Articles by "API"
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Update for Binance Margin SAPI Create Margin Account

Binance Futures will make improvements to optimize SAPI to provide better services to our users. The upgrade is expected to be completed by 2021-05-15 08:00 (UTC). The endpoints below will be terminated:

Create an Isolated Margin Account (MARGIN):
POST /cattle/v1/margin/isolated/create (HMAC SHA256)

After the upgrade, Isolated Margin account creation and trade preparation can be completed directly via Isolated Margin funds transfer.

For more information, please refer to the detailed API documentation here.

Risk Warning: Margin trading carries great risk and the possibility of significant profits and losses. Past profits do not indicate future returns. All your margin balances can be liquidated in case of extreme price movements. The information herein should not be construed as financial or investment advice from Binance. 

All trading strategies are used at your discretion and at your own risk. Binance will not be liable to you for any losses that may arise from the use of your Margin.

Unleash Bots: Introducing's API for Trading Crypto Algorithms

We designed the Exchange to redefine speed, reliability, and liquidity for crypto retailers and institutional investors. A few months later, The Exchange's deep liquidity and competitive prices have become very popular with sophisticated traders, like you.

Today we are happy to open our Exchange API so you can trade programmatically, build bots, and access our market 24 hours, 7 days a week.

With the Exchange API you can:

  • Place orders, send cancellations via Websocket
  • Streaming balance update
  • Streaming market data updates
  • Stream the last trade
  • Stream volume and price information 24 hours

Offering tools that make it easier to build and interact with crypto is at the core of what we do. The Exchange API is the latest addition to the suite of APIs that we have engineered for developers - including the original Bitcoin API - and has facilitated tens of millions of orders since we opened the beta program in November.

"Integrate the Exchange API into trading settings. Not only is it very easy, but it also has many important API methods that I need and overall performance and latency are fantastic when trading. An algorithmic trader".

To get started:

  • Create or log in to an existing Exchange account
  • Select the API from the drop-down menu
  • Fill in the form and click "Create New API Key Now"
  • Once created, you can see the key under API Settings

Once integrated you will be able to engineer automated trading algorithms that can run your trading strategy, regardless of your availability. So, whether you take a long weekend vacation or sleep while markets around the world are just waking up, you will never miss an action or lose your edge.