Bitcoin Price In 2020

The polemic about the price of Bitcoin in 2020 continues to occur. This time the discussion about the price of Bitcoin was discussed by the CEO of Nexo and was refuted by Raja Singa as a reliable trade. They give each other arguments about the price of Bitcoin. The following statement.

Bitcoin hits $ 50,000 in 2020 claiming CEO Nexo

Nexo blockchain platform CEO Antoni Trenchev has claimed that Bitcoin could reach $ 50,000 by 2020. Trenchev made a statement today during an interview with Bloomberg in Berlin when asked about the future of coins.

According to him, Bitcoin is an extraordinary asset that has continued to perform at an unprecedented growth since it was founded in 2008. Trenchev also likened the rise of Bitcoin to $ 20,000 as a reminder of German hyperinflation after the first world war.

"This provides a systematic asymmetrical return and the only thing we see close to something like this is the rise in the US dollar to the German paper mark in the 1920s."

When asked by Bloomberg about how high a coin can reach in 2020, Trenchev estimates that the coin will reach $ 50,000. This is a prediction similar to that made by CNBC journalist Joe Kernen who predicted at the end of 2019 that BTC would reach $ 55,000 over the anticipated Bitcoin block period to be reduced by half which is expected to occur in May.

Bitcoin Reaches $ 7,300 as anticipation grows by half

Bitcoin has continued to make profits on the dollar since the turn of the year despite initial expectations that the 2019 downward trend will continue. At the time of writing, BTC earned 2.31% in the past 24 hours and is currently valued at $ 7,333.

It is estimated by some analysts that the new tensions between the US and Iran are partly the reason for the positive movement renewed by Bitcoin. The two countries were involved in tense diplomatic allegations after the US embassy in Iraq was attacked by movements allegedly supported by Iran.

Despite these initial gains, analysts still argue that Bitcoin could be lower than $ 7,000 before the uptrend. In addition, the highly anticipated half is expected to start the bullish process for leading coins with some predictions given by analysts.

On the off chance that we allude to the historical backdrop of Bitcoin, in April 2013 the price of Bitcoin was $ 134 and finishing off with December 2013 was $ 745. This implies a decent year for crypto, explicitly Bitcoin.

Raja Singa Prediction Bitcoin Price In 2020

In January 2014 the price of Bitcoin was $ 933, and finishing off with December 2014 was $ 317. This was a terrible year for Bitcoin.

In January 2015 the price of Bitcoin was $ 264, and finishing off with December 2015 was $ 422. There has been an expansion in costs this year.

As of January 2016, the price of Bitcoin is $ 430, and finishing off with December 2016 is $ 896. This year history rehashes in 2013.

As of January 2017, the price of Bitcoin is $ 911, and finishing off with December 2017 is $ 14,156. I think this is a weird year for Bitcoin, an intense and sudden price increment.

In January 2018 the price of Bitcoin was $ 16,477, and finishing off with December 2018 was $ 3,865. What's more, this is a terrible year for Bitcoin, the value drop is exceptionally quick. Also, this is a rehash of history in 2014.

In January 2019 the price of Bitcoin was $ 4,076, and finishing off with December 2019 was $ 7,422. This is tantamount to what occurred in 2015 and 2016. There was a price increment, however, it was moderate.

In 2020 I anticipate that the price of Bitcoin will increment. In January 2020 the price of Bitcoin is $ 7,223, and by December 2020 I gauge that the price of Bitcoin will reach $ 15,000 to $ 18,000. What's more, I would contend that the price of Bitcoin in 2020 won't surpass $ 20,000.

Maybe numerous specialists contend that the price of Bitcoin will reach $ 50,000. Be that as it may, I don't concur with these specialists. The logic of my opinion is that the price of this Bitcoin will increase for three years accordingly, and after that, it will drop again. The price of Bitcoin will go on until 2021, and by 2022 the price of Bitcoin will go down.

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