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Largo Coin Finds Solutions to Reduce Investment Risk

Largo Coin Limited has launched a blockchain-capable guarantee service targeted at securing private investor funds. The project is seen as partnering with startup companies and established companies by providing investment relationship solutions without trust.

Largo Coin has pronounces investment insurance services by adopting blockchain and cryptocurrency to enhance investor relations. This new product provides warranty functionality for startups and established companies who want to enable a transparent and seamless way to insure investor funds. The current platform is businesses that are interested in increasing their attractiveness in the global investment landscape and reducing the risks faced by investors.

Remarkably, the Largo investment insurance template does not operate as a holistic middleman between registered groups and their investors. Instead, the platform creates a granular relationship with each investor and offers individual guarantee services based on a partnership agreement specified between the two parties involved in the agreement. Therefore, Largo is obliged to ensure that its partner companies meet the side of their agreement and protect the interests of investors.

Importantly, Largo has chosen to blockchain technology as a foundation for warranty services to build a transparent ecosystem where businesses and investors can coexist. The platform releases original LRG coins, equivalent to the amount paid as an investment to a partner company, to an investor's personal Largo Coin Wallet as soon as the investor and company sign an agreement.

From the attainable Knowledge, it is clear that the value of the cash launched to buyers matches the value of the investment paid to the manufacturer at the right time the two parties sign the agreement.. At the time of the press, LRG token prices were around $10, with the CoinMarketCap chart showing that it has a strong correlation with BTC. Interestingly, the token market capitalization is set at 200,000 LRG tokens, which are explained by the platform as an effective way to ensure that tokens maintain their value.

What Happens with Guarantees?

Funds paid into the personal wallet belong to the investor until the partner company fulfills all its obligations as stated in the initial agreement. Furthermore, Largo explained that investors are protected from investment risks if they hold to the guarantee. According to the startup, the guarantee agreement allows investors to withdraw funds from their wallets, which they must return within 12 hours of the time of withdrawal. Failure to comply with these provisions automatically invalidates the warranty agreement.

In cases where the company cannot fulfill its promises, investors have the right to sell tokens to reduce losses. Largo will carry out process integrity and compliance monitoring to ensure that both parties meet the bargaining ends. To do this, Largo has announced an automatic way to ensure the presence of cash in the wallet

In addition, this platform includes, on behalf of its partner companies, regulatory obligations and obligations relating to cryptocurrency, insurance and guarantees. In addition, Largo is responsible for verifying the legality of the company before including them in its investment insurance platform. In terms of security, this platform has incorporated Proof peg blockchain architecture to secure funds and provide sophisticated validation mechanisms.
Largo Reinvents Handles Insurance and Escrow Services

In addition to offering investment guarantee services, Largo has devised and implemented new methods in providing untrustworthy ecosystems for domestic and international B2B and B2C trade. To achieve this innovation, this platform relies on the distributed nature of blockchain technology, smart contract effectiveness, and fintech flexibility. Largo enables escrow services and insurance transactions that are ideal for an increasingly globalized and digitalized economy.

Largo's blueprint is reminiscent of decentralized finance, which offers a transparent and non-trustworthy form of transaction management, implementation, and reporting. In addition, innovation is a DeFi-capable system that is characterized by the ability to hold the sensor. Startups have chosen to blockchain technology as a foundation for their products. Therefore, smart contracts play an important role in their escrow service operations, which means that there is no need for intermediary factors - in turn, making the system resistant to human error. In Exercise, this gadget affords a evade ground for the two parties in contact in a transaction or trade. According to Largo, both parties can come and agree with the terms of the contract that uphold the validity of their agreement.

Furthermore, the buyer will buy a number of LRG coins which is equivalent to 15% of the payment that is expected to be transferred to the seller as insurance collateral. After this is completed, the Largo Platform pays and locks the equivalent initial transaction fee to the buyer's Largo Coin Wallet.

Get a New Wallet

With the wallet, you can send and receive Largo Coins.
Download and install a new version of the wallet on your computer:


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Technical Questions

Was Largo Coin built?

Largo Coin is built on a strong infrastructure powered by the Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. Proof-of-Stake is a technical blockchain term used to refer to the concept in which users (cryptocurrency holders) are chosen to validate transaction blocks on the network based on the number of coins they are betting. Proof-of-Stake is a type of consensus mechanism where users of blockchain-based networks are required to freeze several volumes of their coins to have the opportunity to choose to verify transactions within one block.

What is masternode?

Masternode is a full network node or computer wallet that stores the latest complete copies of ledgers that are distributed in real-time. However, Masternodes serve a very different set of functions compared to ordinary nodes. The key factor that makes Masternodes different is the special functions they perform besides storing ledgers and completing transaction blocks on the blockchain.

How does the Largo Coin mining/printing and emissions model work?

In the first year of launch, a significant volume (around 20%) of Largo Coin emissions will be printed. After the first year, the prize block will be reduced gradually each year to compensate for the effects of inflation, increase the potential growth of the Largo Coin market price, and reduce selling pressure on the exchange. Total emissions will be limited to 200,000,000 LRG.