Articles by "Crypto"
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Bitcoin Breaks New Records

Crypto is growing in popularity around the world. Digital currency is used in almost every sector. It is not only introduced to everyone and everywhere, but it is also getting closer and closer in value and may soon break new records and establish itself a valid position.

The global pandemic has disrupted massively in every sector and industry. The impact was enormous and it was getting harder and harder to recover from it. The economy is in a slump and it is very difficult to find the right way out because we are all surrounded by a deep fog of uncertainty. This is why everyone is trying their best to overcome a very difficult situation.,

The pandemic has affected not only some industries in particular but also has a profound impact on the economic state of each country as well as the global economy. This is why financial experts and experts are trying to figure out how the economy can be stabilized and what will be the next steps to improve the current state of the economy.

Many people are starting to invest in cryptos because digital currencies are supposed to be the future of the world, as we all turn to the digitization process. Digital currencies, on the other hand, are not affected by the pandemic and have less impact than outside factors. It is decentralized and non-physical, which will matter a lot during the height of the post-pandemic crypto period.

As such, more investors and entrepreneurs are starting to invest in the crypto market than ever before. This is the answer to the question, how does Bitcoin reach such incredible value and continues to increase in value every day.

New record

Bitcoin has overcome the invalidity of Bank of America as well as New Zealand dollars in Market Capital. This is the new beginning of the digital era. Bitcoin now occupies the 25th position via Market Capital. This is something that not many people imagine happening in the post-pandemic period.

Bitcoin got a lot of support from first-time investors and this was the most important in the massive increase in BTC volume. The capitalization of BTC has increased losses past Bank of America's assessment. Thus, Bitcoin is now closer to Paypal, than ever before.

BTC's current capital is more than $ 226 billion. This is a little more than the market capitalization of Bank of America and the New Zealand Dollar. The massive change was the result of a 3.2% increase in BTC and a 2% fall in Bank of America's market capitalization, which is around $ 224 billion. All of this gives financial experts and specialists the ability to call Bitcoin the 25th most valuable asset by market cap. Next is Paypal, which still stands even further at $ 230 billion.

Bank of America is clearly not alone in its significant decline from fiat-based institutions. The New Zealand dollar also stands right next to it, which means that Bitcoin has managed to position itself ahead of the NZD in just a matter of days. This fact also states that Bitcoin has taken the 34th position in the list of most valuable fiat-based currencies.

The Bitcoin Industry

As mentioned above, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are becoming increasingly popular among various industries and investors as well. Most of the major industries have adapted Bitcoin and have introduced new blockchain-based platforms to customers.

One of the industries that have decided to get closer to the digital world is the gambling industry. It is one of the first industries to introduce a blockchain-based platform and supports most cryptocurrencies as a means of payment. Most of the online casinos, which are also likely to be one of the most popular means of entertainment around the world, have adapted cryptos and introduced many different online bitcoin slots to the audience. Most of the Bitcoin volume is generated from the gambling industry, as more and more companies are implementing it.

While many controversial and sharp measures have been introduced to smooth out the economic impact caused by the pandemic, the Federal Reserve is also encouraging different investors to invest more in the crypto market. Quite a few representatives of the gambling industry have already done so, and are expected to invest even more in the nearest future.

Buffett is not the only famous name on the list. Together with him, there are names like Paul Tudor Jones, who is the founder of the Tudor Investment Corporation. Another billionaire also considers investing in Bitcoin since revealing that the crypto asset was the part of his portfolio previously. So he is expected to be seen figuring in the crypto market anytime soon and the drastic increase of the Bitcoin value might actually be a good inspiration.

Barstool Sports founder, Dave Portnoy is also among the people to expect in joining the crypto world. It is not a simple guess r, but rather a statement. Portnoy made the statement with one of the websites. He and twin brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss want to make a purchase of $200,000 in Bitcoin as well as $50,000 in Chainlink. This shall be Portony’s first crypto purchase. And let’s agree that for the first purchase and first crypto investment that is a decent portion.
Crypto Donations That Are Not Reported Are Legal.

Crypto Outpaces Political Donation Laws in Japan

A major Japanese news publication reports that the crypto donation to each politician is legal and does not need to be reported publicly as a contribution. The Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications verifies that even though it is illegal to donate cash or securities directly to politicians or political campaigns, crypto donations still fly under the radar because of technical classification. The gap has several commentators in the country who say the current law "does not keep pace with the times."

Crypto Donations That Are Not Reported Are Legal

Japanese media outlet Yomiuri Shimbun reported on Saturday that "Cryptographic assets, donations for individuals are legal," even when direct individual donations to politicians are not currently related to the Japanese yen and marketable securities, stocks and bonds.

Under current conditions, political contributions in fiat currencies and other standard instruments must be donated to political organizations and reported to the public by the receiving entity. However, due to technical classification, cryptographic assets fly under this regulation, according to the Japanese Ministry of Home Affairs and Communications. As it stands, individual politicians can thus receive individual crypto campaign funds without reporting donations publicly.

Infographic detailing the current legal status of political donations under Japanese law. Source: Yomiuri Shimbun.
Although crypto has the status of a legally accepted currency in Japan, the Political Fund Control Act that regulates donations reportedly fails to include crypto assets as illicit money or securities for individual political donations due to crypto differences from the national fiat yen and its derivatives. This law can be renewed immediately to build greater transparency in the political process. The article quoted Japanese University Law, Professor Tomoaki Iwai, as stating:

The current law does not keep pace with the times.

Technology Outperforms Government

A centralized government falling behind technological innovation is not new, and while regulators are likely to jump on this new invention soon to close the door to crypto-enabled funding routes under the table, it serves to demonstrate the power of technology in general. For those who enter the crypto space at least in part because of privacy, autonomy and the efficiency of crypto assets, the situation in Japan presents evidence of a real-life concept: centralized regulation, in essence, will always fail to keep up with decentralized and rapidly developing technology.

A Twitter user commented on the story, noting that the current situation is a kind of anachronism, posting a famous Japanese cartoon depicting an old-time bureaucrat and rich donor talking about how corrupt they were together, with bureaucrats saying cunningly to donors, "You’re bad too" @Nishi8maru stated in his tweet that "this legal status is a typical example of anachronism."

This legal status is a typical example of an anachronism.
Users in the thread voiced confusion and mistrust of the news, noting that the Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) had set up crypto and that it was a taxable asset for everyone, which had to be reported by individuals. Some claim that politicians only use and make laws to serve themselves. Whatever the case, crypto once again shows itself as an effective tool in avoiding regulation. If politicians can use it to fulfill their own goals, however corrupt or virtuous it is, the story leaves some people wondering how everyday individuals can utilize the same innovative power of financial sovereignty in their own lives, kings, and bureaucrats are condemned.
