Articles by "ICO"
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Devil´s Dragon - On Blockchain With Love Forged In The Fire of Devil´s Dragon


DRAGON TOKEN (DDGN) DEVIL is not just a reflection of a practical community that is uniquely designed to maintain peer-to-peer (P2P) involvement or simple Tokens enhanced by ERC-20 Ethereum Blockchain, which allows the development of Decentralized Applications (DApp) that enable transactions to sell, exchange and trade, is also a unique multi-use cryptocurrency with many active sites.

There are several projects that develop and support DApps, and platforms such as independent video and revolutionary content sharing programs (such as forums), all of which use DDGN Ecosystem and encourage their rapid growth.

The world of technology is one of the most unique parts of the entire universe. One second, the world is behind innovation, and the next, out of nowhere, innovation gets old. Comparable to the situation with the application world, too. Stacks of technology, structure, and dialect can be accessed to build applications, engineers are not sure about a solitary system that can offer the best results.

Because the world changes according to adat applications, all biological systems are also increasingly advanced. dApps or decentralized applications are new types of usage that are not controlled or owned by a solitary position, cannot be stopped, or cannot have personal time.

The dApp idea is still in its infancy. Clarifying the equivalent in a solitary line is extreme given the fact that there is no specific definition that matches all the properties that make the application decentralized. As dApps, an application is required to display four attributes that accompany it:

  • Open Source: The characteristic above all is that the application must make its central source code accessible to everyone. Because the main nature of dApps is independence and consistent agreement, basically development must be chosen by all or most clients. Likewise, the code must be accessible for everyone to see.
  • Decentralized Nature: As the name suggests, decentralized applications store everything on a decentralized blockchain or any cryptographic innovation to avoid the application of the dangers of integrated forces and underline the independent nature.
  • Incentives: Because the application relies on a decentralized blockchain, the record validator on the system must be compensated/strengthened with cryptographic tokens or any type of sophisticated resource that has a price.
  • Algorithms: Decentralized applications need to have agreement instruments that illustrate important value evidence in a cryptographic framework. Basically, it enriches the incentive for cryptographic tokens and makes agreements that the client agrees to produce significant crypto tokens.

Because we know the attributes, we can try to put them into definitions that will help us recognize the original models. Basically, dApp is an application that suddenly spikes in demand for decentralized P2P organizations that are represented by all individuals and not solitary focus positions.


DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS DEVIL will be able to be used and will be converted into fiat currency through any Ethereum wallet via a friendly ERC-20 Exchange and/or ATM-like other valid and eligible tokens. They will also be able to be used with other Blockchain projects and / technologies that are already in operation. That's just the beginning because there is potential for DDGN to offer many other features with many of them already live.

DDGN is and will be used on active sites to access content and/or on video platforms so that content creators watch videos and receive prizes. Moreover, to encourage the dynamics of its own ecosystem, DDGN will enable others to adopt many more revolutionary and innovative business models in the near future.

Earning potential will be further utilized through features including prize and revenue sharing, live broadcasts, moderate content for approval or disapproval of forum posts, mining for content, and managing hard disk space that is not used to obtain more DRAGON TOKEN / TOKENS DEVIL.

Decentralized, Dapp applications are PC applications that suddenly surge in demand for circulating registration frameworks. DApps has been promoted by the progress of disseminated records (DLT, for example, Ethereum Blockchain, where DApps are often alluded to as an intelligent agreement. DApps can run on suitable processing frameworks, for example, Ethereum or Bitcoin. Decentralized applications are removed and executed by executing. blockchain framework Steem creates a deep-rooted biological system that encourages the selection of top-tier DApp enhancements. There are a large number of DApps that serve great in various businesses.

DRAGON TOKEN DEVIL (DDGN) is not just the impression of a down to earth community specifically intended to continue joint commitments (P2P) or basic tokens enhanced by the ERC-20 Ethereum Blockchain, which empowers the progress of Decentralized Applications (DApp) that empower exchanges to sell, trading, and exchanging, it is also an exceptional multi-use cryptographic money with lots of dynamic locales. There are companies that create and support DApps, and stages such as autonomous video and progressive content sharing projects (such as gathering), all utilize the DDGN Ecosystem and trigger its rapid development.

DRAGON DEVIL Tokens will be able to be used and will be converted into banknotes using the Ethereum wallet through the ERC-20 Exchange which accommodates Tokens as well as ATMs that can imagine several other legitimate and quality tokens. They will also have the option to be used with several other Blockchain businesses as well as innovations that are now in the works. That is only the beginning because there is potential for DDGN to offer many different highlights with many of them effectively living.

DDGN Tokens will be used on dynamic locales to get content and also on the video stage for makers to watch recordings and get prizes. In the past, to mobilize elements of its own biological system, the DDGN would empower others to embrace some more progressive and creative plans of action in the not too distant future.

Potential for profit will also be added through highlights including prizes and revenue sharing, direct communication, directing substance for support or objection to posting discussions, digging in substance, and managing hard plate space that is not used to win Devil´s Dragon Tokens anymore.

A committed VIDEO platform that will be created in the fire of Devil´s Dragon: a cylinder like a crypto-enforced and blocked-blockchain site where designers will have their own wallets and promote revenue and all others lawfully and in a roundabout way related to things and connections will be counterbalanced and regulated by DRAGON DEVIL. The distribution of revenue, actions, and use of government rule majority will be as fast and easy as one might imagine sponsored by DRAGON DEVIL.

At this stage, our point is to make use of some supporting conventions, for example, ERC721 to make recordings such as manifestations of interesting works of art and tie them with creators, joint makers, and craftsmen who may be included or have added to special recordings suitable for everyone's offer from that video and even further from the "general big pie", as a result, from the blockchain to the end of time. This will make the way for other action plans that are more fun, easier, and much faster for everyone involved. It will also be significantly more based on popularity and interesting not only for videos,

DRAGON DEVIL (DDGN) is currently listed on MyCryptoCheckout and is used in a variety of destinations, some only, along with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and several other digital currencies that are increasing. Simultaneously, registration will begin to post on various trades and frameworks immediately after ITO. Token Holders are now ready to use their tokens at various destinations around it. One DDGN is taken as 1.00 USD when spending on this locale during 2020 and thereafter in 2021. All tokens used for these purposes will be forfeited to contribute to financial aspects and bring greater deviation. If during this period the DDGN fee exceeds 1.00 USD per token, then the fee will be considered.

KISSES TECHNOLOGY (GROUP) sro has created and supported many joint ventures with ADULTEUM (Token Based on Easeum) and its own group, Front Cam Tokens, and applications such as Pygama Pesta. Finally, with the Token Devil´s Dragon (DDGN), all of his experience, information, and associations meet to offer life to symbols that will change the game and bring progress to business.

We take the opportunity on the Content Delivery Crowdfunding Delivery Network, which depends on the meeting we have today, but is enhanced by the remuneration and profits that will be driven by DRAGON DEVIL. If you share your own unique substance in a meeting, you only need to thank or a few comments and smile, but not really compensate with pride. There is little associated movement, maintenance, original sharing, or pleasure for several reasons.

With our meeting, the important thing is that you will be mysterious but linked to a wallet that can get an ERC-20 token such as DRAGON DEVIL. Your wallet may be available to you, usually. However, because it will be tied to your nickname at the meeting, your practice (legitimate and occasional even with implications) will give you remuneration that you will have the choice to trade or use, all things considered.

At the video and Content Delivery Network stages, you will have the option to use a similar wallet. It will be tied to your practice and subsequently your own manifestations, their income, and cooperation. This implies if you transfer the video as a creator, you will get a portion of the income from the throne, and in a similar wallet, which is greatly influenced by you, you can generate income from your "likes" at the discussion. , frankly, continuously.

Token Information

PreSale Starting            : 2020-08-15 00:01 - 2020-08-31 23:59
Token name                  : DRAGON DEVIL
Ticker                      : DDGN
Supply Token                : 180 000 NOT MINTABLE
Decimal                     : 18
Token Type                  : ERC20
Current Status              : Under Crowdsale with 5% PreSale

The DRAGON DEVIL token will be accessible for purchases via ETH. This will guarantee candor and prevent fake exercises that can affect coin estimation in the opposite way. Posting of DRAGON DEVIL Tokens for endless supplies of fundamental stages and token offers will be found on our site. Only Ethereum will be recognized for the acquisition of Devil´s Dragon Tokens during pre-agreement and fundamental agreement.
- Token Rate 2000 DDGN = 1ETH for Personal - Only PreSale, For Sale (ITO) Rate will be 1000 DDGN = 1 ETH

Bonus Conditions:

Time Bonus for SALE ONLY

  • Bonus: half
  • Dates from 2020-08-15 00:01 Dates until 2020-08-31 23:59
  • Min and Max business barriers to PRESALE: Minimal
  • 1 ETH Maximum 210 ETH per Wallet
  • Extra Bonuses 5 and More than 5 ETH to 10 ETH: 10% (10 and 10+: 25%)
  • Investors will get their tokens when buying, but for all types of prizes, there will be a second (manual) step taken by us to their wallet.


The DRAGON TOKEN DEVIL pictured here only shows the underlying phases of disturbing Adult entertainment. This brings development to the original work item on the Blockchain. In contrast to current conditions, where someone turns on the camera or logs into a private site to watch and hopes he can be a part of it, DDGN presents the opportunity to become a member who functions in a brave place. One can put in place a framework for utilizing and placing contemplation without hesitation through an Ecosystem that can be operated depending on the accessibility of the Devil´s Dragon Token.

Official Sites:

Website     :
Whitepaper  :
Twitter     :
Reddit      :
Telegram    :
Ann Thread  :

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.

What is Injective Protocol?

The aforementioned bottlenecks which are hindering the progress of DEX are being addressed comprehensively by Injective protocol's proposed answer which includes the Injective Chain - a layer-2 sidechain and Cosmos zone that is connected to Ethereum blockchain, the Injective Exchange, and the Injective Futures platform.

According to Injective Protocol, it is the first-ever front-running resistant, layer-2 exchange protocol that unlocks the full potential of without boundary lines finance. It takes email correspondence resources buying and selling to another level while it guarantees security and liquidity.

Who Founded the Injective protocol?

Injective Protocol was founded by Eric Chen who is currently the CEO and his colleague Albert Chon who is also the Chief Technical Officer (CTO). Both Eric and Albert attended NYU and Stanford respectively. They jointly have countless years of knowledgeable in blockchain and cryptography and this is exactly what brought them together to pursue the Injective Protocol Project. It was as a result of the Analysis they discovered verifiable lengthen features (VDFs) had the potential to solve scalability and security flaws of decentralized exchanges.

What Makes Injective Protocol One In a Million?

The injective protocol is characterised by its fully decentralized nature, from the Structure, community to governance. It deals customers the means to trade whiles they have full control of their funds and could very their order overrated and matched on the sidechain in real-time.

In order to defend trades of clients against front-running, Injective Protocol employs Verifiable Lengthen Applications (VDFs) and selective overlook mechanisms to provide customers holistic buying and selling and DeFi Expertise.

We all can attest to the fact that buying and selling on DEXs can once in a while be troublesome. They are most often complex to use and most principally for Beginners. In order to drive crypto adoption building, Common merchandise are Fundamental. In reaction to this, the DEX protocol comes with an intuitive and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)-focused interface to encourage dissimilar customers to use the DEX to its full potential.

What can you do with Injective Protocol

With Injection Protocol Resolution, one can trade cryptos in a secured setting and with good liquidity to make entry and exiting of trades much fluid. In addition, investors can brief or long cryptocurrencies with leverage in a more decentralized way unlike that of the centralized exchanges, get access to a wide range of DeFi Systems, etc. Trader will also have access to decentralized futures and derivatives markets.

Upholding the principles of decentralization, all the quintessential assets required to kick start a decentralized exchange has been open supply and free making it easier for new entrants into the exchange business.

Exchange carriers can leverage Injective protocol's model and incentives to enhance customer knowledge and drive opinions up.

Final thought

Injective Protocol will launch its main net in quarter three of 2020. And fixing the best meting out of decentralized exchange makes it The most efficient valuable.

I personally would love to trade on a DEX with much improvement than what we currently have as I'm more worried with security and decentralized.

Injective has taken a bold step and as advocates for decentralization, it's high time we push the time table for the betterment of our Entreated.

Official Sites: 

Official Website:
Whitepaper Link:

Worldwide payments accepted in seconds

By presenting digital wallet management and Pay Card, to change the way the world interacts with blockchain technology,  financial traditions. We are on our way to free millions of people around the world from conventional banks and provide them with alternative, trusted, and decentralized ways to manage their money.

About PayAccept

We believe that the world needs an alternative monetary system.
I believe that the world needs a truly democratic and decentralized financial system that is not influenced by the decisions of political leaders and central banks. So this is what makes our basic motivation to continue to develop payment systems (PayAccept).


PayAccept eliminates the complexity of buying, selling, and using assets held across multiple accounts. In the world's first and first Convertible Coin Offering (ICCO), investors directly participate in the growth of the company.

Our bank

Part of the overall financial system that enables native compatibility between fiat and crypto.

Our exchange

Users trade and interact with regulated crypto exchanges like, with no hidden charges.

Our interface

It provides users with a single place to manage, trade, and use crypto and fiat for all payments and purposes.

Fully regulated

Regulated as a fair guarantee by the European Directive Prospectus, it provides unprecedented peace of mind.

Our currency

PayAccept will be a decentralized currency that people around the world can use to get paid.

Our mission

Instantly access all assets with security using blockchain
PayAccept provides a holistic blockchain platform that provides users with a simple, unified encryption and banking experience. Our technical support allows you to focus on your assets.

Single integrated blockchain platform and interface
Separate legal assets and crypto assets
Real-time asset exchange and access
Fraud prevention using a comprehensive blockchain

Trade fiat and crypto in a single interface

The PayAccept network gives customers the freedom to exchange assets without worrying about their denomination. The payer and the recipient of any transaction can choose the asset of their choice so that the customer can pay in Euro to a friend requesting the euro.

The virtual Fiat is moved from A to B on the exchange. Transactions are recorded on the blockchain and automatically reflected in the corresponding customer's restricted currency bank account.
Transactions are recorded on the blockchain and automatically reflected in the corresponding customer's restricted currency bank account.

Use of capital

Take control of the EU bank and upgrade the system.
Develop our crypto exchange with the PayAccept blockchain payment and payment platform
Secure strategic investments in financial services, blockchain companies, and communities.

Our team

Christiaan van Steenbergen-CEO
Gleb Jout-CMO
James Loren-CSO
Join us-Need a new challenge?

Deflexchange - First Deflationary Exchange

Crypto Exchange has developed instruments to require advantage of the ownership of crypto resources but they're faraway from without their pitfalls. Exchanges, as integrated retail locations, don't fit the likelihood of a decentralized monetary framework: they're the sole goal of disappointment, but this is often not the most problem.

Another sort of exchange copy and adopts new developments from the primary sort of exchange. this is often certainly an excellent thanks to increase exchanges, but we like better to be one among the primary sorts of exchanges because we expect this is often how exchanges should act within the first place. Therefore, the progress and success of exchanges within the future depends on the event of exchanges and therefore the industry itself.

Like the incipient market, there's no liquidity within the crypto market which makes it difficult for them to urge out at the proper cost. the event of reuse has been supported by large liquidity, but expansion in exchange has no desired effect within the end. within the Bitcoin market, for instance, this lack of liquidity is intensified by the way many BTC holders survive as value increases and are reluctant to return their available Bitcoin.

Those who hold crypto and believe that their profits will reach a particular level of advantages during this way flood the market, which represents the instability and therefore the great value changes that we see within the crypto market.

So together with your help, we'd like to rearrange a primary deflation exchange called Deflex; Exchange of deflation. With an outsized exchange of deflation, we'll not only have the selection to support digital currencies, but also networks and clients, who won't only observe more things of interest to themselves due to the destruction created during a misleading manner, but also will speak during a way that's progressive about it and during this way make cryptographic sorts of money alright known.

This is an undeniable problem that compromises the decentralization and confidentiality of digital sorts of money. this type of digital money is made to prevent and alter the present fiscal situation. KYC procedures are required by specialists and exchanges regularly got to request this from their clients due to universal law. From one perspective, exchanges can meet certain administrative needs and enter into different associations, and clients also can feel much safer because KYC extends account security. but, this expands the impact of experts on exchanges and fewer clients choose exchanges that need KYC.

The ambiguity and foundation of Deflex's decentralization not only guarantees the safety of advantages and other information but is additionally resistant to one specialist. Deflex won't require any KYC from its clients and can also protect the chance and confidentiality of cryptographic money reciprocally.

Deflex coins provide an alternate alternative holder for profits at that stage. By using Deflex Coin when exchanging, it allows clients to line aside half the value . an alternative choice is Peg Deflex Coin onstage and win some of your expenses for yourself. Consumption from month to month also will occur, which can reduce the Deflex Coin inventory and during this way reduce the dimensions of DEF available to be used .

Additional exchange devices are going to be included after a while and that we will ask if they have all the more exchange devices and which of them . This democratic will occur in our exchange within the survey segment. Deflex also will increase the ERC20 Token exchange and TRC20 Token exchange.

We will give our token, called Deflex. As many as 91,000,000 of the foremost severe DEF are going to be made, never expanded. DEF will run locally on the Ethereum blockchain with ERC-20. DEF is additionally a sort of deflationary cryptographic money, because DEF supply doesn't increase and that we specialise in consumption days, which also includes consuming DEF.


Low trading fees

Deflex's will allow you to trade with a maximal trading fee of 0.1%. Additional 50% discount if you use the Deflex Coin.

Financial stability

Deflex is based on an advanced multi-layer and multi-cluster architecture, which not only provides greater security for users, but also maintains the stability of the platform.


​Due to the decentralization no KYC is required for using the platform

Cheaper fees

​For withdrawal transactions, we charge a fixed maximum fee, at which we credit the remaining amount back to the account.

Matching engine

​Our engine is capable of sustaining 900,000 order per second. This rate will be at the beginning. With time we will improve our engine.

24/7 Customer Support

​Deflex will provide a 24/7 support team so that users always have a contact person in case of problems.

Our Token

The Deflex coin gives the holder various options to benefit from the platform. By using Deflex Coin when trading, it allows the user to save 50% of the fees. Another option would be to stake Deflex Coins on the platform and earn some of the fees for yourself. Monthly burns will also take place, which will lower the supply of Deflex Coins and thereby reduce the amount of DEF in circulation.


August 2019

Concept Creation & Development
Creating Deflex and establishing the development Team.

December 2019

Website release
Whitepaper release
Roadmap release

January 2020

MVP Release, ICO planning & preparations started
Our MVP will be available on our website

March 2020

Launch of the
Initial Coin Offering

May 2020

Launch of Deflex Beta
Beta testing will be open to the public.Deposit and withdrawal open. Trading begins.

Q2 2020

Launch of Deflex 1.0
Full release of Deflex


BitcoinBlink - The most trusted cryptocurrency platform

BitcoinBlink is an advanced cryptocurrency exchange that is optimized for speed, protected from external threats, and simplified for user-friendliness.

Who is BitcoinBlink?

BitcoinBlink is an upcoming digital currency exchange. It belongs to BBlinkio OÜ, a company founded in Tallinn, Estonia. Unlike the others, the company's priority is not a profit net but to offer customers an appropriate and regulated ecosystem.

For starters, BitcoinBlink has received two licenses to operate from the European Union. This feature places them among one of the 14% cryptocurrency that is operating legally. Thus, BitcoinBlink exchange users can order and trade cryptocurrency without having to worry about being involved with money laundering or other legal issues.


BitcoinBlink solves the problems faced by existing exchanges and systematically solves them with innovation. Our platform will simplify the trading process by promising a basic, feature-rich and optimized exchange solution that serves users of any skill level. This together with unmatched customer service, new security protocols, and transparent policies will help foster trust and trust among our users.

Problems & Solutions

The shortcomings of the contemporary cryptocurrency market have been identified below and are complemented by solutions offered by the BitcoinBlink platform.

What is the BitcoinBlink Offer?

The main offering of BitcoinBlink is cryptocurrency trading. Initially, the platform will offer users to exchange a basket of popular cryptocurrency which includes:
🗸 Bitcoin (BTC)
🗸 Ethereum (ETH)
🗸 Ripple (XRP)
🗸 Litecoin (LTC)
🗸 Bitcoin Cash (BCH)

BitcoinBlink has made it clear that they will enter cryptocurrencies, altcoins, and other tokens, but only after measuring the request and organizing a thorough background check of the coins concerned.

The platform also plans to expand into the crypto-to-fiat trading space. Thus, in the future, users will be able to exchange popular currencies such as Dollars, Euro, Yen, Pounds, Rupee and many more.

BitcoinBlink also offers an original cryptocurrency known as Blink Stock Token or BSTK. This is a utility token and provides several benefits to the user, such as:
🗸 Loyalty program
🗸 Lower Transaction Fees
🗸 Monthly BSTK lottery
🗸 Suffrage
🗸 Fund Locking
🗸 Stacking Assets
🗸 Trade pass
🗸 Blink Club

Also in the BitcoinBlink pipeline are secondary exchanges that support IEO projects or Initial Exchange Offers. In this way, users will be able to use their BSTK tokens to invest in businesses and help novice entrepreneurs.

Staking Assets

Staking Assets details

Staking your assets (BSTK) during a certain period of time will give you a high return:
⭐ 3 months lockout for a 1.25% return (minimum 200 BSTK)
⭐ 6 months lockout for a 3.75% return (minimum 400 BSTK)
⭐ 9 months lockout for a 6.50% return (minimum 800 BSTK)
⭐ 12 months lockout for a 10.00% return (minimum 1000 BSTK)

The initial amount of BSTK (in $ value) is given back at the end of the period plus the return.

Note: The staking cannot be canceled.


Lottery Details

Details more about Lottery
The Lottery is an event that takes place every month.
To participate, you need to purchase a Ticket worth $5 of BSTK. You can purchase as many as you want.

The rewards are as follow:
🗸 1st place receives 50% of the total pot
🗸 2nd place receives 30% of the total pot
🗸 3rd place receives 10% of the total pot

The remaining 10% is going to help the operations and projects of the BitcoinBlink.
The winners are all selected randomly using a computer algorithm and cannot appear twice in the same draw.
The winners receive their prizes in BSTK.


Voting details

Anyone with an account can choose to vote for the coin/token proposed in that section.
The particularity of this voting system is that you can choose to "SUPPORT" or "OPPOSE" a coin/token.
🗸 Each vote costs 1 BSTK.
🗸 The minimum amount spent to cast a vote is 1 BSTK.
🗸 Users can either vote “for the project” or “against the project.”
🗸 Votes that are “for the project” will increase the number of votes for a project.
🗸 Votes that are “against the project” will decrease the number of votes for a project.
🗸 The ranking order is dependent on which project has collected more “for the project” votes at the end of the referendum period. The formula to calculate is as follows:
“for the project” — “against the project” = votes pulled

Official Sites!

Website || Whitepaper || Twitter || Facebook || Telegram || ANN

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only. This is not an offer or request for an offer to buy or sell, or a recommendation, support, or sponsor of any product, service, or company. is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or allegedly caused by or in connection with the use or trust in the content, goods or services mentioned in this article.

Secured Gold Coin - A Universal Gold Backed Currency

The traditional financial framework has various issues and imperfections which have made a few undertakings and organizations experience restrictions and battles. Banks administered by focal specialists demand that customers do installments or exchanges utilizing them as a middle person which brings about high charges. 

Aside from the expensive charges related to reliance on traditional banks, issues of the impediment in cross outskirt installments or exchanges likewise influence the financial framework which is lethal to ventures planning to consult with worldwide gatherings towards accomplishing more benefits. In order to establish an answer that can counter the issues of the concentrated financial framework, blockchain was presented. 

Blockchain Technology was actualized in 2009 and it works as a framework for checking and recording exchanges in the database. Blockchain comprises of obstructs that houses exchanges where every one of these squares are interconnected through cryptography, consequently making it difficult to hack or adjust without changing the whole structure of databases. 

The presentation of blockchain gave the chance to cryptographic forms of money, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and so forth to enter the worldwide market, where their reliance on the Blockchain Network empowers digital currency clients to screen and track enormous exchanges volumes. 

Digital currency is bitten by bit turning into a pattern since it is created to dispose of the challenges of the customary speculation and stock trades however throughout the years, cryptographic money has shown that it has a few confinements which are disadvantageous to organizations, dealers and speculators. 

The significant issue about digital money is instability. This has made the worldwide appropriation of cryptographic forms of money be on a moderate stage on the grounds that nobody would need to utilize a benefit for installment or business exchanges if the advantage cost is unusual and changes more than two times per month. 

These issue of digital forms of money has speedily made a few specialists lead significant research and tests in an offer to locate a fitting technique for improving the cryptographic money advertise. The arrangements from the examinations brought forth the utility coin, security coin, resource upheld coins, and crossover coins. 

Different coins separated from the half breed coins are notable in the cryptographic money space since they give boundless advantages through their motivation yet imagine a scenario where you could claim a benefit that shows either the characteristics of a security coin and resource upheld coin or resource sponsored and utility coin or more. 

All things considered, the response to this inquiry developed as the crossbreed coin. In spite of the fact that the half and half coin is new to the digital money advertise, it surely makes them guarantee characteristics and you could get your hands on these significant coins through Secured Gold Coin (SGC).

Meet Secured Gold Coin (SGC) 

Verified Gold Coin is an awesome undertaking that influences blockchain innovation to guarantee that individuals acquire access to buy genuine gold by means of responsibility for gave SGC coin. 

The worldwide market is totally populated with various virtual resources that have neglected to understand their crucial guarantees, thus restricting the development of the digital money advertise. To handle this issue, the organization known as Secured Gold Coin Pty Limited, built up in Australia was made. 

The organization built up its virtual cash called SGC coins to be finished decentralized, straightforward, completely sponsored by genuine gold and free from concentrated control. SGC coins are upheld by 60 % genuine gold which connotes that SGC coin esteem isn't influenced by instability yet will stay stable. 

Understanding the issue of the worldwide economy and digital currency circle, SGC was created to achieve three essential missions which include: - Creation of half breed general monetary standards that are upheld by resources or items that are steady, protected, usable and available. 

To guarantee that these computerized monetary forms which include straightforwardness and unwavering quality are very much provided to empower usage for any reason. - Principles of security, steadiness, and ease of use are totally incorporated in the SGC administrations and idea. 

Why Use Blockchain Technology 

Verified Gold Coin Pty Limited decided to utilize blockchain in building up its foundation and different instruments on the grounds that blockchain is a decentralized record that grants straightforwardness is the quick, secure and viable exchange at some random time. 

Remaining as an open decentralized, unchanging and shared structure empowers various people to take an interest on the SGC stage and carryout substantial exchanges dependably store information and avoid false exercises while likewise guaranteeing that SGC cryptographic money stays straightforward, secure and decentralized for all clients 

Advantages Of SGC Coin, Wallet & Pay Debit Card 

The SGC coin capacities as a benefit supported cryptographic money as well as works as a mixture (resource utility) coin, which guarantees that SGC coin proprietors are qualified for utilizing the coin as a tradeable resource on authoritatively recorded trades just as empowering clients to use the created SGC E-business stage which permits straightforward exchanges and installments. 

The SGC coin is at present coordinated with the SGC PAY Debit card, which guarantees effortlessness in SGC coins spending for the acquisition of merchandise and enterprises anyplace on the planet subsequently breaking land restrictions. SGC Pty Limited has likewise built up its interior wallet which advances accommodation in observing and control of exchanges including reserves. 

The wallet will be accessible on various stages, for example, SGC web wallet, SGC telephone wallet (Android and iPhone) and SGC Desktop wallet (windows, Linux and MAC). The SGC wallet is planned with cutting edge Security highlights and remarkable components to permit the production of new wallets, import previously existing records by means of Private Key or Keystore File, Check accessible record balance including exchange history and Send SGC coins effectively.

SGC Project Vision and Mission. 

This spins around enabling individuals with proactive advanced cash purifying that moves through several cryptos that can't give decentralization, solidness, security, straightforwardness, and convenience. 

Uniformity is one of SGC's fundamental beliefs, which will make it helpful for everybody; paying little mind to statistic attributes or interests. From regular clients to corporate clients, support stock investment clients and gold bullion sweethearts around the globe. 

Key Purpose 

We center around accomplishing three significant objectives. We accept the accomplishment of these objectives is lined up with the eventual benefits of SGC clients and will give inherent incentives to the network that gets SGC coins

First objective 

is to create half and half monetary standards that are upheld by resources that are protected, steady and usable, so that digitizing genuine resources 


we mean to supply computerized resources that join straightforward entry, straightforwardness, and unwavering quality in advanced resources that can be utilized each day or over the long haul. 

At long last 

it is significant that the standards of security, steadiness, and ease of use are inserted in the SGC idea. 

Notwithstanding our principle objective of giving all-inclusive cryptographic money to clients to exchange half breed computerized (resources + utilities), and make installments, we anticipate the objective that will make SGC coins worldwide. With the coordination of our SGC PAY Debit Card, SGC coins will be embraced as the standard. The SGC PAY will open better approaches for spending and sending SGC coins. The SGC Online Shop intends to give a method for users to our half and half (resource + utility) coins. Lastly enlisting our coins on worldwide trade will make exchanging simpler for clients. 

☑️ We have assembled crucial associations with MasterCard, Visa Cards and Union Pay 
☑️ SGC PAY platinum card incorporation 
☑️ Rundown of SGC coins on the trade 
☑️ SGC Online Store 
☑️ SGC Crypto Bank 
☑️ Accomplish at any rate a 51% use rate in the retail-based market by 2024. 

The highlights we offer 

Another explanation that recognizes SGC from other resource-based computerized money-based frameworks is its utilization through the SGC PAY Debit Card. Verified Gold Coin Pty Limited gives SGC PAY Debit Card usefulness to improve SGC coin utility since clients can purchase various things by making installments by means of SGC PAY Debit Cards containing SGC coins. 

🗸 Security 
🗸 Stability
🗸 Use 
🗸 SGC Pay Debit Card 

Digital currency challenge 

To defeat the issue of the customary venture and stock trade, digital money was presented. Digital money is a computerized resource that is intended to function as a mechanism of trade utilizing cryptography to verify exchanges, to control the making of extra units, and to confirm the exchange of benefits. Cryptographic money is named some portion of computerized cash and furthermore named a piece of elective monetary standards and virtual monetary standards. At first, they appeared to take care of the issues experienced in customary speculation systems yet they had inborn constraints and difficulties there. During a specific timeframe, cryptographic money was created in an accompanying way. 

Money Coins 

Money tokens/coins, for example, BTC, ETH, and LTC are made uniquely as a substitute for banknotes. They are utilized as a technique for installment and can be exchanged with genuine fiat. clients have utilized it as a venture in light of the fact that different digital currency patterns show an expansion in Bitcoin evaluations above. However, these cash coins explicitly bitcoin have been unpredictable from the beginning. Bitcoin value instability can be imagined from the diagram beneath where the estimation of the bitcoin list for the finish of October 2016 was 679 US dollars arriving at 19,783.06 US dollars on 17 December 2017, in only one year. 

Utility Coin 

Utility tokens/coins framed after the advancement of money coins. These coins are for the most part utilized at ICO and hope to build an incentive for clients by giving viable utilities to clients and clients of the stage. The valuation of these coins relies upon the market interest cycle and is thusly defenseless against outside upgrades. One can't ensure future benefits while putting resources into utility coins. Here is a plot of 118 coins that have skimmed to the market that has come to in any event a normal market capitalization of $ 250,000 out of one year of presence. The diagram plainly shows how the estimation of most coins has fallen 

Resource Backed Hybrid Coins 

After the presentation of Bitcoin and Ethereum, there has been steady research on the improvement of the digital currency showcase. The cryptographic forms of money have relentlessly expanded from base venture monetary forms to tradable utility-based coins, security coins, resource-sponsored coins, and now cross breed coins. 

Bolstered by resources 

coins are innovations for what's to come. This is a blockchain coin that is upheld by genuine significant resources generally with a proportion of 1: 1 yet can be changed relying upon stage necessities. Supporting a coin with unmistakable or immaterial monetary worth items, in reality, makes the estimation of the coin precisely the worth they support. Thusly, there will never be a danger of losing advanced resources until or except if the estimation of the advantage falls. 

Difficulties in the Banking System 

In the financial framework, there are various money-related issues, particularly in the repayment of cross-fringe installments which structure the premise of our business today. This framework has numerous intrinsic shortcomings and difficulties that we have to survive. A considerable lot of our organizations are battling a result of the shortcomings of our regular financial framework. A brought together financial framework has become the base of the test. The bank is constrained by a focal power that requires clients and organizations to rely upon it. In this way, regardless of whether it is a cross-outskirt installment or even somebody's cash exchange from a bank, somebody depends on the bank to make an exchange that likewise forces an enormous expense thusly. These significant expenses themselves are unfruitful for organizations since they are hustling to some extent from organization benefits. 


SGC Coin isn't just a crypto coin upheld by resources yet additionally works as a half breed coin. From one viewpoint, the underlying discharge is 60% bolstered by physical gold, then again, it tends to be utilized as a utility coin on our E-business stage, exchanged on the trade or can even be incorporated with our SGC PAY Debit Card for further installment choices. To make monetary standards accessible to any place you go, SGC has presented different strategies for SGC employments. These choices make SGC accessible to you when and when required by your needs and decisions. From making installments on the online web-based business stage to paying at the purpose of offer with the SGC PAY Debit Card, from exchanging to sending and getting cash from versatile applications, SGC coins have every one of the alternatives for making SGC client content. 

Coins at Initial Release 

🗸 All out Price Per Coin (USD): $ 1 
🗸 Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD - 40%): $ 0.4 
🗸 Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD - 60%): 0.6 
🗸 Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD): $ 40 
🗸 Gold Per Coin (Gram): 0.015 gram 

Coins at Initial Release 

🗸 All out Price Per Coin (USD): $ 10 
🗸 Utility Part Price Per Coin (USD - 40%): $ 8.8 
🗸 Gold Part Price Per Coin (USD - 60%): $ 1.2 
🗸 Current Gold Price Per Gram (USD): $ 80 
🗸 Gold Per Coin (Gram): 0.015 gram

For more information about Secured Gold Coin (SGC), you can visit the official website listed below. Thank you for visiting, hopefully, it will be useful for you all.

CannaCor - Where Cannabis Cultivation and Blockchain Technology Combine Seamlessly

As the wide reception of Blockchain innovation use cases and Cryptocurrencies is turning into a web sensation today. It is astute for one to jump on, on the train of Blockchain innovation, digital forms of money, and its administrations, and ride along. Be that as it may, this isn't only something to bounce on without having a top to bottom learning of it. 

When something is in rage, the best choice is to comprehend it before join. Hence, it is extremely balanced to pose the accompanying inquiries: 

❓ what precisely is this remarkable Blockchain-based stage called the CannaCor Platform, about? 
❓ How can it work? 
❓ What do me, companions, association remain to profit by the ConnaCor stage? 
❓ What separates it from others? And so forth. 

This article will address all the above inquiries concerning the CannaCor Platform, continue perusing.

What is the CannaCor Platform? 

CannaCor is an organization in a joint effort with Blockchain Corporation that is focused on taking care of issues in the restorative cannabis industry and concentrating consideration on actualizing genuine world blockchain innovation answers for guarantee reliable harvest development of phenomenal quality and amount. It tries to streamline the development life cycle of the cannabis yield and convey pinpoint store network answers for improve item detectability. 

CannaCor and Blockchain Corporation group will do this by situating itself as an early adopter and implementer of a mix of Blockchain and Hyperledger advances to deal with the restorative cannabis generation life cycle and store network. Key center regions are the development life cycle the executives and production network the board.

CannaCor Vision 

The vision of CannaCor is to turn into a leader of medicinal cannabis development in Lesotho. Our center is to actualize economical generation offices and grow our lead with an aquaponics creation plant while incorporating all our administration frameworks with a determination of blockchain advances to guarantee straightforwardness, unchanging nature and genuine following 

Cannacor Mission 

The Mission of CannaCor is to works with a gathering of experienced researchers, blockchain designers, drug specialists, and architects every day, with the objective of improving our organization by inquiring about and conveying earth practical top notch cannabis items. 

CannaCor Comparison Table 

The beneath table shows that CannaCor can't be contrasted with other existing Cannabis Blockchain driven stages. It outperforms them in all squares and will stay on top for quite a long time dependent on its diagram.

CannaCor Cannabis Cultivation cycle Management 

The blockchain and applications will be utilized to arrange the exercises required to acknowledge crude materials, fabricate the item, test for quality, a bundle for transportation and timetable for conveyance. CannaCor point is to quantify and catch the nature of our items, generation yield, and specialist efficiency to guarantee the undertaking makes items that fulfill quality guidelines. 

CannaCor Cannabis Supply Chain Management 

The store network the executives is to hand the whole generation stream of the CannaCor items — beginning from seed planting right to conveying the last item to the buyer. To achieve this errand, CannaCor will make a system of procedures that moves the item along from the providers of crude materials to the associations which manage clients. 

Administrative and Compliance Management 

Controllers require nitty gritty data in regards to a restorative cannabis cultivator's the same old thing: where the item originates from, the aftereffects of any testing that has been done, the predefined sum created, and circulation. Our point is to build up help procedures to screen data all through the store network and guarantee consistence with all guidelines 

CannaCor Token Technical Information, Allocation, and conveyance 

CannaCor Coin Buyback and Burn 

❤️ CannaCor (Pty) Ltd will assign 12% of its NET benefit to repurchase CANNACOR coins two times per year over a time of 10 years. 
❤️ 100% of coins repurchased will be singed/annihilated following the buyback. 
❤️ This will keep up stable development of the CannaCor Cryptocurrency 
❤️ Reduction introductory inventory of the CannaCor cryptographic money 
❤️ Furthermore, make a steady store of significant worth with low unpredictability. 

The objective is to expand the digital money esteem and accomplish the mass selection of the coin in the cannabis business. 

Highlights of CannaCor Coin 

Stable esteem 

The CannaCor coin can possibly turn into a digital currency with stable worth and low unpredictability while holding all the engaging highlights of different cryptographic forms of money. 

Secure cross-fringe exchanges 

The CannaCor coin is a powerful vehicle to guarantee basic and secure exchanges between CannaCor, providers, and customers.

For more information about CannaCor Platform, visit the following:

✔️Web Site:

That's all our explanation about CannaCor. Hopefully, this information can help you to understand about CannaCor ICO.
Hawk Network.

Hawk Network - The World's First Scooter Mining Self-Service

Hi crypto friends, today we will discuss a crypto project called Hawk Network, below I will give some more detailed explanations of the Hawk Network project

Sharing e-scooters is now a new trend in sharing the mobility industry after sharing cars and sharing bicycles. Companies like Lime and Bird have brought this new mode of transportation throughout North America.

This trend is becoming increasingly popular with the availability of large funds and leading industry players such as Google, Uber, and Lyft to join the club. In just one year, Bird has become one of the unicorn companies, making them the fastest startup to reach a $ 1 billion valuation. In comparison, it took Lyft and Mobike around two years to join this rank.

Without a doubt, the E-scooter sharing platform has a huge market opportunity to solve the last mileage problem. Even though companies like Bird and Lime have the first-mover advantage, there is still no dominant company in the E-scooter sharing field. However, we see many companies entering this market, from small startups to giant sharing companies like Uber and Lyft who have launched their own e-scooter platforms.

Finance Hawk Network

Hawk, the e-scooter sharing platform is the latest product from the UB Group family sharing. You might want to know, how many opportunities does Hawk have at the time, and what are the competitive advantages?

Even with a battery, the Hawk E-scooter only weighs 13.5 kg, can be used at a maximum speed of 25 km/hour. Users can open the scooter by scanning the QR code for $ 1, so the price is $ 0.15 / min. More importantly, if you become a Hawk partner and have your own Hawk e-scooter fleet, you will immediately get all the revenue generated from your HAWK. This is unlike other e-scooter providers such as Bird and Lime.

According to UBGroup, one Hawk scooter costs $ 1200 ETH (equal to USD $ 1200). If purchased with ETH, UBGroup will convert USD $ 1200 to ETH according to the real-time exchange rate at

"When you buy more than 100 HAWK, you become a city partner. City partners will get a discount based on the number ordered: 10% discount for 100 units or more, 15% discount for 300 units or more, and 20% discount for 500 units or more.

The reason why UBGroup adopted a new digital currency revenue model is that HAWK is connected to current blockchain technology; this is the first sub-chain of UChain. Access to the UChain network sharing system allows the sharing of enormous data resources in the world, while Hawk owners can benefit after other users use their scooters.

In addition, HAWK is also a scooter along with cryptocurrency mining functions. This can mine HKC virtual currencies as a daily profit. "This HKC can be used for travel payments, secondary market transactions, UChain smart shopping centers, sub-currency exchanges, and future car purchases," Ian Yu added.

He also gave us calculations. "Every HAWK can generate an income of $ 20 ~ 25 USD if used for 8-10 times a day. In addition, 2000 HKC can be mined every day. Therefore, we can estimate that purchase costs can be recovered within 40 days.

It is worth mentioning that HAWK is not the earliest joint project in UBGroup sharing ecology. Earlier this year, they had access to a U-bike bicycle-sharing platform in North America for trial operations. Many users who have used comments that share bikes with blockchain technology not only bring more comfort to human life but also a healthy ecosystem of mutual benefit and mutual benefit. "This is a division of real value!" Said a cheerful user.

E-scooter-sharing: Tip of the Iceberg from UB Group Ecology?

The reason for re-entering the blockchain + e-scooter sharing from bicycle sharing in North America is Ian Yu's decision after years of observing the industry and careful consideration.

As we know, Europe and the United States are the birthplaces of cars; However, with severe car pollution, the environmental impact is increasingly being contributed by the community. In the United States, for example, data shows that the proportion of Americans holding a SIM has declined sharply over the past few decades, especially among young people. In 1983, more than 91% of young Americans aged 20-24 had a driver's license; however, in 2014, this number dropped to 77%.

"E-scooter is one part of an environmentally friendly travel mode. Secondly, it also covers the big disadvantages of sharing a bicycle, which is difficult to meet user needs for comfortable, fast and medium-distance travel, "Ian Yu said.

Although there are many bicycle sharing projects in the current situation, it still does not resolve the shortcomings of the current economic division: the distribution of benefits from the transfer of user rights is uneven, the credit system is not yet popular, and the lack of privacy is data security.

Ian Yu believes that "e-scooter-sharing that joins the blockchain can upload data to the blockchain and provide data values, consumers get prizes by using e-scooter-sharing, and blockchain will expand the distribution of economic value from sharing. Second, because the Decentralization blockchain and information cannot be falsified, the sharing limit for sharing can be lowered, building better trust mechanisms, allowing everyone to participate, sharing personal idle resources, and also protecting the security of personal data. "

In the future, in a competitive situation of sharing travel, user rigidity, product comfort, operational efficiency, and service experience are the main points, and sharing scooters electronically in the Ecology of the UBG Group, can do better in all three aspects.

But the purpose of the UB Group is far more than that

Throughout the UBGroup system, sharing e-scooters is only one of them. Ian Yu told us that "UBGroup focuses on the new ecology of the whole sharing economy." Nowadays, besides sharing bikes and sharing e-scooters,

The UB group has conducted various proposed layouts for intelligent sharing economics. Various layouts have been proposed, and have a series + blockchain solution that is suitable for different scenarios, different fields, and different countries.

This aims to provide companies with lower access costs and a more efficient and trusted Internet of Things. Taking smart hardware as its base, artificial intelligence as its core, big data technology as a foundation, and big books distributed by the blockchain to balance ecosystem and production factors, the Hawk Network ultimately aims to achieve the goal of enabling the global Internet of Things.

This distribution strategy adheres to the ideology of blockchain decentralization, and all BHK corporate investors around the world will distribute dividends brought by increasing the entire network of travel distributed through distributed ledger technology. Meanwhile, BHK Intelligent Scooter is also a super horseman's bicycle which means mining, which not only fits the concept of having a green planet under sustainable development but also belongs to the community incentive model.

By innovating technology schemes and economic models, Hawk Network applies edge computing, UID user digital identity, and several encryption technologies to make devices, users and companies unobstructed on the Hawk Network, which enables the security of assets and data; The HAWK figure is a medium for exchanging the value of the Hawk Network, and will be applied in various scenarios, such as payments, mortgages, financing, transactions and distributed Internet of Things circulation.

In short, the Hawk Network uses blockchain technology to empower the traditional internet experiment of Things and reach a new generation of distributed intelligent internet Things. While HAWK Tokens are the main key to the Hawk Network, it can be said that the era of intelligence and perception of all things has arrived.

The following are some of the Hawk Network features

Edge Computing
Edge computing is an intelligent computing model where computing energy is used together with the help of terminal devices.

Big data
After the information is calculated with the help of various node devices, information is uploaded to a distributed database to type very large data.

Terminal software that makes sense in completing calculations, uplinked information, and blockchain turns into repeaters and connects data.

Smart contract.
A multi-level embedded contract makes sense that helps programmable contract trends and adds standard contract templates and interfaces.

Smart Terminal
Terminals are interested in decentralizing investment information series terminals to avoid access to damaged supply information.

Trusted Blockchain community after edge computing with the help of smart distributed terminal ways.

Share an analysis of travel trade

In January 2018, a complete assessment of the five largest shared travel platforms for Didi, Uber, Lyft, Grab and Go-Jek reached $ 129 billion. According to Bloomberg News, in 2017, the scale of financing for international cell travel producers reached 28 billion US dollars. In China, the amount of financing in the joint car sector reached 76.259 billion yuan, while the prices of the Moby, Ovo and Harrow bikes on shared bicycles

Token Hawk Network

Token Info Investment Info
Token : HAWK Min. investment : 0
Platform : Ethereum Accepting : ETH
Type : ERC-20 Distributed in ICO : 10%
PreICO price : 30% off Soft cap : 10,000,000 USD
Price in ICO : 1 HAWK = 0.0067 USD Hard cap : 30,000,000 USD
Bonus Website Info
Main Sale - Dapp :
Pre-Sale Time : August 15/30, 2019 Website :
ICO Time : 1-Sep-19 Facebook : hawk.hkc
END ICO : 30-Dec-19 Twitter : hawk_HKC
Telegram : Hawkbounty
Tokens for sale :  ANN : ANN Thread
Total Supply : WhitePaper : HAWK WP-En

RoadMap Hawk Network

October 2018
Research and project projects

December 2018
Complete project planning and overall concept
Complete the appropriate choice of the underlying technology
Research and install an intelligent hardware interface

Feb 2019
Complete economical model design
The first edition of the White Paper was written
The first official online pre-sale channel for the DAPP application, BHK

Apr 2019
Complete demonstration of edge computation technology
Complete the Intelligent IoT Gateway Agreement
Complete technical architecture

June 2019
HawkNetwork starts the underlying encoding
Open a private fundraiser
Start advertising global channels
Community partner recruitment
Recruitment of city partners

October 2019
Open IEO Global Meeting
The first Dapp is online
The first equipment starts with mining
Top exchanges start trading with HAW

Team Hawk Network

Derrick Fu: CEO -in 
Gary Xiong: CTO -in 
Louis Liu: CSO -in 
Marico Wu: CMO -in 
Faye Tone: CPO -in 
Chris Massot: Director of Operations -in 

Specifications Hawk Scooter

Hawk Scooter
Max.Speed 25km / h(15.5mph)
Typical Range 45 km (28 miles)
Max. Slope 15%
Net Weight 13.5 kg
Tire Rubber solid tire
Shock-absorption Spring Shock-absorption
Brake Electronic + rear fender mechanical brake
Duration of Charging about 7 hrs
Payload ≤100kg
IP Rating IP54 for Vehicle, IP66 for battery
Operating Temperature ~ -10 - 40 °C
Dimensions L×W×H 102cm * 43cm * 113cm
Max steering angle 60° (each side)
Input Voltage 100 - 240 V~ 50 / 60 Hz

Watching Videos Hawk Network