Articles by "Coinbase"
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The Coinbase Mission, Vision & Strategy

Open House Coinbase Shares Vision, Mission & Strategy

Sunday,Oct 6 - 2019 - Coinbase hosted an Open House wherein the open house event the Coinbase shares their vision, mission, and strategy. They say that there have been many changes to the various crypto updates. But the update that was conveyed at the Open House event was about the renewal of vision, mission & strategy. Because they consider this far more important than others.

"I published the Coinbase Secret Master Plan, three years ago. Although much of that is still valid today, much has changed in the crypto world and it's time to share updates. This week, we host an open house where I share updates on our mission, vision, and strategy at Coinbase".

Quoted from site about their vision is to build an open financial system. We do this to increase the amount of economic freedom in the world, a measurable concept that can be accelerated by the adoption of cryptocurrency.

According to the video directly distributed on the Coinbase website about defining economic freedom, talking about how cryptocurrency can improve it, and sharing how Coinbase can change it materially in the coming years.

"If you are interested in joining us, please check our career page for opportunities in Coinbase. We want you to join us on this journey and I hope you will see and share feedback," said Brian - Funder & CEO of Coinbase.
Coinbase are exploring support for assets that have not yet been launched for our customers worldwide.

The purpose of Coinbase is to offer support for all assets that meet our technical standards and that comply with applicable law. Over time we hope our customers worldwide will have access through the Coinbase platform to at least 90% of the aggregate market capitalization of all outstanding digital assets.

To date, we have explored much support for assets that are already alive and available to be traded elsewhere. Today, we announce our intention to explore assets that have not yet been launched and which Coinbase might choose to be supported in the future.

We will continue to evaluate prospective assets against our Digital Asset Framework to assess factors such as security, compliance and project alignment with our mission to create an open financial system for the world. To register, register the application here.

Digital Assets Under Review

Today we announce that we are exploring the addition of various new assets. As part of the exploration process, customers can see public facing APIs and other signs that we are doing technical work to potentially support this asset.

These new assets include, in alphabetical order: Avalanche, Celo, Chia, Coda, Dfinity, Filecoin, Handshake, Kadena, Mobilecoin, NEAR, Nerve, Oasis, Orchid, Polkadot, Solana, Spacemesh, and Telegram.

Our decision to support any asset requires significant technical review and compliance and may be subject to regulatory approval in several jurisdictions. Therefore, we cannot guarantee whether the assets listed above will be registered with Coinbase products in any jurisdiction. In accordance with our registration process, we will add new assets based on jurisdiction-per-jurisdiction, in accordance with the applicable review and authorization. Removal of assets from this publication does not disqualify these assets from active reviews and potential lists.

Our customers can expect Coinbase to make similar announcements in the future as we continue to explore the addition of many assets across platforms.
