Articles by "Focus"
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Bitcoin Price Falls to $0. 75% of Investors Will Hold

A recent poll found that 72% of bitcoin investors are optimistic about cryptocurrency and would hold on to it even if its price fell to zero. A total of 22,635 votes were collected for this survey.

Most Bitcoin Investors Will Hodl Regardless of the Price

Twitter Plan B users, known for their stock-to-flow price prediction model, have conducted a Twitter poll to determine when bitcoin investors will sell their BTC if the price doesn't go up. The poll ended on Saturday and 22,635 votes have been counted in total.

“You may be bullish on bitcoin but what if the price of BTC doesn't increase sharply next year? When are you going to sell? "Plan B asked his followers. Among the respondents, 72.1% answered that they would hold on to their BTC regardless of price, going up to $ 0 if necessary.

The next most popular option is to sell bitcoin when the price drops below $ 6,000, which was chosen by 16.2% of respondents. Meanwhile, only 5.9% chose to sell when the price fell below $ 3,000 and 5.8% chose to sell when the price fell below $ 1,000.

"Very proud that 72% of my followers are core con artists," Plan B commented on the results. “Bitcoin becomes $ million + or 'zero' and we drive it completely. Vision, belief, and patience are at the heart of this game. Even if there's only a 1% chance of $ 1 million BTC, it's worth it (option argument). "

Some people volunteer their reasons for peddling BTC even if the price goes down. “I am bullish on bitcoin. But even if it were close to zero, I would still struggle or buy more, it is an uncorrelated asset (hedge) for all my other investments/capital, "wrote one Twitter user. Another noted that when bitcoin became a" reserve. " global defacto, there is no reason to sell, only to use. "

Some argue that it is "very unlikely" that the price of bitcoin will not go up while others say they will "buy down," rake in cheap BTC if the price drops. At the time of this writing, the bitcoin price stands at $ 12,251.

Last month, gold flea Peter Schiff conducted a similar survey. "How much longer does a bitcoin price have to say below $ 10,000 before you give up and sell it?" Schiff asked his followers. Out of a total of 28,168 votes, 57.5% of respondents voted "I took him to my grave".

Investor confidence in the price of bitcoin has grown as evidenced by the two other polls conducted by Plan B, one in July and the other in August. In both polls, Plan B asked followers they think the price of bitcoin will hit before December this year. In July, 43% of respondents believed that the price would remain below $ 55,000, but in August only 30% believed that this was the case. Most of the respondents in the August poll believe that bitcoin prices will hit $ 288,000.

Meanwhile, more and more institutional investors are buying bitcoin. The Nasdaq-listed Microstrategy Company announced last week that it had purchased $ 250 million worth of bitcoin. Recently, the U.S. Office of the Currency Supervisory (OCC) clarified that national banks and federal savings associations are authorized to provide deposit services to customers.

Why Estimated COVID-19 Death in the US is Critical

The CDC responds to the 2019 coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) caused by a new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, which spreads from person to person. The federal government works closely with state, tribal, local and territorial health departments, and other public health partners, to respond to this situation. Death estimates will help inform public health decision-making by projecting impacts that might occur in the coming weeks.

What Predictions Predict forecasts

Forecast based on the use of statistical or mathematical models (hereinafter referred to as "models") aims to predict cumulative changes at the national and state levels that report COVID-19 deaths over the next four weeks. The forecasting team estimates the number of deaths using various types of data (e.g., COVID-19 data, demographic data, mobility data), methods (see below), and estimated impact of interventions (eg social distance, use of face covering).

National Forecast

  • This forecast shows the cumulative reporting of COVID-19 deaths since February and estimated deaths over the next four weeks in the United States.
  • The CU model makes various assumptions about the effectiveness of current interventions. All other models assume that existing social distance measures will continue for the indicated time period.

Forecast Interpretation

  • National-level forecasts indicate that mortality is likely to continue to increase in the coming weeks. How fast they will increase is still very uncertain.
  • Models that include strong contact reductions (eg, IHME, MOBS) suggest that new deaths will continue to occur, but slow down substantially over the next four weeks. In contrast, models that do not include strong contact reductions (eg CU 20%, CU 30%) suggest that total deaths can continue to increase rapidly.
  • Country-level estimates vary widely, reflecting differences in the initial epidemic phase, timing of interventions, and model-specific assumptions (eg regarding the effectiveness of interventions applied).

Country Forecast

Country-level estimates show COVID-19 cumulative deaths observed and estimated state levels in the US.

Forecasts fall into one of three categories

  • The LANL model does not explicitly model the effects of individual distance social measures but assumes that implemented interventions will continue to be enforced in the future which results in decreased growth.
  • The IHME, UT Austin, University of Geneva, YYG, and MOBS_NEU models depend on existing social distance measures that continue throughout the projection period.
  • The CU model makes different assumptions about the effectiveness of current social distance interventions.

Download the estimated PDF

Download the data excel

Work to Unite Forecasts for COVID-19 Death in the US

CDC works with partners to put together weekly forecasts for COVID-19 deaths in one place. This forecast has been independently developed and shared publicly. It is important to bring together these forecasts to help understand how they compare with each other and how much uncertainty about what might happen in the next four weeks.

Columbia University

Model name: 20% CU contact reduction, 30% CU contact reduction, 40% CU contact reduction

Assumption of intervention
These models are based on the assumption of reducing the number of contacts per case. Three different contact reduction adaptation scenarios are projected: contact reduction of 20%, 30%, and 40% in US countries with at least 10 cases. Additional reductions are implemented with the addition of new cases, and all social distance interventions remain until the end of the projection.

SEAP metapopulation model

Coronavirus Treatment (COVID-19)

Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause mild disturbances to the respiratory system, severe lung infections, to death.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. Although more attacking the elderly, this virus can actually affect anyone, ranging from infants, children, to adults, including pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Corona virus infection is called COVID-19 (Corona Virus Disease 2019) and was first discovered in the city of Wuhan, China at the end of December 2019. This virus is transmitted very quickly and has spread to almost all countries, including Indonesia, in just a few months.

This makes some countries implement policies to impose lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of Corona virus. In Indonesia itself, a Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) policy was put in place to suppress the spread of this virus.

Coronavirus is a collection of viruses that can infect the respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections (pneumonia).

In addition to the SARS-CoV-2 virus or Corona virus, viruses that are also included in this group are the viruses that cause Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and the virus that causes Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). Although caused by viruses from the same group, namely coronaviruses, COVID-19 has some differences with SARS and MERS, among others in terms of the speed of spread and severity of symptoms.

Corona Virus Treatment (COVID-19)

Corona virus infection or COVID-19 can not be treated, but there are some steps that doctors can take to reduce symptoms and prevent the spread of the virus, namely:

  1. Referring patients with severe COVID-19 to undergo treatment and caratina in a referral hospital
  2. Provide fever and pain relievers that are safe and in accordance with the patient's condition
  3. Encourage sufferers of COVID-19 to do independent isolation and adequate rest
  4. Encourage sufferers of COVID-19 to drink lots of water to maintain body fluid levels

Complications of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

In severe cases, Corona virus infection can cause the following complications:

  • Pneumonia (lung infection)
  • Secondary infection of other organs
  • Kidney failure
  • Acute cardiac injury
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome
  • Dead

Corona Virus Prevention (COVID-19)

Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus infection or COVID-19. Therefore, the best prevention method is to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this virus, namely:

  • Apply physical distancing, which is to maintain a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people, and not to go outside the house unless there is an urgent need.
  • Use a mask when on the move in public places or crowds, including when you go shopping for groceries.
  • Routinely wash your hands with water and soap or hand sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol, especially after doing activities outside the home or in public places.
  • Do not touch the eyes, mouth and nose before washing hands.
  • Increase endurance with a healthy lifestyle.
  • Avoid contact with people with COVID-19, people who are suspected of being positively infected by the Corona virus, or people who are sick with a fever, cough, or runny nose.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Keep clean objects that are often touched and environmental cleanliness, including cleaning the house.

For people suspected of being affected by COVID-19 or included in the ODP (monitored person) or PDP (patient under surveillance) category, there are steps that can be taken so that the Corona virus is not transmitted to others, namely:

  • Do independent isolation by staying apart from others for a while. If it is not possible, use a bedroom and bathroom that is different from what others use.
  • Do not leave the house, except for treatment.
  • If you want to go to the hospital when the symptoms get worse, you should first contact the hospital to pick up.
  • Prohibit and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until you are completely healed.
  • As much as possible do not have meetings with people who are sick.
  • Avoid sharing the use of cutlery and drinking equipment, toiletries, and sleeping equipment with others.
  • Wear a mask and gloves when in a public place or with someone else.
  • Use tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing, then immediately throw the tissue in the trash.

How Blockchain Technology Will Look in 2020

This year, innovation will go further by serving citizens and businesses, personal users and professionals.

Smartphones and 5G networks, automatic, and artificial intelligence conversations, multi-experience relationship models and face recognition payment systems, Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, edge computing, and universal blockchain applications: by 2020 innovation will make a step forward by serving citizens and businesses, personal and professional users. The digital economy will grow, elevate established technology and others in the process of consolidation and will ignite nine zero markets such as robots for professional services, artificial intelligence chips, and even audiobooks.

Local Artificial Intelligence and Data Analysis

By 2020, according to Deloitte, more than 750 million chips will be sold (and will increase to 1.5 billion by 2024) capable of developing biometric and visual recognition machine learning functions, augmented reality and voice assistance directly from the devices where they are installed, not from a remote data center. Thanks to this chip, which is estimated to be worth more than USD2.6 billion this year, all of these functions can be performed faster and with greater block-based protection of the user's digital privacy. Thanks to the presence "in place" of artificial intelligence, the possibility for development will increase exponentially, both in the consumer and corporate sectors, where to benefit from sophisticated data analysis capabilities directly from the device will be especially solutions from the Internet for everything.

AI and machine learning, Gartner experts assure, will also be a resource multiplier for automated data analysis: a complex, more detailed set of information, now can be processed in a fraction of the time needed only two years ago and this is thanks to increased algorithmic processing capabilities, capacity which can be easily upgraded in the cloud.

Next-Generation Interface

In business, companies will increasingly abandon traditional interface models for applications uploaded to their customers' mobile devices. In other words, a larger, high-resolution screen will enable device control devices that are far more effective than traditional interfaces, opening the door to an entirely new perspective for digital product management. The so-called agent interface based on artificial intelligence, Gartner points out, now a new paradigm of human-machine interaction and in the coming months will greatly influence the way their companies will relate to their customers and provide digital tools including cryptocurrency for them. the employees. Also, after the launch of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 and S10, more smartphones will be seen supporting cryptocurrency and blockchain-based applications.

Robots everywhere

By 2020, the robotics sector will see significant growth rates, both in the industrial automation field (which is estimated to have a turnover of 18 billion dollars, up 9% year-on-year) and in the professional services sector. More partnerships between blockchain startups and robot manufacturing companies will increase this year, to develop more innovative solutions. By 2021, according to Deloitte's findings, the global number of industrial robot installations for the production of cars, electronics, metals, plastics, and others will almost double compared to 2016 while robots used in logistics, retail, and health care will see double-digit increases driven by two technologies in particular: 5G networks and AI edge chips. Autonomous machines, Gartner analysts add - including drones, vehicles of various types and household appliances - will continue to evolve to find applications in open public spaces, becoming increasingly collaborative among them.

Smart Mobility on electronic motors

Over the next three years, the number of people using bicycles for homework trips will increase by one percentage point globally and double the number of two-wheeled vehicle users in many major cities around the world. The trend is well photographed by numbers: between 2020 and 2023 more than 130 million electric bicycles will be sold and by the end of this period there will be more than 300 million e-bikes (private and shared) circulating on the planet, 50% more than in 2019. Also, in Italy, electric scooters are anticipated to start traveling in the capital via the blockchain. Technological innovation will certainly be a driver for the development of this demand, thanks to services within the reach of smartphones that will enhance the experience of using a vehicle (for example using a blockchain-based system to certify vehicles), and hence applications to record and share travel times and information about road conditions, calculations calories burned or the amount of greenhouse gas saved.

From Multi-experience to face Payments

Various devices and tools that users use to interact on their digital journey: this is a multi-experience dogma, a model that requires the creation of ad hoc applications that can simultaneously ensure consistent user experience and mobile devices based on mobile devices and wearables. Immersive contact points and conversations using augmented and virtual reality, mixed reality, and multi-channel human-machine interfaces will coexist with web browsers and mobile applications, and any combination of these contact points can be used by consumers during their customer's journey. In this case, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be used especially in cross-border financial transactions.

The traditional idea of ​​a computer interacting, Gartner said, changes include multisensory interfaces such as wearables, chat rooms, voice commands and natural language movements in a 3D or virtual environment. Digital payments managed through face recognition are one of the faces of the evolution of this digital experience and reflect emerging trends especially in China (although it is spreading quickly elsewhere) and that will help reduce further use of bank cards and cash.

Indodax  - Free Withdrawd USDC & USDT From $ 5 to $ 0

Indodax wants to make an announcement about the free promo fee of withdrawing USDC & USDT.

USDC is a coin that is placed in the category of the stable which was launched by Coinbase. USDC is also referred to as the digital dollar because the value of 1 USD Coin is always equivalent to 1 United States dollar. This gives guarantees to all holders that this coin will always be stable in terms of price (while the dollar is stable, of course).

Whereas USD Tether (USDT) is Stablecoin which has a value that is always equal to 1 US Dollar per Token (1: 1). Regarding USDC & USDT, Indodax provides a promo free withdrawal fee.

Starting December 16, 2019, there will be a promo free of charge withdrawing USDC and USDT from $ 5 to $ 0.

This promo period will start from December 16, 2019, at 14:00 WIB - February 16, 2020

If you have questions, suggestions or criticism please contact


Indodax - Indonesia Digital Asset Exchange

YouTube Go

YouTube Go

YouTube Go is one application that is trending right now. This brand-new application is enough to attract the attention of Android smartphone users by reaching nearly 1.435.254 times a downloader on PlayStore.

In its application, YouTube Go offers a number of interesting features and advantages. Some of them namely you can download or even upload videos to YouTube with the video quality that you specify.

In addition, you can control your internet quota so you don't need to worry that YouTube Go will suck up too much quota. Uniquely, YouTube Go also provides features to share videos without using an internet connection. Quite exciting right? Come download here! or your visit official sites! 🗸

YouTube Go

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Introducing the Universal Protocol Alliance and UPT

The Universal Protocol Alliance is the most prominent coalition in the blockchain industry dedicated to increasing interoperability, mainstream consumer safeguards and a more transparent standard of stablecoins.

Current members of the Alliance include known blockchain powerhouses such as OmiseGo, Bittrex, Cred, Uphold, Blockchain at Berkley and Certik.

The innovative minds within the Alliance identified one of the biggest problems holding back blockchain adoption was the lack of interoperability.

To address this challenge, they developed the Universal Protocol. This allows instant and seamless transfer across different blockchains, acting as a connector between blockchain protocols that previously were unable to “communicate”.

One of the major achievements of this unique technology is that it allows any blockchain to readily compile with Ethereum and its ecosystem of smart contracts, dApps and decentralized exchanges. Universal Protocol offers a solution which is scalable and can quickly be applied across different blockchains unlike atomic swaps.

The goal of the Universal Protocol Alliance is to ultimately foster an ecosystem where seamless and decentralized conversions of tokenized assets are possible. Any asset that is currently trading on financial markets such as commodities, equities, debt or cryptocurrencies could be digitized and traded via Universal Protocol.

By combining Ethereum smart contracts and digital asset reserve management with their innovative Universal Proxy Tokens, the alliance is proposing a system where anyone can securely transfer value. Every Universal Protocol Token is fully-backed by an underlying asset.

For instance, if an investor buys $3000 worth of Universal Dollar, $3000 United State Dollars will be purchased and held in reserve. Consequently, the price of the Universal Dollar will mirror the price of the United State Dollar dollar. The beauty of holding Universal Proxy Tokens is that you can easily swap these dollars into any other Universal Protocol Token.

The most recent addition to the Universal Ecosystem has been the Universal Euro, a Euro-backed stablecoin. This stablecoin enables people everywhere in the world to purchase and securely store Euro. Consumers can put their Universal Euro to work and earn 8% interest by staking them on applications powered by Cred, including and Uphold.

The Universal Protocol ecosystem is fueled by their native token: the Universal Protocol Token (UPT). As the easiest gateway into the Universal Protocol platform, the UPT utility token offers users:
  • Reduced trading fees UPT
  • The ability to lend or borrow with UPT
  • Access to discounted events, auditing fee discounts and payment for some gas fees with UPT.

At Exchange, we believe that only with collaboration and team-effort will we be able to drive the blockchain industry forward. This is why we have decided to support the UPT alliance mission and will make the UPT token available on our exchange.

UPT will be listed on the 20th November.

Libra vs Bitcoin.

Bank Indonesian Reveals the Difference Between Libra Crypto With Bitcoin

Bank Indonesia (BI) assesses Libra, a virtual currency (cryptocurrency) owned by Facebook Inc. different from other virtual currencies, for example, Bitcoin. Because, Libra has an asset guarantor, while Bitcoin does not.

Head of BI Macroprudential Policy Department, Juda Agung, revealed that the study of Mark Zuckerberg's currency was still being carried out by the national central bank. However, so far he said Libra was quite different from Bitcoin.

Libra has a guarantor of high-value assets, such as gold and US Treasury. In addition, there are associations that oversee in Geneva, Switzerland.

"So it is quite different between Libra and Bitcoin. We will see whether this is more like a foreign currency, like the US dollar for example," Juda said in the Thamrin region, Jakarta, Wednesday (6/26).

While Bitcoin is considered quite risky because it is not clear the guarantor (underlying) and laden with speculation elements. In addition, the limited amount also makes it easy to fluctuate prices.

Despite having a guarantor of assets, but Juda does not necessarily call Libra potentially safer than Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. Again he stressed that BI still needed time to study Libra.

"This has not yet come out, just announced (announced) the first quarter of next year will only be used," he said.

On the other hand, he again stressed that the public is not tempted to use Libra before there is an attitude from BI. Because, according to Law Number 7 of 2011 concerning Currency, the legal currency used in the country is the only rupiah.

"In essence, the legal payment instrument is the rupiah. So, outside of the rupiah, other payment instruments are not legal in Indonesia," he stressed.

Previously, Facebook announced the emergence of a crypto money provider company, Calibra. This financial service allows users to transact on cryptocurrency trading networks.

Meanwhile, Libra plans to apply globally and is supported by blockchain technology. "Libra will be available on Messenger and WhatsApp, we estimate Libra will launch in 2020," wrote a Facebook spokeswoman.

However, Chairman of the US Financial Services Committee Maxine Waters asked Facebook to stop developing Libra services. In addition, he also asked company executives to testify before the US congress.

Facebook's move to make crypto money is seen as adding to global concerns about the meaning of digital currency and data security. "Facebook has data on billions of people and has repeatedly ignored the protection and use of this data," Waters said.

In fact, the planned publication of Libra also invited anxiety on the European Continent. One of them was from the French Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire. He said that virtual money will never replace what the government has set. He insisted again Facebook's plan to demand regulatory guarantees.

"If Facebook wants to make instruments for transactions, why not? But there is no question that this will be a sovereign currency. It cannot and should not be a sovereign currency, with all the attributes of a currency," said Le Maire.

According to him, the aspect of sovereignty must remain in the hands of the government and not private companies. There is a fear that there is a personal interest behind this project.

He stressed there needed to be a limitation so that the transaction instrument would not even finance terrorist activities or other illegal activities.

On the other hand, British central bank Governor Mark Carney said Facebook new currency must be resistant to supervision and so as not to be used for money laundering.

Resource: CNN

China passes Cryptocurrency laws, Bitcoin prices rise

The 13th National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China passed a new law governing cryptography on October 26, 2019, the law will take effect on January 1, 2020, according to local CCTV.

According to the report, the regulatory framework aims to set a standard for cryptographic application and password management. The new regulatory framework also establishes the role of a central cryptographic institution that is intended to lead public cryptographic work, create guidelines and policies for related industries.

This draft law was actually published on May 7, 2019. The draft law centers around unified government secret word the executives and doesn't unequivocally make reference to digital currency, in spite of the fact that it centers around cryptography, the key parts fundamental digital money are in reality Bitcoin.

Is This the Beginning of China's National Crypto Development?

The law builds a foundation for China's planned national cryptocurrency, although there is no official launch schedule yet, an official in the Chinese state confirmed in September.

Plus yesterday Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for China to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology.

Libra - Regulations Can Live in Harmony

Recently we were shocked by the existence of several companies that canceled the collaboration with Libra Facebook. But this is not a blow to Libra. Libra will continue to strive towards regulation. Libra will not be launched without the supervision of appropriate regulations and handle legitimate issues. The information we got from Libra tweet "Regulations can live in harmony."

"We have said from the beginning that Libra must not and will not be launched without the supervision of appropriate regulations and handle legitimate issues. Every time someone agrees with us, it is not a" blow "or" setback. "Innovation and regulation can live in harmony "@Libra_.

This gets a tweet response from @JoeSmo05464358 "Yes, by definition" agree "with you, I don't think anyone believes it will be a 'blow' or 'setback.' Hopefully, your governance is better than your grammar lol, " said Joe Smo.

On the same occasion, Libra also received a good response from @MAEHusseini. In his Twitter response saying "You have to start by collecting various regulations related to @libra, provide economical analysis and run AI on top. Reach a general understanding, set principles, and create #Model #law that fits between different jurisdictions. " said Mehdi El Husseini (@Davidmarcus).

Karim Naufal (@mysticaltech) also added that: Well said! Keep up the good work. You are a trailblazer. Someone has to do this hard work sooner or later ... It is in the government's interest to ensure that regulated #cryptocurrency like #Libra sees the light of today, otherwise unregulated alternatives will develop!

Maybe we need to question the meaning of @mysticaltech tweet that states "unregulated alternatives will develop!". Does he mean about Bitcoin which has not been regulated by anyone?

This is different from the response given by Conner Brown. We said from the beginning that libra should be an accessible bitcoin wallet. Every time you ignore it just shows your incompetence and ignores financial freedom. Bitcoin and Facebook can live harmoniously, said @_ConnerBrown_

So what has been the response of cryptocurrency users who have been adapting so much about Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and other coins that have cryptocurrency without regulation?

We have tested the platform and believe it is 100% legit!

Bitcoin Evolution Review

Bitcoin Evolution is the latest form of bitcoin trading that uses online investment and cryptocurrency mining software, which will allow ordinary people to join the bitcoin trading world and make a profit online. No matter your level of experience, knowledge, and background, the software is designed in a simple way to make it easier for everybody to use and benefit from its features and benefits it has to offer.

We did a review of the Bitcoin Evolution, involving a series of tests to examine all its features and we also made a live trade. All in a bid to confirm if it is authentic. At the beginning of this evaluation, we were happy to prove the legitimacy of Bitcoin Evolution after reading widely about its features and reviews from active users. However, there’s no better way to know the truth if we didn’t use the system ourselves.

Conclusion: We have tested the platform and believe it is 100% legit!

This is a brief report of our findings after reviewing and testing the Bitcoin Evolution. I am happy that at the end of our tests, it is easily one of the best cryptocurrency trading software for new and experienced investors.

Is Bitcoin Evolution Legit? Yes

The Bitcoin Evolution is automated trading software; it runs with intelligent robots that can detect trading signals to determine when it is best to buy or sell cryptocurrency. It does all the temporary work, the user only waits for a positive return after making a deposit and activating the automatic trading feature.

Bitcoin: Is It The Future Of Money?

We discovered that this is software that everyone can use. There is no demand for complicated information during the registration process, and risk limits can be established to reduce the possibility of loss, given the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market. With a minimum deposit of $ 250, users can start earning passive income with the Evolution of Bitcoin every day.

Is Bitcoin Evolution Scam or Not: The Verdict!

Here is a summary of our findings after testing the Bitcoin Evolution:
  • We tested the Bitcoin Evolution feature, and it worked. We get real money after direct trading and withdraw our profits.
  • My team checked all aspects mentioned in the reviews by active users, and it turned out to be true. This is a fast and responsive software without downtime.
  • Considering the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market, the developers of the Bitcoin Evolution have thoughtfully set the minimum deposit for trading at $250, which is affordable considering the potential of high returns.
  • The Bitcoin Evolution has a high win ratio, as confirmed by my team after our live trading experience with the software.
  • Everyone can try the Bitcoin Evolution now via this link.

What is the Evolution of Bitcoin?

After our experience with Bitcoin Evolution, we can affirm that it is one of the automated trading software that can be used by everyone to grow their passive income at a consistent rate.

We understand that the prospect cryptocurrency process cannot be 100% accurate due to the nature of market volatility. So we checked the efficiency of the algorithm for Bitcoin Evolution. Our results show that this software has an estimated accuracy of 99.4%.

Bitcoin Evolution was created and developed by a team of software engineers who work closely with experienced cryptocurrency traders to ensure that the automatic trading platform features are perfect for all users. The system functions with smart robots that analyze the market and trade on behalf of users. Smart software can do hundreds of trades in a few minutes, making it far better than the manual trading process.

One thing that impressed my team during this review was the opportunity that Bitcoin Evolution gave everyone to participate and start earning a passive income from trading Bitcoin without undergoing extensive trading or attending online lessons to get trade certification.

The automated trading system used by Bitcoin Evolution was introduced some time ago. I know it exists and have read about an update on the same system. This is credible as proven by hundreds of traders. Many traders use automated trading software to become millionaires overnight. After our experience during direct trading with Bitcoin Evolution, we observed how easy it is to make a profit with an automated trading system.

We also observe that it is possible to trade other digital currencies on platforms other than Bitcoin. For example, the Bitcoin Evolution system allows users to match cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Monero, Ripple, Dash, Bitcoin cash, with global currencies - USD, EUR, CAD, CHF, or NZD.

Offline Crypto Transactions.

Israeli startup that allows offline Crypto transactions to secure $ 4 million

The cybersecurity startup Israel GK8 has reportedly developed the world's first offline system for transacting cryptocurrency.

The new system uses GK8's proprietary cryptographic technique that enables instant blockchain transactions of digital assets without the need for an internet connection, the Israeli business news publication Globes reported on September 18.

The company raised $ 4 million in a funding round led by Discount Capital, a venture branch of one of Israel's three largest banks, Discount Bank, and Marius Nacht, one of the founders of the cybersecurity checkpoint giant. Other investors reported included EdenBlock, iAngels, IDEAL-HLS, StratX and the Israel Innovation Authority.

As reported by Globes, the new cryptographic technique GK8 allows companies to develop cold wallets with "hot wallet functions," securing user funds from hackers and cyber attacks.

Unidirectional connection

In a recent interview with Fortune, GK8 CEO Lior Lamesh described the GK8 technology as "an agnostic book," hinting that it could be used for Bitcoin (BTC) and other cryptocurrencies. According to Lamesh, G8K is able to record transactions on the blockchain in offline mode thanks to "unidirectional connections."

The GK8 technology is active and underway and is already being used by the eToro digital asset trading platform.

Fortune reported that the GK8 was founded in 2018 by two members of the Israeli special defense unit who specialize in protecting the country's digital assets.

According to Silicon Valley-based crypto intelligence company CipherTrace, cryptocurrency theft reached $ 1.2 billion in the first quarter of 2019 - $ 500,000 less than was stolen during 2018.


Scalability on Blockchain: Is There a Solution?

This is one of the biggest challenges facing blockchain and crypto - obstacles that can only be resolved by industry. Without a solution, even CEO of major global exchanges worry that mass adoption will never be achieved.

Scalability is a thorn that has been running for a long time on the side of this young technology, which is still relatively young and has not yet made significant inroads into the world economy. At a basic level, this relates to whether the blockchain network is able to provide the same fast and high-quality experience to all its users - regardless of how many are online at any given time.

Consumers and companies need to know that they can rely on the network whenever they need to use it, and fixing this before the platform operates is very important. In 2018, a PwC survey of 600 executives revealed that as many as 84% ​​of organizations were actively involved with the blockchain - both at the research and development stage, testing technology, or with direct products.

A bad experience at any point of this trip can be a disaster. Companies are licking their wounds after blockchain investments fail to meet the expectations they will be reluctant to test technology again. Consumers who are frustrated by slow transaction speeds will see no incentive to switch from existing tools that have a much bigger footing in the market.

One of the biggest challenges regarding scalability is the difficulty of reaching consensus on how to overcome it. Bitcoin (BTC), the dominant cryptocurrency in the world, has passed this path before. Even in 2017, the network begins to curve under pressure from user requests - and as a result, the cost to send BTC increases unless the user is willing to wait for days for the transaction to be completed.

While one crypto advocate group wants to overcome this problem by increasing the block size limit - increasing scalability on the chain - others believe that expanding the exponential chain is a better approach. This has led to innovations such as the Lightning Network, an additional layer designed to provide faster payments and lower costs. At least in the case of BTC, this seems to be the direction of travel.

Before this additional layer emerged, the Bitcoin network could only handle seven transactions per second (TPS) - but the Lightning Network could theoretically provide an increase of 10,000 TPS, along with lower costs and instant completion. You might think that this would prove to be a silver bullet for the issue of lasting scalability, but the low usage rate actually means that the operating node loses money when the transaction is processed. This has led to claims that BTC is facing an existential crisis, not least because solutions intended to save the day may not be justified.

Where e-commerce comes in

Naturally, seven transactions per second won't cut it for the fast-moving e-commerce sector. In the real world, it's almost like running a cafe that only has five tables, but every day there are 200 customers waiting for seats. Frequently quoted figures from Visa, the payment processing giant, claim that it is capable of processing more than 24,000 transactions per second.

Regardless of the costs traders face when using this company's infrastructure, it's hard to see why many of them will turn away from established systems that have been adopted by customers for something that can handle 3,400 transactions fewer times per second. It was like going from a busy coffee shop with tables to set aside to a kiosk where no one had room to sit.

That is not to say that this problem is fatal - far from it. Some businesses have integrated crypto into their platforms despite scalability issues, and have started accepting digital currencies as a payment method. Motivation to do it varies.

While some people are tempted by the idea of ​​attracting new customers by giving them the opportunity to use assets that are not received elsewhere, others are interested in making transactions completed faster - eliminating sadness, sometimes waiting for days to get funds in their business accounts. Others are just fed up with the nonsense of handling cash, not to mention the costs they have to pay when relying on financial institutions that dominate the market.

A business case for crypto

Crypto-focused companies such as ABBC strive to get ahead of the curve by offering a blockchain platform designed specifically for merchants and their customers, providing an unlimited experience to use digital currencies when shopping online. According to the company, an old network increasing block size or increasing the frequency of block making simply won't cut it - at least because it could lead to new security vulnerabilities and big problems with a fork.

ABBC says it has recognized that the crypto sector needs to offer the same quality - if not better quality - than a fiat channel that allows instant payments to be made. For this purpose, it uses a consensus protocol known as delegated proof of ownership, or DPoS. This method of validating transactions is built on a real-time reputation and voting system, with delegates placed precisely responsible for the acceptance or rejection of network transactions.

The company estimates that it can handle up to 5,000 transactions per second - the capacity it claims "will only increase in time" and will make it "one of the fastest blockchain in the world." This scalability is complemented by a multicurrency digital asset wallet. offering "top-level security" and instant messaging, shopping centers where crypto enthusiasts can access dozens of large brands in one place, and exchanges that produce low transaction costs, high throughput performance, and lots of liquid trading pairs.

German finance minister Olaf Scholz has responded firmly to the presence of Facebook's crypto output, Libra, Reuters reported on September 17, 2019. img/

The German Finance Minister Respond Decisively to Libra Presence

In a panel discussion held in Berlin, Olaf Scholz openly rejected the presence of Stablecoin like Libra, "We cannot accept parallel currencies," as quoted by Reuters. then

According to the order document seen by Reuters, stablecoin will not be an alternative to fiat currencies because Germany along with European and international countries will reject it.

The rejection made by the German Minister of Finance is not something new for this Facebook output stablecoin, Western European countries like France are also calling for the same thing, the French government is worried that Libra can bring "monetary sovereignty" to European countries, uk

Libra is a stable coin that will run in a blockchain network that is secured by 100 distributed computer servers or nodes. To create an open and interoperable financial services ecosystem and to expand inclusion

Stablecoin is a cryptocurrency created to have a stable value based on the value of goods such as the United States dollar, gold, and others.

Strong response to Libra

In addition, the head of Libra development David Marcus also received a strong response about the crypto that wants to be released from the United States senators at a parliamentary meeting held last July.

An American Senator named Sherrod Brown started the discussion about Facebook which he considered "dangerous" and also was not worthy of trust by Americans. The scathing response that was brought up continued to offend the privacy of Facebook user data on errors that had occurred. "Facebook has shown scandal after scandal that it is not appropriate for us to believe," Brown.then said

But David Marcus denied the problem that had happened to Facebook when it was associated with political problems. He explained that Facebook had also tried to fix the problem

Marcus also opened his voice regarding the planned launch of Libra at the hearing session that the Stablecoin did not intend to replace the existing fiat currency. He will only launch Libra when the related regulations are completed and have received the green light from the authorities and regulators

Line Corp Crypto Exchange.

Bitmax, Line Corp's Crypto Exchange Starts Operating in Japan

The launch of the Bitmax cryptocurrency exchange in Japan will allow 80 million LINE users to exchange virtual assets such as Bitcoin and Link, which are virtual crypto assets from LINE.

According to LINE Corporation and the operator of virtual assets and operating companies related to the blockchain, LVC Corporation, BITMAX has been operating and will be available to Japanese users starting Tuesday (17/09). BITMAX is one of the leading crypto exchange platforms that seek to meet the trading needs of users who want a modern and secure network for trading virtual currencies.

Based on the news reported by Tron Weekly Tuesday (09/17), after obtaining an operating license from the Japanese Financial Services Agency (FSA), BITMAX is scheduled to begin platform operations in the next few days. The launch of the BITMAX platform in Japan will allow 80 million LINE users to exchange virtual assets such as Bitcoin and Link which are the original virtual assets of LINE. BITMAX operations increase the coverage of the LINE crypto exchange portfolio to two after launching Bitbox in Singapore in mid-2018 ago.

After the agreement, the Japanese messaging giant, LINE business unit, became one of the few licensed crypto exchange platforms in Asian countries, which recently added Rakuten Wallet, as well as other big players such as SBI VC Trade and Coincheck.

Bitmax Will Trade 5 Major Crypto Currencies

According to trusted sources, the FSA has agreed to trade important crypto assets on the platform which includes major crypto assets, Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Ripple (XRP), Ether (ETH), and Litecoin (LTC).

According to the FSA website, the registration process ended on September 6 on behalf of LVC CORP., Which is mandated to oversee LINE virtual assets and blockchain operations.

Also, supreme leader Takeshi Idezawa confirmed the approval message to the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

LINE revealed that it has more than 187 million global users who use its platform every month and has an estimated 50 million registered users on the cellular payment service platform, LINE Pay.

Libra Facebook.

Bitcoin Scaling Issues Forcing Facebook to Make Libra.

Libra exists due to the presence of Bitcoin. As much as it proved by itself since Satoshi's creation laid the foundation for each crypto asset that was followed. The extent to which Bitcoin is responsible for spawning Facebook's currency has now been made very clear in an interview with Abra's Bill Barhydt. The investment platform CEO claims that Facebook wants to integrate BTC directly into its billions of powerful social networks - but was forced to create Libra instead because of Bitcoin's inability to scale.

How is the Inability of Bitcoin to Weigh Libra Projects Issued

On the What Bitcoin Did podcast last week, host Peter McCormack entertained Bill Barhydt of Abra, who revealed insider knowledge about the development decisions that guided Project Libra. Before Facebook went ahead with plans to create a stable currency, Facebook had explored the possibility of integrating Bitcoin, Barhydt claims. The plan is to activate BTC as a payment option in the entire Facebook ecosystem.

"Ideally, from my discussion, [Facebook] actually prefers using Bitcoin. I think there are people who really believe in this system, "ventured Barhydt. The idea of   Facebook supporting BTC in the world's largest social network, and it's likely that the second and seventh largest (Instagram and Whatsapp) might seem strange, and we might not be never known for sure whether this was the original plan, but Bill Barhydt was well connected, and so his comments were quite influential, when he told Peter McCormack:
If you want to build a money transfer system and you want to build a cross-border trading system and you have 1.2 billion users today, what will happen to Bitcoin? Costs will skyrocket. Doing anything with Bitcoin that is transactional effectively cannot be maintained.

Why Bitcoin Will Not Scale

Facebook embraces Bitcoin, regardless of what people think about the tech giant, it will be very bullish for BTC and for the cryptosphere as a whole. The 1.2 billion people who are introduced to healthy money, even in a clean Facebook walled environment, will be huge. That did not happen, due to the inability of Bitcoin to support the number of transactions that could potentially flow through the network as a result.

The inability of Bitcoin to scale has certainly been a matter of intense debate in the community for years, causing deep cracks and resulting in permanent divisions that occurred when Bitcoin Cash was cut in mid-2017. BCH supporters have long accused the developers of Bitcoin Core, led by Blockstream loyalists, who do not want to substantially increase the block size to allow more transactions per second (tps). Since increasing the block size to four times the BTC, BCH can theoretically process around 100 tps, and offer transaction costs that are currently 113X cheaper.

Increasing block size is a simple but effective scaling solution that has allowed Bitcoin Cash to process hundreds of thousands of transactions a day on a test - more than enough to absorb the demands of large companies like Facebook that are entering into a fuss, for example. Critics will note that there are limits on expanding block size, beyond that centralization occurs because of the difficulty of users being able to run nodes to verify transactions independently. The sweet spot beyond the unwanted need to continue to increase the block's capacity blindly is a matter of debate. What is clear, however, is that the decision by Bitcoin Core developers and their helpers to keep the BTC blocks as small as possible has pushed businesses away from Bitcoin and reduced merchant adoption.

Adoption of Emptiness

Instead of scaling Bitcoin, Core supporters have pushed the layer two solutions they are very proud of, Lightning Network, to take the burden. But there is a problem with that approach: Lightning is still not ready for production, and maybe years away from being suitable for company adoption. Only last month, a critical bug was discovered in the protocol, considered so severe that it wasn't even revealed until all nodes had the opportunity to update to patched software. The incompatibility of Bitcoin as a payment system, coupled with the Lightning mismatch for almost anything other than buying stickers, has led to an adoption vacuum. Businesses, including Facebook, if Abra's CEO wants to be trusted, wants to use the network but can't do it.

'These are smart - people,' said Barhydt from the Facebook blockchain team. "They have seen Lighting, they have seen Bitcoin, they have thought about this. And they came to the conclusion that Bitcoin is not optimized to be a payment network, Bitcoin is optimized to be digital money now. "Proponents of Bitcoin Cash will agree that BTC is not optimized to function as a payment network, but will refuse at the time. Suggestions that it is capable of functioning as digital cash now - it is a use case that BCH is currently fulfilling more successfully.

Even with larger block size, there may be technical or other regulatory obstacles that prevent Facebook from using BTC. What can be stated with certainty, is that the inability of Bitcoin to scale, coupled with the complexity of Lightning, and the security issues and UX that accompany it, has created a perfect storm. Into this vortex eye has stepped on the Libra Project, the biggest demonstration yet of what happened when the P2P payment network stopped functioning as digital money.

Do you think Facebook is seriously considering using Bitcoin? Let us know in the comments section below.

Libra Facebook

Facebook Inc. plans to launch a digital currency (cryptocurrency) named Libra.

The launch of this digital currency has expanded the Facebook business network not only to social networks but also extends to e-commerce and digital payments at the global level.

The company has been connected with 28 partners based in Geneva, Switzerland called the Libra Association. The presence of this association will regulate the work of new digital coins which will be launched in the first half of 2020, according to executives.

Facebook has also created a subsidiary called Calibra, which will offer digital wallets for storing, sending and offering Libra.

Later Calibra will be connected to the Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp platforms which now have one billion users.

The company, based in Menlo Park, California, has high hopes for Libra, but is still hampered by privacy protection policies and personal data that consumers can stumbling block in the future.

However, the company founded by Mark Zuckerberg has an ambition that Libra is not only strengthens electronic transactions between upper middle class consumers and global business networks, but also offers consumers untouched access to banking finance.

The use of the Libra name itself was inspired by heavy gauges in Roman times, as a sign of astrology to symbolize justice and freedom, according to former PayPal executive David Marcus who led the Facebook project.

"Freedom, justice and money, that's exactly what we are trying to do here," Marcus said, as reported by Reuters on Tuesday (6/18).

To launch this digital currency, Facebook must be willing to reach deeper pockets so that it drains revenue from Facebook instant messaging application.

This is a consequence that has already happened to Chinese social applications such as WeChat.

Facebook executives claim to have reported to regulators in the United States and abroad regarding the launch of this cryptocurrency.

Unfortunately they did not want to specify what regulators or institutions to apply for the financial permit.

Facebook Blockchain Product Vice President Kevin Weil hopes that global regulators can approve this plan so that this product can be widely marketed.

"This gives us the basis to go on and have productive conversations with regulators around the world. We really want to do that," Weil said.

The launch of Libra comes when Facebook is struggling in a number of scandals, so they must face the problem of protecting privacy and personal data of users, policy regulators and members of parliament.

Some opponents of Facebook even called the company to be punished or broken down by force due to errors in handling user data.

In addition, Facebook is considered unable to filter hoax information in the 2019 American elections allegedly conducted by Russia.

The question will arise how the parliament or regulator's reaction to Facebook plan to enter the world of cryptocurrency is currently not officially regulated.

Moreover, in recent years, cryptocurrency investors have lost hundreds of millions of dollars as a result of hackers and the market has also been plagued by allegations of money laundering, drug sales and terrorist funding.
