Articles by "Analysis"
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Veteran Analyst Peter Brandt Scorns 'XRP's Bag Holder,' Compares Ripple to the Fed

A large number of digital currency investors believe in XRP, the fourth largest crypto capital based on market capitalization will be a bridge between banks and cryptocurrency. As many other crypto enthusiasts hate XRP and think that the ledgers distributed are highly centralized.

Veteran trader Peter Brandt tapped the XRP digital currency and compared the crypto token Ripple to the US Federal Reserve.

Brandt said he believed the company behind the coins would double the supply of tokens, and he did not understand why "smart people" drank "XRP-Kool-aide."

Although in a technical way, XRP has an outstanding supply of 44 billion tokens each valued at $ 0.20. The token value is much higher than the original five years of existence when traded with less than one US cent during much of that period.

On July 23, veteran trader Peter Brandt discussed XRP with a large number of digital currency lovers. Brandt is a well-known trader who shares financial analysis and charts on Twitter in a routine manner. He made as many predictions and this analyst has more than 364,000 Twitter followers today.

Many crypto enthusiasts followed Brandt because he was bullish about Ethereum (ETH) and Bitcoin (BTC) and on July 8, veteran traders said there were "significant breakthroughs in ETH-BTC." Brandt further noted that the majority of Alts must find bitcoin in the near future. "Even the founder of Adamant Capital, Tuur Demeester seems to agree with Brandt's assessment.

The discussion that took place Thursday on Twitter was related to XRP crypto capital when someone talked about "XRP Army shills" and certain trading techniques. Brandt joined in his conversation and comments about XRP equating crypto capital with the US dollar, and comparing the Ripple company with the US Federal Reserve.

"XRP can be compared to USD," Brandt tweeted. "The Fed is a holder of USD pockets - they can double supply if they want." Financial analysts further write:

Ripple is where XRP bags are - and WILL double supply. I can't believe the number of smart ppl who drink Kool-aide XRP.

Of course, members of the XRP Army didn't care about Brandt's comment after he tapped the crypto assets and the Ripple company. One person claims that the lack of knowledge of Brandt coding means that his opinion must be dismissed.

"Do you know anything about codes?" asking for a Twitter account is clearly annoyed about Brandt's XRP comments. "This is absolutely impossible. It's a shame that people who don't understand have so many followers. "

After being harassed by the XRP Army about his recent statement, Brandt further criticized followers of crypto coins. "Some things never change - I remember the wrath I received when I said baby beanies, hula hoops, and pet stones would not be a global asset class. Some neighbors haven't talked to me for years, "Brandt answered. Financial analysts continue with tweeting:

They were so angry because deep down they knew I was right. They are the most rabbis of all devotees.

At the time of writing, XRP exchanged $ 0.203 per coin and dropped 1.3% during the last 24 hours of trading. The last 30 days showed XRP up 11.42%, 90 days of tokens up 8.6%, but for this year coins fell 34%.

Not long ago XRP was a strong crypto competitor, but since the tether (USDT) began to shine brightly, the tokens have lost significant momentum. Tether has surpassed XRP by the size of its market capitalization and USDT has seen more settlement lately.

PepsiCo cuts analysis time by 90% with Tableau + Trifacta

Consumers enjoy PepsiCo products one billion times a day in more than 200 countries and regions throughout the world. To understand data from retail customers, PepsiCo adopted Tableau and reduced report production time by 90%. Using Trifacta, the CPFR team disputed the different data, pulling it to Tableau for estimates and analysis - reducing the time to end of the PepsiCo analysis process by 70% and reporting production time by 90%. With faster, more accurate reporting, PepsiCo has a competitive advantage in the retail space and provides customers with best-in-class service.

Searching for a single source of truth

PepsiCo customers give them reports that include warehouse inventory, store inventory, and point of sale inventory. PepsiCo reconciles this data with their own shipping history, production figures, and forecast data. Each customer has their own data standards, which are not interconnected (let alone the PepsiCo system). For example, PepsiCo relies on UPC codes to identify each product, while customers create their own internal numbers.

Dealing with this data problem is a challenge and the report can take months to produce. Analysts know that their ability to quickly standardize data at all retailers - and speak the same language as their customers - is very important to prepare data faster for their estimation and planning efforts.

Poking around the sales forecast is fast enough for management to direct the course of the sale is another challenge. Each new report requires CPFR team analysts to create a tool in Microsoft Access that combines retailer sales data and PepsiCo inventory data; a process that can take up to six months.

The team mainly relied on Excel for analysis, making large amounts of messy data. And the team does not have an efficient way to find errors, which leads to potentially expensive results. For example, products missing from a report can lead to inaccurate estimates and lost revenue.

The CPFR team needs a way to handle large amounts of different data. At the same time, the team needs a visual analysis tool that can help them maximize PepsiCo data.

Find the right solution for better data

To bring coherence to the data, PepsiCo turned to Tableau partner, Trifacta.

For greater efficiency and scale, PepsiCo applies Hortonworks Hadoop as a landing and staging environment for this diverse data. Now the report runs directly on Hadoop, without involving a few steps with the Access and PepsiCo servers. This process allows the analyst to directly manipulate data using Trifacta.

Tableau gives PepsiCo the final step: powerful analysis and visualization, helping businesses understand the volume of data. PepsiCo analysts share Tableau workbooks that are relevant to management on Tableau Server.

Strong results with Trifacta + Tableau

The combined use of Tableau and Trifacta helps the CPFR team advance the business, increasing visibility into customer orders. The ability of Trifacta's visual profile and Tableau's advanced visual analysis allow the team to easily identify gaps and overcome larger problems.

Trifacta integrates natively with Tableau Data Extracts (TDE), allowing PepsiCo analysts to transition seamlessly between the two technologies. PepsiCo brings Tableau data extracts to Tableau Desktop, enabling them to maintain performance on big data.

The combination of the strength of the Trifacta data dispute and the analytical depth of Tableau enables PepsiCo to streamline the process. This dramatically reduces the time spent on data preparation and improves overall data quality. Normalized data in Trifacta helps capture errors and deficiencies in the data. And with Tableau, PepsiCo can easily find outlaws and take action. If problems arise, they can correct errors before causing bigger problems downstream.

Conducting data analysis with Tableau using Trifacta normalized data has reduced the run-to-end time of PepsiCo analysis by as much as 70%. The ability to reproduce patterns makes building CPFR tools a more efficient and automatic process.

PepsiCo now spends less time preparing data, and more time finding insights. Mike Riegling, Supply Chain Data Analyst at PepsiCo, said, "Now we don't take the time to combine data; we spend time analyzing data, telling stories, and finding problems."

Building these reports in Tableau reduced production time by 90%, and the visualization used up to six months to build is now ready in one day.

At Tableau Desktop, PepsiCo analyzes inventory, logistics, and financial data from all over the country. Bringing data to Tableau Desktop enables PepsiCo to understand big data and empower analysts to create supply chains and forecast reports in a short amount of time.

Analysts refine data to answer questions, see trends, and plan for future demand - saving the company money. The IT department publishes TDE to Tableau Server, encourages collaboration between teams - and enables self-service analytics on a large scale.

Gaining insight from customer data faster than ever before has improved the PepsiCo process to offer its customers best-in-class service. This also gives PepsiCo a huge competitive advantage compared to other CPG businesses.

PepsiCo can now predict trends, adjust sales, and ultimately sell more of the right products to increase their profits. Riegling commented, "We can change customer data and present it to our entire company, in a way that everyone can understand, faster than our competitors." Sources:

Bitcoin Price in Q3-Q4 2020

In the previous article, we already wrote about Market Analysis & Bitcoin Price Q1-Q2 2020. BTC has outperformed the stock market so far in 2020. 

A strong recovery since mid-March has brought BTC prices back to the same level as in February this year. Monetary policy that continues to grow also serves to galvanize many of the biggest supporters of cryptocurrency. However, many people believe that Bitcoin is not a safe haven role due to its high correlation with the stock market during the stock market sell-off period.

Bitcoin volume is slowly showing an upward trend

The average weekly trading volume tends to fall since Bitcoin returned to the level of $ 10,000 in early May. The trend in the first half of 2020 is still going up, but there is no certainty whether this trend will continue or not because the market still looks stagnant. The second half of 2020 is likely to be marked by a decrease in trading volume, as we saw at the beginning of the second semester of 2019.

Market mash looks scared

If we look back at the first half of 2020 from the perspective of market sentiment, we can see a clear trend. Except for the February spike and a few minor spikes in May, market sentiment remains below the neutral zone and the 'fear' zone this year. Less than 25% of the first half of 2020 market sentiment shows ‘greedy’, which means; Uncertainty and fear in the market almost dominated the first half of 2020.

Different hype for Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2020

Google search trends show that Bitcoin and Ethereum had two different hype periods during the first half of 2020. When Bitcoin search interest hit its highest level when the market dropped in March, Ethereum's search interest peaked in mid-February, when ETH prices rose rapidly. The name Bitcoin also re-emerged when Bitcoin halving occurred in May, but did not exceed the level in March.

In addition, one thing that is also interesting is that Ethereum's search interest is still quite high. This happened after the market recovered and throughout the second quarter of 2020. This was likely due to increased interest in DeFi. On the other hand, interest in searching for Bitcoin fell again after halving in May 2020. At present the level of interest in searching for Bitcoin has returned to the same level as in early March.

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.

Market Analysis & Bitcoin Price Q1-Q2 2020

Current events in the crypto market, Bitcoin price movements both from the fundamental and technical aspects we discuss thoroughly.

The contents of this article are for information purposes only and are not investment advice or recommendations or solicitation. Coin Crypto Asia always advises you to get financial advice by you and for yourself before investing or trading cryptocurrency.

Not feel half of 2020 we have passed and we feel it is important for all of us to look back a little to see so far what has happened in the crypto world in 2020.

Beginning with the green candlestick in January which signals the bullish trend of Bitcoin, the optimism of the Bitcoin market continues into February. The more 'green', the price of Bitcoin also set a record high in 2020 (year-to-date) in February in the range of $ 10,500 / BTC. Shortly afterward, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global market crash that destroyed all profits seen before March.

However, Bitcoin has bounced back with a 27% increase, and so far in 2020 Bitcoin has outperformed the stock market. Except for XRP, most of the best crypto assets based on market cap (market cap) are in the green zone. XRP has so far experienced a 9% drop in market cap in 2020. Overtaking the position of Bitcoin, Ether (ETH) has emerged as the best crypto asset that has so far risen 75% in 2020.

Also! The Good News - Bitcoin Price in Q3-Q4 2020

Crypto market recovery that occurred after the market crash, looks stagnant in recent weeks. Bitcoin price movements are still in the range of $ 9,000 and $ 9,800 since early May until now.

Bitcoin price analysis


After more than a week the market movement is still in a sideways condition with a range-bound sideways around $ 9000, finally, on Monday the BTC broke through the level of $ 9,300 and even prices closed in the range of $ 9,400. This price increase is the highest since June 25. But unfortunately, this is not interesting enough for investors/traders to pump the increase in trading volume. As a result, there is a slight retrace to the $ 9,300 resistance level we mentioned earlier.

If we analyze from the support side, the $ 9000 support level has significantly strengthened in the last few weeks. But now the level is a critical zone that must be wary of if the rising momentum of Bitcoin prices does not continue.

Meanwhile, before Bitcoin rises to face its psychological zone at $ 10,000, there are a number of smaller resistance levels that Bitcoin must cross - although it will require a larger trading volume to be able to maintain the uptrend and breakout until it breaks the downtrend line that we show in color black on the chart.


At the macro-level (greater), we see BTC surviving in an uncertain phase. If we describe in more detail, Bitcoin managed to recover after the market crash due to COVID-19 with volatility and the weekly volume of Bitcoin looks low in the range of trading prices that are generally the same. Low volatility, in the long run, is not something we normally see on the BTC market, and given the current post-COVID-19 socio-economic environmental conditions, we certainly will not be surprised if price action occurs with a clearer direction in the near future.

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.

Bitcoin Price in 2020

Digital Asset Research, has released a new bitcoin price prediction model based on scarcity - that is. how much bitcoin is left to be mined? The model estimates that the price of Bitcoin can reach as high as $ 60,595 in May 2020, almost six times the current value of $ 10,670. This will place the Bitcoin market capitalization of almost $ 1.25 trillion.

This prediction model is based largely on extrapolating Bitcoin price performance before - into the future. Another key factor that according to the report will determine the price is the termination of the Bitcoin prize block - the next one will mature in 2020. Because the prize for the mining block is cut in half, the price of Bitcoin will rise.

While the report assumes that history will repeat almost perfectly, it does provide interesting insights into the behavior of Bitcoin in recent years. Digital Asset Research found that the price of Bitcoin tends to peak about one-third of its way through each prize cycle which is split in half - each peak beats the previous one. If this continues, this means that Bitcoin will find its maximum limit in September 2021 - beyond the $ 60,595 it quoted earlier. The report, however, does not speculate about what might be the upper limit of the price of bitcoin.

But clearly, this will require a large cash flow - maybe $ 1 trillion - to enter the market, to drive prices. Digital Asset Research speculates that it could come from investors who want to hedge the government's currency. Most people say that the US-China trade war or further geopolitical tensions in Hong Kong can drive investors towards Bitcoin. However, as we have seen recently when Dow Jones fell - money came out of the market, showing that Bitcoin might be seen as a riskier and more volatile asset than a safe place.

The prediction model was created using Bitcoin market data, which previously highlighted the relationship between the value of Bitcoin and its rarity. Digital Asset Research plans to revise the model when new information or market functions become clear, to improve accuracy over time.

Bitcoin Scenarios

BITCOIN | Some Important Levels & Scenarios

Bitcoin Yesterday, the BTC worth created a reasonably good climb and it manages to interrupt higher than the beautiful sturdy resistance level. the extent that stayed around 10k was a reasonably nice reversal space however we have a tendency to neede a pessimistic holder pattern around it. fortuitously (knowing the value action once it), we have a tendency to did not latch on and also the worth created a reasonably spectacular 4H candle break higher than the short counter-trendline and higher than the EMA200 

As you already recognize, those counter-trendline breaks square measure pretty powerful and currently, the Bitcoin worth trades around $10,500.  There square measure some opportunities to leap into the wave however they're very tough trades, considering risk/reward ratios and etc. So, I simply need to means some areas and attainable eventualities if the value starts to approach those. 

Green arrow: 

This situation would possibly get confirmed once the candle shut higher than the grey space, referred to as a robust resistance. once the shut, the value will simply move to the strongest horizontal index number. It stays around $11,000. I even have mentioned this space multiple times and even one short chance was no-hit around it. 

There is the mid-term counter-trendline that starts to act as a robust resistance level and there's conjointly a Fibonacci level sixty-two, and the prementioned sturdy horizontal level $11,000. These 3 along ought to play a very important role in any movement. a clear stage higher than of it'll trigger the value into the mid-term uptrend...12k+. Definitely, at the instant cannot decide a brief from there however let's have a look at, all depends on the value action. 

Black arrow: 

This space stays active until the value hasn't created a clear stage higher than the grey resistance space. once yesterday's flight higher than the 10k and higher than the short counter-trendline with {a sturdy|a robust|a powerful} 4H candle verified that this space was strong. However this was {a sturdy|a robust|a powerful} level if it created a clear stage higher than it? as a result of there have been technically strong criteria and also the major reason was a robust 4H candle break. If we have a tendency to wanna see a clear stage then we have a tendency to wanna see it with the sturdy candle, not small ones. It means, this level still would possibly work as support currently and I am going to watch it very closely if the value starts to approach it. 

Red arrow: 

Just just in case. once yesterday's, break higher than the counter trendline I will not see that the value can reach back to the lower levels within the close to days however this can be a crypto market and simply just in case it's there. 
The first pessimistic sign comes once the 4H candle shuts below the upper blue trendline and also the biggest mid-term pessimistic confirmation comes once the candle closes below the lower blue trendline!