Articles by "1SmartFund"
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One-stop blockchain investment solution.

Cryptocurrency is nothing new for everybody, most countries use cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency may be used as a world dealings tool. however, every crypto has its variations and its blessings. Cryptocurrency makes it easy for users. They can exchange it into conventional currencies. Crypto prices are also getting higher.

Crypto may also be listed with each typical currencies and crypto partners. In terms of crypto, I need to introduce the most effective crypto to any or all of you. 

What's the latest crypto now? See the explanation below.

$mart Fund is a set of smart contracts and tokens running on the Ethereum. It is based on the Banco protocol, use ETH as a reserve. The fund is open, but it limits the speed of purchase and redemption and keeps the fund's continued appreciation.

The smart investment ecosystem consists of a $mart Fund and some DAPP projects invested. It is completely decentralized, using voting, investing in DAPP projects with a clear profit model on Ethereum, real-time dividends.

The problem to be solved by the smart investment ecosystem.

For the majority of investors, digital currency projects are numerous, how to choose? Good projects are rare, how to get information and invest at the earliest time?

For the project developer, though it is a good project, how to raise the project start-up funds?

Eight characteristics, one-stop problem-solving.

1. Democratic decision
From the proposal, voting to investment (withdrawal), the whole process is completely decentralized and spontaneously completed automatically.

2. Clear profit model
The investment targets are all DAPP based on the Ethereum smart contract, which has a clear profit model.

3. Real-time dividends
$mart Fund real-time allocation of project income to $FD holders

4. New rebate
For the new investment project, return $FD of the highest value of 2 times ETH income

5. Staking and unlock
Staking the position to enjoy the project real-time dividends, vote to participate in investment decisions. Circulating transferable after unlocking

6. Automated process management
Purchase limit
Redemption limit
Moderate price change

7. Invitation priority
Use the $FP to cut the queue and enjoy the preemptive right to purchase. The inviter can enjoy the invitation incentive and the invitee also has a discount.

8. Risk-free arbitrage chain
The use price difference to cross the market arbitrage, if the arbitrage space disappears, can be withdrawn at any time, no risk

2018 - 11
Project concept germination stage

2019 - 02
Complete technical research, determine the system architecture program

2019 - 04
Complete the development of smart contracts and the front pages

2019 - 06
The project completed two rounds of testing launched on the main network and invested in ETH-based DAPP.

2019 - 09
Move the $mart Fund to the public chain such as EOS or TRON, and invest in DAPP on it.

2019 - 12
Through the oracle protocol, open up a number of public chains for free circulation, so that the value of the units running on different public chains is equal.

Up to 16% direct push awards, more than 10 million US dollars candy one button to send.

Friends invite friends again and you will be rewarded

Fission incentives can reach 62.4 times
Enjoy multiple referral awards, such as giving a $FP to a friend, and using a friend to bind the invitation will automatically match the best reward.

Infinite 1% extra bonus
Agents receive an unlimited 1% extra bonus and real-time receipt of income.

$FP unlimited collection
Presenting $FP for the first time, the number is 3 times the amount of $FD exchanged into ETH. The more you hold, the more you are given. You can get it again for each 2ETH promotion, and promote more efficiently.

Unlock without waiting
You can instantly unlock $FD worth 1 ETH for every 2 ETH promotion, no need to wait. Do not overlay with $FP rewards.
This article was written by ALMASANI