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Potential integration of AI with Blockchain Technology

As they used to say and some still do, Machines will take over the world, we are not too far from that scenario. But to give some reasoned thought, advances in technology have only made work easier for humans and have provided the potential for more innovative inventions.

No doubt one can say that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is perhaps the most correct example of the word for the above statement. Computing & processing data and taking action based on that data have allowed AI to develop its own place in our world. Together with AI, another technology that has made all the right sound is blockchain, the underlying technology behind Bitcoin. Thanks to the genius of Satoshi Nakamoto, the world was introduced to Bitcoin, and with it the revolutionary Blockchain technology.

Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain are products of two very different parties and developing applications, but it can be said that they can benefit from each other. Discussions of these two products separately, together and even the topic of blockchain vs AI, seem to have become an artistic passion for tech eccentrics. While blockchain vs machine learning is a very interesting subject, integrating it has spawned many ideas.

It is true that both AI and Blockchain have different complexities individually. AI is the brain or force that continues the analytical process and makes decisions based on the stored data. On the other hand, by definition, Blockchain is a decentralized ledger of large amounts of digital data that offers transparency and is accessible to all. The ability of these two technologies to work on data and enforce it accordingly gives us reason to think about the possibility of working on it together.

Data security

By integrating AI with blockchain technology with its ability to store large amounts of encrypted data and keep it safe from their unauthorized influence when applied to the data we provide to AI and data it collects from around the world, provides the potential for a very secure backup of data. critical items include medical and financial assets that are too sensitive to assign to an organization. Storing such data on the blockchain and granting access to AI after permissions and procedures are verified will generate custom advice while maintaining a strong safety net on sensitive information.

The integration of these two technologies can also lead to a reduction in the workload of miners. Given the fact that data grows by the minute, using AI data analysis and computational factors and applying it to data stored on blockchain networks has the potential to eliminate bugs and data that may not be usable in the future and increase efficiency.

Cashing Out Data

The data in today's world is said to be the equivalent of oil, considering that all technology companies, today rely heavily on the data collected to create targeted personalized ads, recommendations and more. Data monetization is a great source of revenue for organizations like Google and Facebook. Having conglomerates that make decisions on data while selling and using them biased for their own benefit concludes arming that data with content creators.

Blockchain technology gives us power over our data by encrypting and thus securing it, which makes it a personal choice to provide access without risking personal information. This in turn will affect AI which requires data to be studied and processed. In order to gain access to data, they have to get it directly from the creator through the data market. This will create a much more justified and equitable platform for obtaining data while providing ample opportunities for startup businesses to access data that cannot generate their own data which reduces costs for small organizations as data delivery and AI development is a very expensive process.

Understanding the Use Case of AI in Blockchain Integration

Even though humans are the ones who feed the algorithm into the system, we can't predict how it will develop or what AI will think. With so much data being analyzed and complex decision making, it is more difficult to understand AI. There is far more data stored on computers than we can possibly imagine or be able to understand by even the best brains on earth and AI can be taught to describe and prioritize that data according to its importance and use by developing intelligent algorithms. Machine learning and blockchain can produce great results if decisions are recorded on the blockchain, then it will provide a broad database that will help analyze decision making and better understand AI. In addition, this makes data very secure because data on the blockchain cannot be affected or tampered with. This brings confidence in the decisions on the analyzed data. Blockchain and machine learning together open up great opportunities in understanding its decision making and further improving the program.


AI and blockchain are very broad terms with an ocean to explore and more to create. It has been subject to heavy attention and study by academics and scholars over the years. These two technologies are driven to work with data, one storage, and secure it and the other analyze and enforce it. Uniting them with sound countermeasures opens the gates for a highly secure system of data analysis, exploitation, and decision-making with better understanding and conclusions for artificial intelligence. It will also make data access a fair game for creators and business owners and not just a source of income for players from the big leagues.