How Blockchain Technology Will Look in 2020

This year, innovation will go further by serving citizens and businesses, personal users and professionals.

Smartphones and 5G networks, automatic, and artificial intelligence conversations, multi-experience relationship models and face recognition payment systems, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, edge computing, and universal blockchain applications: by 2020 innovation will make a step forward by serving citizens and businesses, personal and professional users. The digital economy will grow, elevate established technology and others in the process of consolidation and will ignite nine zero markets such as robots for professional services, artificial intelligence chips, and even audiobooks.

Local Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis

By 2020, according to Deloitte, more than 750 million chips will be sold (and will increase to 1.5 billion by 2024) capable of developing biometric and visual recognition machine learning functions, augmented reality and voice assistance directly from the devices where they are installed, not from a remote data center. Thanks to this chip, which is estimated to be worth more than USD2.6 billion this year, all of these functions can be performed faster and with greater block-based protection of the user's digital privacy. Thanks to the presence "in place" of artificial intelligence, the possibility for development will increase exponentially, both in the consumer and corporate sectors, where to benefit from sophisticated data analysis capabilities directly from the device will be especially solutions from the Internet for everything.

AI and machine learning, Gartner experts assure, will also be a resource multiplier for automated data analysis: a complex, more detailed set of information, now can be processed in a fraction of the time needed only two years ago and this is thanks to increased algorithmic processing capabilities, capacity which can be easily upgraded in the cloud.

Next-Generation Interface

In business, companies will increasingly abandon traditional interface models for applications uploaded to their customers' mobile devices. In other words, a larger, high-resolution screen will enable device control devices that are far more effective than traditional interfaces, opening the door to an entirely new perspective for digital product management. The so-called agent interface based on artificial intelligence, Gartner points out, now a new paradigm of human-machine interaction and in the coming months will greatly influence the way their companies will relate to their customers and provide digital tools including cryptocurrency for them. the employees. Also, after the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and S10, more smartphones will be seen supporting cryptocurrency and blockchain-based applications.

Robots everywhere

By 2020, the robotics sector will see significant growth rates, both in the industrial automation field (which is estimated to have a turnover of 18 billion dollars, up 9% year-on-year) and in the professional services sector. More partnerships between blockchain startups and robot manufacturing companies will increase this year, to develop more innovative solutions. By 2021, according to Deloitte's findings, the global number of industrial robot installations for the production of cars, electronics, metals, plastics, and others will almost double compared to 2016 while robots used in logistics, retail, and health care will see double-digit increases driven by two technologies in particular: 5G networks and AI edge chips. Autonomous machines, Gartner analysts add - including drones, vehicles of various types and household appliances - will continue to evolve to find applications in open public spaces, becoming increasingly collaborative among them.

Smart Mobility on electronic motors

Over the next three years, the number of people using bicycles for homework trips will increase by one percentage point globally and double the number of two-wheeled vehicle users in many major cities around the world. The trend is well photographed by numbers: between 2020 and 2023 more than 130 million electric bicycles will be sold and by the end of this period there will be more than 300 million e-bikes (private and shared) circulating on the planet, 50% more than in 2019. Also, in Italy, electric scooters are anticipated to start traveling in the capital via the blockchain. Technological innovation will certainly be a driver for the development of this demand, thanks to services within the reach of smartphones that will enhance the experience of using a vehicle (for example using a blockchain-based system to certify vehicles), and hence applications to record and share travel times and information about road conditions, calculations calories burned or the amount of greenhouse gas saved.

From Multi-experience to face Payments

Various devices and tools that users use to interact on their digital journey: this is a multi-experience dogma, a model that requires the creation of ad hoc applications that can simultaneously ensure consistent user experience and mobile devices based on mobile devices and wearables. Immersive contact points and conversations using augmented and virtual reality, mixed reality, and multi-channel human-machine interfaces will coexist with web browsers and mobile applications, and any combination of these contact points can be used by consumers during their customer's journey. In this case, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be used especially in cross-border financial transactions.

The traditional idea of ​​a computer interacting, Gartner said, changes include multisensory interfaces such as wearables, chat rooms, voice commands and natural language movements in a 3D or virtual environment. Digital payments managed through face recognition are one of the faces of the evolution of this digital experience and reflect emerging trends especially in China (although it is spreading quickly elsewhere) and that will help reduce further use of bank cards and cash.

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