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How to create or modify a Wikipedia page?

Creating the most extensive Wikipedia pages or articles about free encyclopedias is not an easy task. This is a task proposed by many SEO agents and which is no longer part of their offer today - too much risk, too much time, too much rejection or cancellation of content by contributors or moderators. But, there are still some experts out there who offer exceptional Wikipedia page services for their clients.

Wikipedia looks for the neutrality of viewpoints

This means that articles cannot promote certain points of view. Sometimes this means describing several points of view and representing each point as precisely as possible, taking into account their respective interests in the field of knowledge.

Wikipedia is published under a free license

Specific licenses authorize everyone to create, copy, modify and distribute Wikipedia content. The obligation is to maintain the same license for certified and modified copies, as well as for the original author's credit. Nobody has control over certain items. Any text brought to Wikipedia can be modified and redistributed without warning by anyone, including merchants. Free does not mean that everyone can write or do whatever they want freely. Copyright must be respected.

Do you want to know how to get a Wikipedia page about yourself or your company, it is highly recommended to involve a skilled Wikipedia contributor or creator. He can guide you through each niche.

Wikipedia is a collaborative project that has some strict rules

You are asked to respect other Wikipedia contributors, even when there is disagreement. Always be polite, polite and respectful. Look for consensus. Don't attack people or make derogatory generalizations. Keep your temperament and content cool when the atmosphere heats up. Avoid publishing war.

Wikipedia contributors update content if they see a need

Don't hesitate to be brave in your contributions because one of the advantages of being able to modify Wikipedia is that everything doesn't have to be perfect the first time. Because it is not necessary to know all the rules to contribute. If you make a mistake, other contributors will find it, correct it, and explain it to you.

Rules and best practices for creating or modifying articles on Wikipedia

In the perspective of creating or modifying Wikipedia pages, here are some recommendations:

Your information source

Before writing or modifying Wikipedia articles, you are advised to research and list as many sources as possible. That can be web pages, tweets, blog articles, extracts from magazines, books and TV or radio programs. The more information taken from diverse and diverse sources, the more likely it is to remain in place.

Also, it's important to place a maximum of internal links (to other Wikipedia articles) in the article's body.

Adopt a neutral and encyclopedic style

Avoid using subjective and superlative sentence changes. We also have to avoid anything that can be seen as a disguised advertisement and that has no informative purpose. For example, we can talk about the technology offered exclusively but avoid talking about price.

Also note that the titles must be clear and informative. Thus, it is advisable to avoid the sections that are titled various stories.

Exchange with the community

Wikipedia presents itself as a free encyclopedia - anyone can contribute freely in accordance with applicable rules. However, administrators are there to monitor the quality of the proposed changes.

After modifying the article, the History section at the top of the page gives an account of possible changes to follow. You can chat with the administrator to ask for improvements before making new changes.

Finally, the Draft functionality allows you to have articles in draft versions and share them. Only drawback, it is currently not possible to create more than one concept.

Optimize article references

Like all web content, titles, translations, and items in bold are valued for SEO. It is recommended to have some guidelines regarding SEO and apply them if possible to Wikipedia articles. And if you want to create a backlink from Wikipedia, you can hire an expert on how to help you in that aspect.