnet?

Mainnet is where tokens have real value. Testnet is where developers test their smart contracts. The Testnet token has no value.

Testnet tokens are given out for free through the faucet. However, they are distributed in small quantities to ensure people don't stockpile them.

Avoid being fooled into thinking that your testnet tokens will be converted into mainnet tokens and pay a fee.

How to Add a Custom Network in MetaMask?

Easily find the section for adding a Custom Network in MetaMask as shown here.

Once you are in this section, configure the fields to information for your preferred Ethereum-compatible blockchain network.

Please note that neither Bitcoin, Dogecoin, or Cardano are Etheruem compatible, so they cannot be added to MetaMask and require their own wallet.

Also, please note that Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is different from Binance Chain. Binance Smart Chain is an Ethereum compatible smart contract platform that can be added. You can tell that the network is BSC, not Binance Chain because BSC addresses start with 0x (followed by address), whereas Binance Chain starts with BNB (followed by address).

How do I set up Binance Smart Chain?

For more info see their article. 526

Binance Smart Chain Mainnet

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain

New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/

ChainID: 56

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

Binance Smart Chain Testnet

Network Name: Binance Smart Chain - Testnet

New RPC URL: https://data-seed-prebsc-1-s1.binance.org:8545/

ChainID: 97

Symbol: BNB

Block Explorer URL: https://testnet.bscscan.com

How do I set up Polygon (MATIC)?

For more info, see their official docs. 3.2k

Polygon Mainnet

Network Name: Polygon Mainnet

New RPC URL: https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/

ChainID: 137

Symbol: MATIC

Block Explorer URL: https://explorer.matic.network/

Polygon Testnet

Network Name: Mumbai TestNet

New RPC URL: https://rpc-mumbai.maticvigil.com/

ChainID: 80001

Symbol: MATIC

Block Explorer URL: https://mumbai-explorer.matic.today/

How do I set up xDAI?

For more mainnet info, please see their official docs. 73.

For more testnet info, please see POA’s official docs. 35.

xDAI Mainnet

Network Name: xDai

New RPC URL: https://rpc.xdaichain.com/ 

ChainID: 0x64

Symbol: xDai

Block Explorer URL: xDai (xDAI) Explorer

xDAI Testnet

No Testnet is available for xDai. For testing purposes, it is recommended that developers first deploy to the POA Sokol testnet.

POA Core is an autonomous network secured by a group of trusted validators. It is essentially a separate network with its own set of validators versus using Ethereum.

Network Name: Sokol Testnet

New RPC URL: https://sokol.poa.network

ChainID: 77

Symbol: SPOA

Block Explorer URL: POA Sokol (POA) Explorer

How do I set up Avalanche?

For more mainnet info, please see their official docs. 115

For more testnet info, please see their official docs. 15

Avalanche Mainnet

Network Name: Avalanche Network

New RPC URL: https://api.avax.network/ext/bc/C/rpc

ChainID: 0xa86a

Symbol: AVAX

Block Explorer URL: https://cchain.explorer.avax.network/

Avalanche FUJI Testnet

Network Name: Avalanche FUJI C-Chain

New RPC URL: https://api.avax-test.network/ext/bc/C/rpc

ChainID: 43113

Symbol: AVAX

Block Explorer URL: https://cchain.explorer.avax-test.network

Avalanche Local Testnet (AVASH)

Network Name: Avalanche Local

New RPC URL: http://localhost:9650/ext/bc/C/rpc

ChainID: 43112

Symbol: AVAX

Block Explorer URL: N/A

HuobiChain Mainnet (International)

Network Name: HuobiChain- Mainnet

New RPC URL: https://http-mainnet.hecochain.com

ChainID: 128

Symbol: HT

Block Explorer URL: https://hecoinfo.com

HuobiChain Mainnet (Mainland China)

Network Name: HuobiChain- Mainnet (China)

New RPC URL: https://http-mainnet-node.huobichain.com

ChainID: 128

Symbol: HT

Block Explorer URL: https://hecoinfo.com

HuobiChain Testnet (International)

Network Name: HuobiChain Testnet (International)

New RPC URL: https://http-testnet.hecochain.com

ChainID: 256

Symbol: HT

Block Explorer URL: https://scan-testnet.hecochain.com

HuobiChain Testnet (Mainland China)

Network Name: HuobiChain Testnet (Mainland China)

New RPC URL: https://http-testnet.huobichain.com

ChainID: 256

Symbol: HT

Block Explorer URL: https://scan-testnet.hecochain.com

Bitcoin Price Barely Reacts to Taproot Update, Ether Price Rally Eases

Ether's dramatic rise seems to have subsided, although the price is still rising.

Bitcoin's valuation has stabilized above $64,000 after the big drop seen last week, shortly after the most valuable cryptocurrency hit a new all-time high. At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading at $71,073 on Indian exchange CoinSwitch Kuber, while global exchanges like CoinMarketCap and Binance have BTC pegged at around $65,823. The most popular crypto asset has gained 1.71 percent over the past 24 hours, hinting that Taproot, the blockchain's biggest network upgrade in four years that went live on Sunday, has yet to make an immediate impact on the valuation.

Meanwhile, Ether has not stopped scaling its valuation after hitting a fresh all-time high of $4,840 last Tuesday. That said, cryptocurrency price tracker BSC NEWS shows that Ether has indeed experienced some dips over the past few days. As of writing, Ether was trading at $5,100, up 1.59 percent from a 24-hour low.

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu both marked declines to start the week, in two weeks that weren't the best for either dog coin. Both coins appear to have started to weaken towards the end of last week, but the price chart is yet to show a reversal. While Dogecoin was trading at $0.28 up 0.46 percent, the Shiba Inu price was at $0.000053, down 1.57 percent over the past 24 hours.

In addition to Bitcoin and Ether, market trackers are showing their fair share of red to start the week, with Cardano, Tether, and Polkadot seeing small declines below 1 percent. Meanwhile, Litecoin, Ripple, and Tron lead the list of winners.

Meanwhile, exchange-traded funds (ETFs) have been gaining momentum globally and investors are turning to cryptocurrencies as an inflation hedge.

Binance CEO Outlines Exchange's European Expansion

Binance CEO.

The Binance CEO views France as a natural choice for its European expansion plans by establishing its headquarters in a local jurisdiction

Digital Asset Service Provider in 2022

Binance is foraying into Europe via France to gain Digital Asset Service Provider status in 2022, Changpeng Zhao (CZ) told Les Echos in an exclusive interview. Binance recently announced its engagement with France Fintech, a French non-profit organization for 'Operation Moon'. Binance committed €100 Million for research and development, education, and accelerator programs.

In an exclusive interview, CZ expressed his vision for a France-based operation - 'There is no passport for this type of activity yet, which means that we have to get authorization for every country. As soon as possible, France will be the natural choice for regional headquarters, and even maybe global.'

Binance started out as a technology startup but with the exponential growth in the crypto industry, its role has changed to that of technology and financial service provider. In four short years, he has grown to become one of the industry movers in the crypto space. Regulation and compliance are finally catching up to the crypto market as crypto assets go mainstream.

Binance and other crypto-related institutions have faced an uphill task with regulators around the world. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is reportedly investigating the Uniswap and Circle Central Consortium members responsible for issuing the USDC stablecoin.

Challenges Of Traditional Exchange

CZ also talked about the recent rally that saw Bitcoin and Ethereum prices hit all-time highs. There has been speculation that the recent rally was contributed by the approval of the Bitcoin Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) which CZ believes contributed little to the Bitcoin price. Instead, the long-term factor is the gradual decline in Bitcoin supply.

Binance saw a sharp increase in the number of users. It has jumped from 20 million to 85 million this year. In an interview with Bloomberg, CZ also acknowledged ETFs as a positive development that allows traditional exchanges to reach customers that crypto exchanges cannot.

CZ rejected a suggestion from a Bloomberg host that traditional exchanges become competitors of crypto exchanges. Crypto exchanges are only able to penetrate a small part of the global population and if traditional exchanges bring in more customers, it is a big win for the industry.

Finding a Home in Europe?

Regulation is one of the main challenges facing Binance as regulators no longer recognize a decentralized organization. Binance started its operations without a headquarters. However, with more than 3,500 employees worldwide and with more than 600 employees in charge of regulation, Binance recognizes that regulation is necessary.

CZ confirmed that Binance has plans to set up its headquarters at every level; local, regional and global. France is an ideal choice for regional or even global headquarters. The recent initiative, 'Operation Moon', is indicative of Binance's commitment to the growth of the crypto industry in Europe through France.

Binance will Close all Trading with the Chinese Yuan in December

Peer-to-peer trading platform Binance will wipe out the Chinese yuan (CNY) by the end of the year

Chinese Yuan Suspension

Binance is taking firm steps to stop any yuan trading pairs on its platform starting from December 31st. Last Wednesday, October 13, the crypto exchange platform announced that it would be discontinuing yuan trading from peer-to-peer platforms alongside other restrictions.

Binance also confirmed its decision to restrict access to its platform for users based in China. Accounts linked to crypto exchanges will be in a 'withdrawal only' mode which only allows users to make withdrawals, exchanges, and closing positions.

“Binance withdrew from the mainland China market in 2017 and is not involved in any exchange business in mainland China,” the announcement in Chinese reads.‍

Binance does not operate any exchange operations in China and has taken steps to prevent new account registrations from China via geofencing. Houbi, another major crypto, has also announced that it will be gradually retiring its existing Mainland Chinese users by December 31st.

China Intensifies Its Crypto Crackdown

Binance has been out of China since 2017 but it is still possible to trade on its platform using the Chinese yuan. The latest decision to remove the yuan trading pair and restrict access is expected by Beijing to step up enforcement. This includes blocking major crypto-related websites such as CoinMarketCap, Coinecko, and TradingView.

BeePool and SparkPool, the two largest Ethereum (ETH) mining pools based in China have taken steps to halt their operations amid the Chinese government's crackdown on crypto-related activities.

Crypto Industry Will Survive

Various jurisdictions can catch activity by institutions such as Binance and Houbi. In most cases, there is no alternative but to comply or risk facing enforcement action. The cryptocurrency was created as a tool to provide financial democracy. So far it has dominated a total market cap of $2.48 trillion, and the trend of adoption seems to be on the rise.

Many attempts were made to ban cryptocurrencies in several states and to no avail. In general, regulators now prefer to regulate the crypto industry rather than ban it. Some jurisdictions are already adopting crypto-friendly policies and regulations and this may be the preferred approach as crypto becomes mainstream.

NFT Rentals: Why VCs Are Backing a Puzzling New Project

Animoca Brands is leading a $1.5 million bet on reNFT, a year-old DAO that lets you rent out NFTs on the Ethereum mainnet.

Some non-fungible tokens (NFTs) come with exclusive perks. A project helping holders monetize those benefits – all while maintaining long-term ownership – has raised $1.5 million in a seed round led by Animoca Brands.

ReNFT announced the funding round on Friday. In addition to Animoca, the year-old decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) behind the rentable NFT platform is now backed by Lattice Capital, Play Ventures, MetaCartel Ventures, Scalar Capital, LongHash Ventures, SkyVision Capital, Fedora Capital and Maeve Ventures.

The Ethereum-based project recently facilitated the lending of Stoner Cats, an NFT collection whose holders have access to a library of video shorts, and Animetas, whose holders rented their tokens to give temporary access to a private Discord event.

A rising trend in the NFT sector is for projects to include community benefits that go along with the ownership of their tokens. ReNFT is giving owners a way to monetize these benefits without selling the underlying asset.

How it works

Lenders can send the NFTs they want to rent out to a smart contract after determining the daily rental price and maximum rental period. Borrowers then input how long they want to “own” the NFT, paying for the rental cost plus a collateral amount equivalent to the price of the NFT, which they get back once the NFT is returned.

With the NFT sector still in bloom, reNFT sees the future of its lending protocol extending into the metaverse, where users could rent out their play-to-earn items, intellectual property, and even digital real estate.

It’s not entirely unheard of in cryptoland: Yield Guild Games also operates a rental program for in-game assets that yield financial returns, whether it be revenue-driving GameFi characters or plots of virtual land.

While reNFT currently works with the peer-to-peer renting of ERC-721 and ERC-1155 tokens on the Ethereum mainnet, it’s working on expanding compatibility to Solana and Polygon, co-founder Nick Vale told CoinDesk in an interview.

“ReNFT provides an alternative to speculative NFT trading by allowing owners of valuable digital assets to generate income over time,” Regan Bozman, partner of Lattice Capital, said in a statement. “This is a valuable new primitive in web3 and in particular within the fast-growing gamefi space.”

Sign In With Ethereum Is Coming

The dangers of letting Facebook control your online identity are obvious. One alternative would be to use your Ethereum wallet instead and let you control your own data.

Over the past few weeks, Facebook has come under fire from the press and the US Congress for a practice that is hard to consider evil. In essence, the company allegedly knew for years that its algorithms were directing users to harmful content in various ways, but did nothing about it because changing means losing money.

If you've ever used your Facebook account to log into other online services, you've helped the social network make your online experience more toxic, even if you're not a Facebook.com user yourself. Or maybe you do the same using Google or Apple identity services. All involve major trade-offs – such as the possibility of your data being shared with US intelligence.

This is one of the major problems of the internet today. While the inherent anonymity of the 'net is definitely a good thing, it makes users of ID-dependent tools slaves to major centralized identity providers, and abuse seems inevitable. Blockchain developers have long talked about developing a “decentralized” identity standard to save us from the dangers of Big Login, and at least one significant step towards that future seems imminent: Sign-in With Ethereum is coming.

It sounds like it: the standard way to use an Ethereum wallet you own as an identifier across various services. If your first thought is, "my name isn't even attached to my ETH wallet," that's the point: Using a cryptographic marker as an identity means the user, not the identity provider, has complete control over what information is associated with him. Finally, you will be able to decide, for example, whether certain services require your name, proof of your age, or a glimpse of your ETH balance. You don't have to send all that information to every service you use.

The standard is being developed by Spruce Systems, founded by former ConsenSys staff, which won the latest development RFP from the Ethereum Foundation and the Ethereum Name Service. The initial goal was simple (always a good sign, in my book).

“We started with an identity that wasn't that serious, not that strong,” said Spruce co-founder and CEO Wayne Chang. “Because we want to be tested in battle. In the short to medium term, it's more like social media credentials tying their Twitter handle to the blockchain… We don't want to provide [know your customer] credentials yet to buy millions of dollars in financial securities,” although that's a possibility down the road.

Apps for this early iteration, according to Spruce, are more likely to include lower security uses such as content gating for non-eligible token holders (NFT). Ultimately, though, by integrating secure off-chain storage, Sign-in With Ethereum (let's call it SIWE) can also offer “powerful” options like government IDs. Users will be able to control access to that data on a case-by-case basis and delete or separate it at will.

One of the significant hurdles for SIWE is the inherent risk of reusing any identifier, especially addresses that could possibly be easily linked to wallets used for financial activity. While the idea of ​​using multiple or single-use wallets as a security measure is familiar to crypto users, it may be a bridge too far for normal people, at least for now – another reason SIWE started small.

This article is excerpted from The Node, CoinDesk's daily rundown of the most important stories in blockchain and crypto news. You can subscribe to get the full newsletter here.

By David Z. Morris

David Z. Morris is CoinDesk's Chief Insights Columnist. He has written about crypto since 2013 for outlets including Fortune, Slate, and Aeon. He is a former academic sociologist of technology with a PhD in Media Studies from the University of Iowa. He holds Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and small amounts of other crypto assets.

 Virtual Worlds Blockchain Infrastructure

Rangers Protocol can realize a high-performance blockchain group with cross-chain contract interoperability among the EVM systems of multiple blockchains.

About the Rangers Protocol

The Rangers protocol is NFT and a complex program. We tend to combine cross-chain protocols, NFT, and EVM and expand this base, allowing builders to freely produce superior decentralized programs that adapt to multiple situations while providing customers with the kind of companion knowledge like internet programs.

The Rangers Protocol evaluation totaled sixty-three million dollars.

Rangers Protocol completed its seed and private rounds with a final valuation of $sixty-three million. Investors consist of Pantera, Framework Ventures, Huobi Ventures Blockchain Fund, Alameda Research, Hashkey Capital, SevenX Ventures, SNZ, Spark Digital Capital, Incuba Alpha Holdings, Consensus Lab, Puzzle Ventures, Kernel Ventures, Morningstar Ventures, Origin Capital, Yuanyuzhou Ventures, AU21Capital, and co-founder of Ele.me — one of the largest O2O food transport and catering platforms. In addition, Polkastarter as a strategic partner has also carried out intensive cooperation with Rangers Protocol.

NFT Protocol

The Rangers protocol carries the ERC-20 and BEP-20 protocols to standardize NFT for virtual assets. The extra Rangers Protocol expands its options, in addition to existence lifecycle management, surrogate engine assisting knowledge deployment, and knowledge rights management.

High Security

The Rangers protocol uses an agreement engine that supports relay chains and handy settlements that verify multiple signatures used on the entire public chain to verify the security of customer assets.


The Rangers protocol adopts a deal engine that supports relay chain and also the coolest settlement that verifies multiple signatures posted on the public chain as a whole to verify the security of customer assets.

Real-Time Response

The Rangers protocol integrates transaction length assertions to address interactive issues. Rangers protocol is coming again the end result of long execution for many transactions while now no more people have to wait for blocks to be generated.


The Rangers protocol integrates a low-cost VRF+BLS deal mechanism to address the problem of over-frequency trading. The Rangers protocol generates one block every second. This minimizes the threat of community congestion and lowers utilization prices.

Developer Friendly

The Rangers protocol helps barrier-free access and loss of alternative to Ethereum Dapps. It maximizes developer efficiency in complex programs through IDE enhancements.

Developer Guard Protocol

MixMarvel Pocket

MixMarvel Pocket will be a billfold utility that connects virtual identities, virtual assets, recreation platforms, and consequently a funding engine.


LeCube will be a blockchain model from Lego linked to the GitHub artwork model. At LeCube, customers will structure and build fully blockchain-based NFT assets.

NFT Protocol Enhancement

NFT Life Cycle

NFT Set Publishment

NFT minting

NFT transaction

NFT destruction

NFT withdrawal to a public chain

TokenTracker : Rangers Protocol Gas

Contract ERC-20 : 0x0E5C8C387C5EBa2eCbc137aD012aeD5Fe729e251

Contract BEP-20 : 0xc2098a8938119A52B1F7661893c0153A6CB116d5

Total Supply: : 21,000,000 RPG

Coinmarketcap : https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/rangers-protocol/

PancakeSwap (V2) : https://pancakeswap.finance/swap RPG/BUSD

Uniswap (V2) : https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap RPG/USDT

1inch Exchange : https://app.1inch.io/#/USDC/RPG

DODO BSC : https://app.dodoex.io/exchange/RPG-BUSD

Become a Rangers Protocol partner.

The Rangers Protocol ensures you get a solid income from the partnership. Rangers Protocol Banking Company bears any possible losses from its own insured funds.

 DeGeThal Decentralized Thaler (Close)

Crypto, e-wallet, smart banking and trading made easier. Join the community and become part of what will be the next Revolut!

What is DeGeThal?

DеGеTаl is a platform that provides various rtо-related features such as crypto, e-wallet, smart banking and trading. DeGeThal offers scripting applications that global users can use for their various needs more securely and quickly through a modern and user-friendly interface. Here users can store assets in electronic wallets, get financial services through smart banking, or trade more securely.

DeGeThal is designed by experienced professionals in developing platforms. In particular, DеGеThal uses the latest blockchain technology to facilitate multiple user transactions. So users don't have to worry about their transfer on DGEThal platform as it will be guaranteed safe.

Due to his vision to develop the DeGeThal ecosystem and make it one of the best DeFi platforms, the DTM token was created. The DTM token serves not only as a native token but also a governance token of the DeGeThal platform. DTM token holders will have access to several earning opportunities and other benefits from working with the DeGeThal platform.

The team is also aware of the fact that the price of DTM depends on the demand. However, steps are being taken to drive demand with its products. It has also been captured in the roadmap that the DTM token will be listed on some of the largest exchanges.

Why invest in DeGeThal?

Until now everyone was reluctant to put resources into cryptocurrency What would happen if you contributed Where. Those who want to contribute but don't know where to go to do it, I would say you should DTM Invest in it Then you will increase the quality of profit. So people believe that they will get good quality benefits. So I say to all financial backers, assuming you need to make more profit in a short period of time, explains DTM Buy, hold it and will see that your wheel of fortune has turned.

What features does DeGeThal provide?

DeGeThal aims to be a platform that will facilitate various user transactions more securely and quickly. Hеrе uѕеrѕ саn саrrу оut mоrе vаrіоuѕ trаnѕасtіоnѕ ѕесurеlу a uѕеr-frіеndlу thrоugh wіthоut interface wоrrуіng about ѕесurіtу bесаuѕе оf thеіr trаnѕасtіоnѕ DеGеThаl ѕuрроrtеd іѕ bу whісh technology blосkсhаіn create a rеlіаblе сrурtо рlаtfоrm іt fоr vаrіоuѕ uѕеr transaction.

The following are the features provided by DеGеThal:

- DеGеTаl allows merchants to integrate their statements with the DеGеTаl statement gateway to start the application

- DеGеThal allows content creators and collectors to trade safely on the NFT marketplace. This will increase the opportunities for content creators to sell their digital content and increase their revenue.

- DеGеTаl allows users to stake their tokens to earn money savings. DеGеThal will reward 3% of each transition to stakeholders.

- DеGеThal allows users to participate in the decision-making process through voting. Hereby everyone holding DеGеThal tokens is entitled to cast their vote.

- DeGeThal allows users to install their blockchain on DeGeThal blockchain to make payments faster, safer and more affordable.

- DеGеThal allows users to be able to exchange rights on the exchange platform provided by DеGеThal. Later users can make crypto exchanges instantly.

What is DeGeThal Token?

DTM was launched to become a useful token on the platform. DTM is a token that is launched with utility and regulates it, and since it is a utility and regulated token, it will be used for various Users holding DTM tokens can get the opportunity to stake their tokens to save income or get the right to sort out. And if users are interested in DTM tokens, they can buy these tokens in a big program that will be held soon.

Presale Details

Token Ticker : DTM
Token Platform : Binance Smart Chain
Smart Contract : 0x3868A245C4BdAC992D3dFa8c940f958a0371e9E0
Total Supply : 100,000,000 DTM
Available : 50,000,000 DTM
Presale Stage 1 : 23.08.2021 - 23.09.2021 ($0.20 / DTM)
Presale Stage 2 : 01.10.2021 - 01.11.2021 ($0.25 / DTM)

Buy DeGeThal

Earn a little bonus!

Invite someone to contribute and get 5% of their contribution as a bonus. It's all on us!
In order to claim your referral bonus you also have to contribute to one of the presale stages. You can check your contribution in the first presale at stageone.degethal.com.

How does the DеGеThal interface look like?

Here the developer explains in detail what DеGеThal is and the features it offers. Especially the developer explains thoroughly about the DeGeThal application because this application is very important for users to be able to manage their assets and access various DeGeThals. the developer also explained about the original program that will be held soon, so that users who want to have DTM tokens at the beginning of the Path and the team behind DеGеThal are also shown, so that users can have an explanation of how DeGetThal in the future.

Because as is known today, many platforms on the market offer various platform solutions for users, but there are still several platforms that offer one. Meanwhile, with a one-stop crit application, users can solve their various needs more quickly and easily in one application. This is what makes DеGеThal want to present a one-stop crypto platform for various user needs.


DеGеThal is one of the many crit platforms operating in the crit market today.
Hоwеvеr, thе features аnd ѕоlutіоnѕ іt оffеrѕ аrе nо lеѕѕ іntеrеѕtіng, bесаuѕе DeGeThal рrоvіdеѕ an оnе-ѕtор сrурtо ѕоlutіоn which allows uѕеrѕ tо ассеѕѕ vаrіоuѕ fеаturеѕ ѕuсh аѕ сrурtо, е-wаllеt, ѕmаrt banking аnd trаdіng еаѕіlу аnd ѕесurеlу thrоugh an іntеrfасе uѕеr-frіеndlу. Uѕеrѕ dоn't hаvе аbоut оr tо thеіr trаnѕасtіоnѕ wоrrу dаtа, DеGеThаl dеѕіgnеd with lаtеѕt іѕ bесаuѕе оf thе blосkсhаіn tесhnоlоgу gеnеrаtіоn it ѕесurе whісh mаkеѕ fоr everyone аrоund thе world.