Speaking of the blockchain and the cryptocurrency technology, of course, the most important thing to understand is a wallet.

The question that often arises is: 

Where do I store the tokens I generate?
How do I make a wallet?
What is the best wallet for Altcoin?
What is the best wallet to store ERC-20 tokens?

Because this question often arises, we are here to give a little tutorial on how to make a MyEtherWallet wallet or how to create an ERC-20 wallet. Because I cannot answer this question individually for each user, I have concluded writing this article about a step-by-step guide on how to create a crypto wallet to store the tokens that you generate.

Original Ethereum Wallet

MyEtherWallet, people often call it MEW. MEW is a free client-side interface that helps you interact with the Ethereum blockchain. This easy-to-use open-source platform allows you to generate wallets, interact with smart contracts, and more.

To not be too wordy in the discussion above, let's immediately discuss the problem of how to make a MEW wallet.

The first step: Visit the official website MyEtherWallet in www.myetherwallet.com
Warning! Don't visit the scams site. Look at the link carefully! https://www.myetherwallet.com/

The next step: Click "Create A New Wallet"


Then the text will appear: "Welcome to MEW" next "Continue"


Next will appear the words: "About MyEtherWallet" click "NEXT"


Click "NEXT"

Click  "NEXT"

Click  "NEXT"

Click  "NEXT"

Click  "NEXT"

Second step: You can choose one of three available options. In the first stage, I chose to use "By Keystore File".

Enter Your Password "Example: 'CoinCryptoAsia'. 

Warning!: The password needs to be backed up, and should not be shared with other parties.

Click "NEXT"

Next "Access My Wallet"


Success. Complete for the MyEtherWallet registration stage.

Third step: The next step is to Access My Wallet to see the Wallet Address and Private Key that we have. How do Access My Wallet on MyEtherWallet?

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