Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by revolutionary assets designed to overcome many of the deficiencies found in existing cryptocurrency, such as a lack of identifiable intrinsic value, extreme volatility, and incompatibility for business operations.

Axio is not only a cryptocurrency, but a component of the cryptocurrency monetary system supported by delayed assets. In this system, this will provide a stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, transferability and convertibility without international limits, various payment methods, free basic account services, and the legal framework. Axio will be issued as security under U.S. law. with all the benefits that imply. This will provide substantial protection from problems related to other cryptocurrency and legacy banking systems. Given its many advantages, Axio is positioned to be the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrency. Because of that, he has enormous potential.

About Axio

Axio is a cryptocurrency supported asset that will be issued by the Axios Foundation and will be stored in an account managed by the Foundation. All axioms will be issued as loans. Unpaid loans will represent all the axioms in circulation. When the loan principal is paid, the axiom consisting of payment will be extinguished. The Foundation will record all loan activities on the blockchain. This blockchain will be published as a record, enabling a final-day audit of all operations. In each reporting period, the independent auditor will be able to use this information to state that, at the time of the audit, the total number of loans outstanding equals the total number of axioms in circulation. This arrangement will explain all the axioms and how they are issued, without disclosing any information relating to the accounts of members of the Axios Foundation. Combining blockchain technology with standard accounting will enable the Foundation to offer the best features of both worlds without sacrificing anything.

Axio is a variation on traditional cryptocurrency. As such, it is a digital asset designed to work as an exchange medium that uses cryptography to control the creation of additional monetary units, and to secure asset transfers.

The Features

From the start, Axio was designed to be more than a gradual improvement of the current monetary system. This is a revolutionary change, the aim of which is to go beyond the current system by providing benefits that were previously untenable to individuals and businesses. Here are some of Axio's features:


Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by new assets that are modeled with security supported by assets (ABS). Traditional ABS is financial security that is guaranteed by assets such as loans. While ABS is associated with a collection of basic assets that are determined by prices in fiat currencies, assets released by the Axios Foundation will be denominated in axioms. As a result, unlike ABS, each Axio, as collateral, does not have to be linked to a basic asset to determine its value. And unlike ABS issued for a collection of underlying assets, the Foundation will issue a number of axioms for a single asset that correspond to its nominal value. Axio's market value in terms of fiat currencies will depend on the portfolio of assets owned by the Foundation, and the securities market will determine this value by trading the Fiat vs. Axio currency.


Axios Foundation will provide loans and collect interest for it. As such, Axio will be supported by the intrinsic value of the borrower's efforts to repay their loans. That is, Axio will be directly supported by the intrinsic value of the work that represents the real value of the job byproducts such as gold. And unlike cryptocurrency supported by commodities that have fractional reserve values, Axio will be fully supported by the confidence and full credit of the borrowers.

Interest payment

The Foundation will distribute profits from its operations as interest payments to all Axio accounts. Interest payments will be paid periodically, provide incentives to invest in axioms, and deposit them on deposits with the Foundation.


Axio is supported by the value of loan interest payments that represent a certain amount of work. Because the value of employment is a stable commodity, Axio's intrinsic value will be stable.

Payment method

The Axios Foundation will support a variety of payment methods that will allow the axioms to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will enable the Foundation to cut the existing payment infrastructure, and the very high costs associated with it. In addition, all transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free for consumers and retailers.


Axios Foundation will operate a distributed computer system that will process transactions in real time.


Most cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, provides publicly available records of all transactions that have taken place. Therefore they have a low level of privacy, despite this limitation many people still entrust their financial history to the public blockchain. To overcome this problem, the Axios Foundation will not publish any information related to the account. In addition, the Foundation will not sell or share members' personal information without explicit permission.


The Axios Foundation will operate openly and transparently to benefit its members. To achieve this, all operational details, including operating costs, unpaid loans, deposit amounts, reserves, profits, etc. Will be published in the blockchain to show the financial status of the Foundation. The foundation itself will be operated democratically by its members in a manner similar to credit unions.


Because the system is independent, accounts managed by the Axios Foundation can be made safer than ordinary bank accounts.

Dispute resolution

Certain business transactions cannot be carried out without a legal framework supported by some form of dispute resolution, and the ability to reverse transactions due to errors, fraud, etc. This makes dispute resolution a vital component of every monetary system. To enable dispute resolution, transactions between Axio accounts will be reversed in whole or in part. To support the dispute resolution process, the Axios Foundation will comply with relevant court decisions, and will also provide arbitration for fees through smart contracts. The ability to handle complaints will make Axio similar to a legal tender issued by the government, which is something that other cryptocurrency cannot offer.


The Axios Foundation project roadmap consists of a number of stages, with the implementation phase of the project expected to take one year. The following is the list of project’s major milestones. Note that all projected dates are tentative and are subject to change without notice.


Initial phase of the project:
✓ Register Axios Foundation as a U.S. corporation.
✓ Register the intellectual property rights including a trademark.
✓ Define the legal structure of the project.
✓ Produce a whitepaper.

2019 Q1

Development phase:
✓ Create the graphic design for the logos and the monetary symbol.
✓ Create a website design.
✓ Produce an infomercial.
✓ Develop the website.
✓ File a provisional patent application.

2019 Q2

Preparations for an Offering:
✓ Prepare the Axio Token Terms of Sale document.
✓ Implement infrastructure for the Security Token Offering.
✓ Integrate support for accreditation verification and Token sales.
✓ File a patent application.

2019 Q4

Project announcement:
✓ Prepare a marketing campaign.

2020 Q2

Security Token Offering:
● Marketing campaign.
● Hold a limited time discounted presale.
● Hold a Security Token Offering.

2020 Q3

Finalize the company’s legal structure and if necessary:
● Apply for state money transmitter licenses (MTLs).
● Apply for a money services business (MSB).
● Apply for a New York State BitLicense.
● Apply for state non-bank lending licenses, or a banking license.
● Apply for a broker-dealer (FINRA/SEC) license.
● Register an alternative trading system (ATS).
● File an SEC registration or a Reg. A+ exemption to allow initial operations.

2020 Q3

Requirements and specifications for:
● Accounts management and services.
● Alternative trading system and brokerage.
● Payment methods.
● Dispute resolution.
● Accounting and compliance.

2020 Q4

Development of platform’s core components:
● Account services.
● Payment processing.
● Support for payment apps and cards.
● Accounting and compliance.
● Exchange order matching and settlement.
● Dispute resolution platform.

2021 Q4

System and stress test.

2021 Q4

The official launch.

Security Token Offering  

Securities offered in this STO are restricted exclusively to U.S. accredited investors, Non-U.S. investors, and institutional investors in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulation D, Rule 506(c). If you are not certain whether you are a qualified investor in your country of residence, please seek legal advice before investing in this STO.

The “Axio Token”, as initially-offered in this STO, will carry no intrinsic mechanism for the payment of distributions or financial returns of any kind. The Axios Foundation expects to convert the initially-sold Tokens to one or more classes of replacement tokens culminating in the “Axio”, which will be functional on the company’s yet-to-be developed Platform.

Preregister before April 2, to receive an additional 5% discount on your first purchase.


Henry Gleizer
30+ years’ experience in software project management, banking and trading systems development

Oleg Kondratyev
20+ years' of software development and architecture in financial services' companies

Roman Kravchenko
attorney with 10+ years' of experience

Axio Official Sites

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