Litecoin Is Not The Center Of Attention For Crypto Users

LTC is indeed one of the old coins. Not long after Bitcoin appeared, then LTC came as an alternative. Maybe if I'm not mistaken, LTC came before Ethereum. However, LTC is out of competition with Ethereum, so it is rarely discussed. 

Based on their data in 2013 there were only 7 coins, one of which was LTC. Ethereum is not there, it may not register or it is not yet born. https://coinmarketcap.com/historical/20130428/

I didn't pay much attention to Litecoin but I did read some posts about the team adding more privacy and anonymity features. It can be good and add more value to the coin.

Apart from being a substitute for bitcoin in sending lower fees and faster confirmation, I don't really see much value in it. Others may think otherwise of course.

As for wallets, they have many options. Visit their website https://litecoin.org/ and scroll down.

If you want to stay updated about the development of this coin, follow Charlie on twitter https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite

Here are some of the latest Litecoin news posted by Charlie

A lot of great Litecoin news recently.

• Litecoin Visa Card
• Grayscale Litecoin Trust (LTCN)
• Privacy/compliance with the Mimblewimble Testnet immediately
• Hashrate is up 50% this year
• Transactions are up 100% this year
• Total addresses increased by 400% since August 2017
• $ 500 million shipped per day
- https://twitter.com/SatoshiLite/status/1295908132737040384

You can't believe everything he says of course but other information can be verified on the blockchain.

In the past, the use of Litecoin was to make major developments on Litecoin first and see how it would turn out, if they could make the Litecoin version work and there were no problems, they would also make changes in bitcoin, sort like a blockchain development site for bitcoin developers.

This is clearly seen as a great thing by the Litecoin people as well because we are talking about Litecoin getting technological breakthroughs before anything else and always having the leading technology in the world of finance. Obviously, after a while all these new coins that appeared proved a lot of things and there is no longer any Litecoin that can help Bitcoin because everything is out there, so nowadays it is becoming less and less useful every day.

Same here. Litecoin is one of the best currencies to use for withdrawal since the TX fee is too low compared to other currency especially Bitcoin.

Litecoin is also one of the most promising currencies and just waiting for the right time to spike so decide for your self OP if you will indeed invest in this one or will pass for now.

But never forget that since this has the lowest fee yet safer to invest since part of the top 10 currencies though of course Invest in Bitcoin and Ethereum also because of the Bear will surely spike these 2.
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