Articles by "STO"
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HOMT LTD Platform Student Properties

The HOM Token Project (HOMT) aims to provide a centralized market for the Student Rental Accommodation Industry.

Help HOMT to provide a place for a centralized market specifically for students and their living needs. One-stop solution for implementing blockchain, AI, Big data, and Smart contracts to get 900 million euros in unexplored market potential which consists of nearly 16,230,000 students studying in the United States, NA Europe between 2020-2023.



It aims to create a special market where the property will be available for rent to students around the world with a few clicks in the most cost-effective way. Property is rented to students on the most affordable terms so that their learning life is comfortable and without much burden through long-term rental.


Asset Creation

Unlike traditional tokens and cryptocurrency, which act as either payment methods or utility tokens only, HOM Tokens become instruments in property acquisition for and from companies.

Data Transparency

All transaction activities that occur within the HOMT Ecosystem are deployed on a transparent blockchain network, ensuring transparency, audit capabilities, and trust.

Trusted and Regulated

HOMT is regulated by regional and global financial authorities, and its parent company HOMT Ltd. is a leading property acquisition, development, and distribution company with a focus on international asset management.


Unlike the traditional venture capital industry, where the entry for someone with low investment is almost impossible, or the traditional real estate market, HOMT through commodity tokenization and its business model offers lower investment minimums.

Utility Services

All token holders are eligible to receive allocations through a number of other utility services that they can use from various points of third-party merchants to hold their tokens. All transactions from underlying business activities are monitored & audited by third party evaluators & auditors, ensuring that complete transparency is maintained at all levels

Liquidity and Accessibility

HOMT allows the exchange of real estate assets and seamless value transfers. This gives users the opportunity to liquidate, access quickly, and exchange through HOM Tokens, which can be exchanged in crypto trade exchanges and can also be used to exchange peer-to-peer values.


⯈ Social Media

Airdrop HOMT

Today we have another good and suitable airdrop for our airdrop hunters to claim thanks to the HOM Token (HOMT) project where our airdrop hunters can claim up to 60 HOMT tokens with an estimated value of 15 USD to complete some easy social media tasks such as joining Groups Official HOM Token Telegram, Telegram Channel, follow them on Twitter, retweet one of their tweets, like their Facebook page, follow them on Instagram, subscribe to their YouTube channel and like and share one of their videos, subscribe to their advertiser's YouTube channel, like and share HOM Token airdrop videos on one of your social media, join their advertiser's Telegram Channel, follow their advertisers on Twitter and retweet tweets about HOM Token airdrop and send your details on their official Telegram bot for further verification. You can also get 10 additional HOMT with an estimated value of 2.5 USD tokens for each of your references.

HOMT is a type of ERC20 token that was built on the Ethereum platform with a total supply of 125,000,000 HOMT tokens. They are currently registered on ProBit.

Axio -  Legally Compliant Cryptocurrency

Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by revolutionary assets designed to overcome many of the deficiencies found in existing cryptocurrency, such as a lack of identifiable intrinsic value, extreme volatility, and incompatibility for business operations.

Axio is not only a cryptocurrency, but is a component of a cryptocurrency monetary system supported by delayed assets. In this system, this will provide a stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, transferability and convertibility without international limits, various payment methods, free basic account services, and the legal framework. But most important, Axio is designed to serve the people.

For this purpose it was established based on principles that are diametrically opposed to the current system, such as deflation rather than inflation, public control and transparency for the common good, not secrets for personal gain.

To function in the current monetary system, Axio will be issued as security under U.S. law. with all the benefits implied. This will provide substantial protection from problems related to other cryptocurrency and legacy banking systems. Given its many advantages, Axio is positioned to be the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrency. Because of that, he has enormous potential.

Security Token Offering

The Features

From the start, Axio was designed to be more than a gradual improvement of the current monetary system. This is a revolutionary change, the aim of which is to go beyond the current system by providing benefits that were previously untenable to individuals and businesses. Here are some of Axio's features:

Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by new assets that are modeled with security supported by assets (ABS). Traditional ABS is financial security that is guaranteed by assets such as loans. While ABS is associated with a collection of basic assets that are determined by prices in fiat currencies, assets released by the Axios Foundation will be denominated in axioms. As a result, unlike ABS, each Axio, as collateral, does not have to be linked to a basic asset to determine its value. And unlike ABS issued for a collection of underlying assets, the Foundation will issue a number of axioms for a single asset that correspond to its nominal value. Axio's market value in terms of fiat currencies will depend on the portfolio of assets owned by the Foundation, and the securities market will determine this value by trading the Fiat vs. Axio currency.

Axios Foundation will provide loans and collect interest for it. As such, Axio will be supported by the intrinsic value of the borrower's efforts to repay their loans. That is, Axio will be directly supported by the intrinsic value of the work that represents the real value of the job byproducts such as gold. And unlike cryptocurrency supported by commodities that have fractional reserve values, Axio will be fully supported by the confidence and full credit of the borrowers.

Interest payment
The Foundation will distribute profits from its operations as interest payments to all Axio accounts. Interest payments will be paid periodically, provide incentives to invest in axioms, and deposit them on deposits with the Foundation.

Axio is supported by the value of loan interest payments that represent a certain amount of work. Because the value of employment is a stable commodity, Axio's intrinsic value will be stable.

Payment method
The Axios Foundation will support a variety of payment methods that will allow the axioms to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will enable the Foundation to cut the existing payment infrastructure, and the very high costs associated with it. In addition, all transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free for consumers and retailers.

Axios Foundation will operate a distributed computer system that will process transactions in real time.

Most cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, provides publicly available records of all transactions that have taken place. Therefore they have a low level of privacy, despite this limitation many people still entrust their financial history to the public blockchain. To overcome this problem, the Axios Foundation will not publish any information related to the account. In addition, the Foundation will not sell or share members' personal information without explicit permission.

The Axios Foundation will operate openly and transparently to benefit its members. To achieve this, all operational details, including operating costs, unpaid loans, deposit amounts, reserves, profits, etc. Will be published in the blockchain to show the financial status of the Foundation. The foundation itself will be operated democratically by its members in a manner similar to credit unions.

Because the system is independent, accounts managed by the Axios Foundation can be made safer than ordinary bank accounts.

Dispute resolution
Certain business transactions cannot be carried out without a legal framework supported by some form of dispute resolution, and the ability to reverse transactions due to errors, fraud, etc. This makes dispute resolution a vital component of every monetary system. To enable dispute resolution, transactions between Axio accounts will be reversed in whole or in part. To support the dispute resolution process, the Axios Foundation will comply with relevant court decisions, and will also provide arbitration for fees through smart contracts. The ability to handle complaints will make Axio similar to a legal tender issued by the government, which is something that other cryptocurrency cannot offer.

Axio Official Sites

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.


Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by revolutionary assets designed to overcome many of the deficiencies found in existing cryptocurrency, such as a lack of identifiable intrinsic value, extreme volatility, and incompatibility for business operations.

Axio is not only a cryptocurrency, but a component of the cryptocurrency monetary system supported by delayed assets. In this system, this will provide a stable intrinsic value, interest payments, privacy, transparency, secure ownership, free real-time transactions, transferability and convertibility without international limits, various payment methods, free basic account services, and the legal framework. Axio will be issued as security under U.S. law. with all the benefits that imply. This will provide substantial protection from problems related to other cryptocurrency and legacy banking systems. Given its many advantages, Axio is positioned to be the dominant player in the race to create the next generation of cryptocurrency. Because of that, he has enormous potential.

About Axio

Axio is a cryptocurrency supported asset that will be issued by the Axios Foundation and will be stored in an account managed by the Foundation. All axioms will be issued as loans. Unpaid loans will represent all the axioms in circulation. When the loan principal is paid, the axiom consisting of payment will be extinguished. The Foundation will record all loan activities on the blockchain. This blockchain will be published as a record, enabling a final-day audit of all operations. In each reporting period, the independent auditor will be able to use this information to state that, at the time of the audit, the total number of loans outstanding equals the total number of axioms in circulation. This arrangement will explain all the axioms and how they are issued, without disclosing any information relating to the accounts of members of the Axios Foundation. Combining blockchain technology with standard accounting will enable the Foundation to offer the best features of both worlds without sacrificing anything.

Axio is a variation on traditional cryptocurrency. As such, it is a digital asset designed to work as an exchange medium that uses cryptography to control the creation of additional monetary units, and to secure asset transfers.

The Features

From the start, Axio was designed to be more than a gradual improvement of the current monetary system. This is a revolutionary change, the aim of which is to go beyond the current system by providing benefits that were previously untenable to individuals and businesses. Here are some of Axio's features:


Axio is a cryptocurrency supported by new assets that are modeled with security supported by assets (ABS). Traditional ABS is financial security that is guaranteed by assets such as loans. While ABS is associated with a collection of basic assets that are determined by prices in fiat currencies, assets released by the Axios Foundation will be denominated in axioms. As a result, unlike ABS, each Axio, as collateral, does not have to be linked to a basic asset to determine its value. And unlike ABS issued for a collection of underlying assets, the Foundation will issue a number of axioms for a single asset that correspond to its nominal value. Axio's market value in terms of fiat currencies will depend on the portfolio of assets owned by the Foundation, and the securities market will determine this value by trading the Fiat vs. Axio currency.


Axios Foundation will provide loans and collect interest for it. As such, Axio will be supported by the intrinsic value of the borrower's efforts to repay their loans. That is, Axio will be directly supported by the intrinsic value of the work that represents the real value of the job byproducts such as gold. And unlike cryptocurrency supported by commodities that have fractional reserve values, Axio will be fully supported by the confidence and full credit of the borrowers.

Interest payment

The Foundation will distribute profits from its operations as interest payments to all Axio accounts. Interest payments will be paid periodically, provide incentives to invest in axioms, and deposit them on deposits with the Foundation.


Axio is supported by the value of loan interest payments that represent a certain amount of work. Because the value of employment is a stable commodity, Axio's intrinsic value will be stable.

Payment method

The Axios Foundation will support a variety of payment methods that will allow the axioms to be used seamlessly, just like any other currency. Among these are mobile payments that will enable the Foundation to cut the existing payment infrastructure, and the very high costs associated with it. In addition, all transactions that do not require currency conversion will be free for consumers and retailers.


Axios Foundation will operate a distributed computer system that will process transactions in real time.


Most cryptocurrency, like Bitcoin, provides publicly available records of all transactions that have taken place. Therefore they have a low level of privacy, despite this limitation many people still entrust their financial history to the public blockchain. To overcome this problem, the Axios Foundation will not publish any information related to the account. In addition, the Foundation will not sell or share members' personal information without explicit permission.


The Axios Foundation will operate openly and transparently to benefit its members. To achieve this, all operational details, including operating costs, unpaid loans, deposit amounts, reserves, profits, etc. Will be published in the blockchain to show the financial status of the Foundation. The foundation itself will be operated democratically by its members in a manner similar to credit unions.


Because the system is independent, accounts managed by the Axios Foundation can be made safer than ordinary bank accounts.

Dispute resolution

Certain business transactions cannot be carried out without a legal framework supported by some form of dispute resolution, and the ability to reverse transactions due to errors, fraud, etc. This makes dispute resolution a vital component of every monetary system. To enable dispute resolution, transactions between Axio accounts will be reversed in whole or in part. To support the dispute resolution process, the Axios Foundation will comply with relevant court decisions, and will also provide arbitration for fees through smart contracts. The ability to handle complaints will make Axio similar to a legal tender issued by the government, which is something that other cryptocurrency cannot offer.


The Axios Foundation project roadmap consists of a number of stages, with the implementation phase of the project expected to take one year. The following is the list of project’s major milestones. Note that all projected dates are tentative and are subject to change without notice.


Initial phase of the project:
✓ Register Axios Foundation as a U.S. corporation.
✓ Register the intellectual property rights including a trademark.
✓ Define the legal structure of the project.
✓ Produce a whitepaper.

2019 Q1

Development phase:
✓ Create the graphic design for the logos and the monetary symbol.
✓ Create a website design.
✓ Produce an infomercial.
✓ Develop the website.
✓ File a provisional patent application.

2019 Q2

Preparations for an Offering:
✓ Prepare the Axio Token Terms of Sale document.
✓ Implement infrastructure for the Security Token Offering.
✓ Integrate support for accreditation verification and Token sales.
✓ File a patent application.

2019 Q4

Project announcement:
✓ Prepare a marketing campaign.

2020 Q2

Security Token Offering:
● Marketing campaign.
● Hold a limited time discounted presale.
● Hold a Security Token Offering.

2020 Q3

Finalize the company’s legal structure and if necessary:
● Apply for state money transmitter licenses (MTLs).
● Apply for a money services business (MSB).
● Apply for a New York State BitLicense.
● Apply for state non-bank lending licenses, or a banking license.
● Apply for a broker-dealer (FINRA/SEC) license.
● Register an alternative trading system (ATS).
● File an SEC registration or a Reg. A+ exemption to allow initial operations.

2020 Q3

Requirements and specifications for:
● Accounts management and services.
● Alternative trading system and brokerage.
● Payment methods.
● Dispute resolution.
● Accounting and compliance.

2020 Q4

Development of platform’s core components:
● Account services.
● Payment processing.
● Support for payment apps and cards.
● Accounting and compliance.
● Exchange order matching and settlement.
● Dispute resolution platform.

2021 Q4

System and stress test.

2021 Q4

The official launch.

Security Token Offering  

Securities offered in this STO are restricted exclusively to U.S. accredited investors, Non-U.S. investors, and institutional investors in accordance with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Regulation D, Rule 506(c). If you are not certain whether you are a qualified investor in your country of residence, please seek legal advice before investing in this STO.

The “Axio Token”, as initially-offered in this STO, will carry no intrinsic mechanism for the payment of distributions or financial returns of any kind. The Axios Foundation expects to convert the initially-sold Tokens to one or more classes of replacement tokens culminating in the “Axio”, which will be functional on the company’s yet-to-be developed Platform.

Preregister before April 2, to receive an additional 5% discount on your first purchase.


Henry Gleizer
30+ years’ experience in software project management, banking and trading systems development

Oleg Kondratyev
20+ years' of software development and architecture in financial services' companies

Roman Kravchenko
attorney with 10+ years' of experience

Axio Official Sites

Instant Assets Tokens - Providing Real World Solutions & Utilities

The IA Tokens idea means to reform the land business utilizing Blockchain innovation through the advancement of the IAT Platform. Assets raised from this STO will be utilized to build up the IAT blockchain and our current administration organization that is as of now operational will embrace the benefit the board. The Platform will take into account the Philippines showcase first and we hope to venture into other creating markets in Asia.


Nonetheless, regardless of the way that the land advertises is an amazingly encouraging and exceptionally productive course, despite everything it has its very own issues or as they can, in any case, be called hindrances, in light of which not every person has the chance to become members toward this path. Also, this is expected much of the time to the high edge of passage into this business section. All things considered, not every person will have a lot of cash to purchase or manufacture a specific property. 

Simultaneously, not every person has enough information on the most proficient method to pick a fluid property for themselves to take advantage of its activity. Note that this sort of system applies to both private and non-private and business land. All things considered, whatever the article, before you get it, you should cautiously break down and study it. Help for this situation, obviously, can every related proficient, legal advisors, engineers and different experts who are arranged in the land advertise. Be that as it may, remember about the expense of administrations, which here and there comes to up to 20 percent of the expense of all lodging.

In this way, we see that the land showcase is loaded with different nuances and subtleties, consistency with which adds to a superior collaboration of the financial specialist with this speculation heading. Be that as it may, regardless of how" great " the conventional business framework is, it can't take care of huge numbers of the issues related to it, which implies that numerous experts get an opportunity to offer better and progressively good conditions for their clients. 

It is about these conditions that I need to disclose to you today. So don't switch anyplace and read my survey as far as possible!

Focal points 

As you have just comprehended, the authors of the IAT Platform try to digitize the cutting edge land showcase, in this manner extending the scope of willing members in this segment. In the event that previous just huge speculators could participate in the land advertise, presently on account of the inherent arrangement of utility tokens, anybody can purchase a specific property that he loved the most. And all on the grounds that inside AT Platform now each item land is displayed as digitized resources.

All things considered, not exclusively will all exchanges be fixed through the implicit shrewd agreement, yet in addition the exceptionally planned engineering of the IAT Platform itself will permit staying away from numerous mix-ups and entanglements experienced in the conventional land showcase. Since all data will be put away and transmitted uniquely in the blockchain system, and in this way won't be accessible for hacking, burglary or some other programmer assault. 

Additionally, no less significant detail of the IAT Platform is the lifted limitations for every single outside speculator. That is, it implies that now any willing client of the system has the chance to buy, lease or sell any property that he needs. I trust it is exceptionally advantageous and incredibly famous nowadays.


Despite the potential profits of the real estate market, buyers face numerous problems and limitations. IAT, to maximize benefits and minimize losses people might incur, aims to solve the following through the adoption of the blockchain technology:

✔️ All Round Transactional Costs
✔️ Integrity and Security
✔️ Transparency of Transfer
✔️ Time and Costs Savings
✔️ Restrictions to Foreign Investors

Utilities & Benefits


As you have just speculated, the IAT Platform will run its own IA Tokens with which you can play out any of the accompanying capacities: the obtaining of any advantages inside the IAT framework; installment for different administrations identified with the administration of similar resources; installment for charge exhortation; acquisition of furniture; installment for legal advisors, realtors and substantially more. So, the engineers of AT Platform are endeavoring to accomplish a free and multifunctional utilization of their token, with the goal that the members of their environment can feel its worth, yet additionally apply it practically speaking. 

The aggregate sum of IA Tokens will be 5 billion units with an underlying estimation of $0.01 USD. It will be anything but difficult to get them both with ETH and BTC. Concerning the dispersion of the aggregate sum of tokens, it will look as pursues: (see figure)



A Business Coach and founder of RBG Philippines Inc., Realty Beacon Philippines Inc. and Realty Beacon Pte Ltd. He has trained entrepreneurs, salespeople, professionals, CEOs and business owners from US, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and in the Philippines. He founded and created the Digitokens Inc. a cryptocurrency company that offers digital assets to the global investors.


He is an entrepreneur with 10 years of experience in the real estate industry and has invested in properties in Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, and the Philippines. He was actively providing portfolio advisory and has been focused on the Philippines real estate market for the last 5 years and is looking to revolutionize the market with his new-found passion in Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain technology.


The CEO of Gravitas and an established lawyer and entrepreneur with extensive experience in the construction, telecommunications, engineering, retail, IT and financial industries. Malcolm is also skilled in litigation, corporate law, and mergers and acquisitions. He previously held legal counsel positions in both global and regional capacities across the Asia-Pacific region, MENA, and North America.


He has worked with Citibank NYC as assistant to VP of loan department from 1989 - 1993 and started a career in Singapore with an MNC group based from the US as director of theirfloor covering division. He Formulated strategies on how to expand their operation in U.S. and Europe. The whole portfolio is more than $35 million. He set up his own company in 2003 selling floor covering to both US and Europe.

HiveNet - The next Generation of Cloud Computing.

HiveNet - The Next Generation of Cloud Computing

Explanation of Cryptocurrency

The development of digital currency or cryptocurrency is so fast and aggressive. Coin Crypto Asia has tracked about 2500 more digital money circulating in the crypto market. That number does not include digital money-based investment products. Quoting from the site, there are currently 2396 types of cryptocurrency and the most famous is Bitcoin. The development of financial technology has begun to shake financial services and the global payment system. However, what exactly is meant by digital currency or cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency already existed around ten years ago and has now become quite popular, widespread, and surrounded by many controversies from innovative developments. Cryptocurrency is a digital currency where transactions can be done online. This can be done anytime and anywhere, not depending on bank working days or government workdays, there is no downtime and transactions can be done in minutes. Unlike printed paper currencies, cryptocurrency is designed by solving cryptographic mathematical problems.

Explanation of STO

STO is an abbreviation of Security Token Offerings which refers to the movement to replace the ICO (Initial Coin Offerings) stage. STO presents a new business model that mitigates risk for investors. With STO, investors can buy, sell or hold their tokens. Furthermore, security tokens are basically tokens that are supported by tangible assets that have value.

The STO approach can resolve compliance and licensing requirements related to securities laws. At this point, although tokens are not considered securities, they can be designated as e-money, payment services or alternative forms of investment. To find out about a token, the best way is to do an analysis. If the token is a security token, then it must be under the scope of the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission).

Explanation of HiveNet

HiveNet is a digital currency that is being developed using the STO concept, this allows every investor's assets to be safely protected. Aside from that, investors don't need to worry about fluctuating crypto conditions, because HiveNet is building real assets. Check out HiveNet explanation below to understand more.

What is HiveNet?

HiveNet is a Distributed Cloud Computing Network, which connects computers around the world to perform valuable computing tasks. Can you imagine your computer making money while you sleep? HiveNet turns your computer time into an income!

The HiveNet project is now registered at because of HiveNet's future contribution to reducing electronic waste and protecting our environment.

HiveNet will offer its users the opportunity to safely lease their computing power while the computer is not in use. In this way, less resources must be consumed to build new computers and less electronic waste is created. HiveNet motivates users to participate by giving them advantages for their computing resources. Readmore! WhitePaper.

HiveNet Ecosystem

1. Customer Payments
Customers simply pay for computing power, which they actually use. They will pay with HiveCoins or for convenience with their local fiat money (eg US-Dollar or Euro), which is automatically exchanged with HiveCoins on digital currency exchanges. This will generate ongoing and fundamental demand for HiveCoins and will ensure inherent value.

2. Providing Computing Power
Computer owners will provide their IDL computing power and will be rewarded through a fair share of customer payments. Accurate payments will be ensured and automated with the Gift Giving Application.

3. Trade and Use HiveCoins
Like other cryptocurrencies, HiveCoins will be betradeable via digital currency exchanges. Also, we will issue a debit card and include widely used online payment systems, like PayPal. Hereby, HiveCoin owners will be able to use HiveCoin savings to pay in countless local and online shops. This way, HiveNet willenable public mass-adoption.

4. Staking HiveCoins
  • HiveCoin owners will be able to stake their
  • HiveCoin savings to prolong and secure the
  • HiveNet Blockchain. Hereby, stakers will
  • Receive newly minted HiveCoins, which will
  • Generate an ongoing return on their HiveCoins.

How it works

1. User Client
The HiveNet User Client is the user’s all-in-one tool and includes the computing, blockchain and wallet software modules. It enables an easy and user-friendly handling without the need for profound technological know-how.

2. HiveNet Blockchain
The HiveNet Blockchain is secured by a highly efficient Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism. It is specifically optimized for the HiveNet and combines high security with fast transactions.

Token Sale

1. Technical Compliance
The HiveNet will initially be funded through selling HiveNet Tokens (HNT). HiveNet Tokensare ERC-20 tokens and compatible with many walls and other third-party systems toensure simple handling.

2. Legal Compliance
We consider our HiveNet Tokens sales to be compatible with German federal laws. All responsive documentation will be effectively distributed to BaFin (German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) to ensure transparency.

How to buy HiveNet Tokens

All details about the upcoming sale of HiveNet Tokens will be announced on appropriately in advance. If you don’t want to miss out on your chance to participate, make sure you register for our email newsletter and / or follow our social media channels.

Benefits of HiveNet

1. Computer Owners
How many hours per day are you actually using your computer?Just imagine your computer earning you some profit during the rest of the day. HiveNet makes it possible by securely delivering valuable computing tasks from paying customers to your computer.

2. Crypto Traders
HiveNet has its own inherent cryptocurrency: the HiveCoin. HiveCoins are used to pay for computing power within the HiveNet. Hereby an ongoing demand for HiveCoins is ensured and will create one of the few cryptocurrencies with a real, fundamental value, which provides excellent short- and long-term opportunities for traders

3. Customers
HiveNet is much cheaper than traditional cloud computing. How? Because many important cost levers that apply to traditional providers (eg Amazon Web Services) don’t apply to HiveNet, because it utilizes the idle times of already available computers. So, there is no need to invest into new computers, housing and many other operational costs.

4. Nature
HiveNet increases the usage of available computers. Thereby less resources are consumed to build new computers and less electronic garbage is created.Also, the HiveNet Blockchain is using a highly economic Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which is much more resource saving than most available blockchains.

Roadmap HiveNet


HiveNet Team

Dr. Maximilian Pinker
Dr. Andreas Bogner
Qiao Pinker
Evelyn Gu
HiveNet Team

Senior Advisors

Dr. Matthias Besch
Sebastian Daschner

Pre-Sale starts on 24th September

Pre-Sale is now LIVE

Get Whitelisted for the Pre-Sale

Pre-Sale Metrics

  • Pre-Sale start: 24th September 2019
  • Pre-Sale end: with start of Public Sale (planned for November 2019)
  • HiveNet Token (HNT) base price: 0.08 USD
  • Discount for early birds: up to 25 % depending on the time of purchase
  • Minimum purchase amount during Pre-Sale: 10,000 USD

How to buy in the Pre-Sale

Step 1:     Get whitelisted by registering HERE
Step 2:    We will check your input and notify you, if we could whitelist you.
Step 3:    We will send you the legal framework, which consists of:​
Step 4:    Conclusion of Purchase Contract

Who is eligible to be whitelisted?

We will whitelist all parties and individuals, who are not excluded according to the provisions in our Token Sale Terms and Conditions.

If you are unsure, whether you can comply with the provisions, you can state your concerns in the submission form.

HiveNet Token

The HiveNet Token (HNT) is an ERC-20 compliant token, which is powered by the Ethereum blockchain.

For all further details about the HiveNet Token (HNT), please refer to our White Paper and the Token Sale Terms and Conditions.

IEO / Public Sale

Details on the soon upcoming IEO / Public Sale will be published here.

If you want to make sure that you don't miss out this opportunity, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on our social media channels.

This way you will receive all relevant announcements.

Official Website HiveNet

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