Cardano Virtual Summit Shelley Edition

The Shelley era has arrived. This will not only be an important milestone in the history of blockchain technology but a change in how we can use technology to progress everyone, everywhere.

With the start of the Shelley Cardano era, we began bringing full decentralization to the most sophisticated blockchain platform in the world.

This is a time of celebration, reflection, and hope - for the entire Cardano community.

To mark this historic moment, we held a 2-day virtual summit with some big names in technology, such as Vint Cerf and Stephen Wolfram.

During the Summit, you can attend lectures, lectures, and workshops about:

The Science of Blockchain, featuring talks by IOHK's Chief Scientist, Aggelos Kiayias Blockchain, and Business, highlighted solutions. Building Cardano Community Governance & Regulation for the Blockchain, discussing the Cardano Governance model. So much more ...

You will be able to network with industry leaders and major minds; collaborate with the community and join us in discussing the next stage in re-creating the way we live using blockchain technology.
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