Articles by "Trading View"
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Bitcoin Price Falls to $0. 75% of Investors Will Hold

A recent poll found that 72% of bitcoin investors are optimistic about cryptocurrency and would hold on to it even if its price fell to zero. A total of 22,635 votes were collected for this survey.

Most Bitcoin Investors Will Hodl Regardless of the Price

Twitter Plan B users, known for their stock-to-flow price prediction model, have conducted a Twitter poll to determine when bitcoin investors will sell their BTC if the price doesn't go up. The poll ended on Saturday and 22,635 votes have been counted in total.

“You may be bullish on bitcoin but what if the price of BTC doesn't increase sharply next year? When are you going to sell? "Plan B asked his followers. Among the respondents, 72.1% answered that they would hold on to their BTC regardless of price, going up to $ 0 if necessary.

The next most popular option is to sell bitcoin when the price drops below $ 6,000, which was chosen by 16.2% of respondents. Meanwhile, only 5.9% chose to sell when the price fell below $ 3,000 and 5.8% chose to sell when the price fell below $ 1,000.

"Very proud that 72% of my followers are core con artists," Plan B commented on the results. “Bitcoin becomes $ million + or 'zero' and we drive it completely. Vision, belief, and patience are at the heart of this game. Even if there's only a 1% chance of $ 1 million BTC, it's worth it (option argument). "

Some people volunteer their reasons for peddling BTC even if the price goes down. “I am bullish on bitcoin. But even if it were close to zero, I would still struggle or buy more, it is an uncorrelated asset (hedge) for all my other investments/capital, "wrote one Twitter user. Another noted that when bitcoin became a" reserve. " global defacto, there is no reason to sell, only to use. "

Some argue that it is "very unlikely" that the price of bitcoin will not go up while others say they will "buy down," rake in cheap BTC if the price drops. At the time of this writing, the bitcoin price stands at $ 12,251.

Last month, gold flea Peter Schiff conducted a similar survey. "How much longer does a bitcoin price have to say below $ 10,000 before you give up and sell it?" Schiff asked his followers. Out of a total of 28,168 votes, 57.5% of respondents voted "I took him to my grave".

Investor confidence in the price of bitcoin has grown as evidenced by the two other polls conducted by Plan B, one in July and the other in August. In both polls, Plan B asked followers they think the price of bitcoin will hit before December this year. In July, 43% of respondents believed that the price would remain below $ 55,000, but in August only 30% believed that this was the case. Most of the respondents in the August poll believe that bitcoin prices will hit $ 288,000.

Meanwhile, more and more institutional investors are buying bitcoin. The Nasdaq-listed Microstrategy Company announced last week that it had purchased $ 250 million worth of bitcoin. Recently, the U.S. Office of the Currency Supervisory (OCC) clarified that national banks and federal savings associations are authorized to provide deposit services to customers.

Bitcoin Price in Q3-Q4 2020

In the previous article, we already wrote about Market Analysis & Bitcoin Price Q1-Q2 2020. BTC has outperformed the stock market so far in 2020. 

A strong recovery since mid-March has brought BTC prices back to the same level as in February this year. Monetary policy that continues to grow also serves to galvanize many of the biggest supporters of cryptocurrency. However, many people believe that Bitcoin is not a safe haven role due to its high correlation with the stock market during the stock market sell-off period.

Bitcoin volume is slowly showing an upward trend

The average weekly trading volume tends to fall since Bitcoin returned to the level of $ 10,000 in early May. The trend in the first half of 2020 is still going up, but there is no certainty whether this trend will continue or not because the market still looks stagnant. The second half of 2020 is likely to be marked by a decrease in trading volume, as we saw at the beginning of the second semester of 2019.

Market mash looks scared

If we look back at the first half of 2020 from the perspective of market sentiment, we can see a clear trend. Except for the February spike and a few minor spikes in May, market sentiment remains below the neutral zone and the 'fear' zone this year. Less than 25% of the first half of 2020 market sentiment shows ‘greedy’, which means; Uncertainty and fear in the market almost dominated the first half of 2020.

Different hype for Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2020

Google search trends show that Bitcoin and Ethereum had two different hype periods during the first half of 2020. When Bitcoin search interest hit its highest level when the market dropped in March, Ethereum's search interest peaked in mid-February, when ETH prices rose rapidly. The name Bitcoin also re-emerged when Bitcoin halving occurred in May, but did not exceed the level in March.

In addition, one thing that is also interesting is that Ethereum's search interest is still quite high. This happened after the market recovered and throughout the second quarter of 2020. This was likely due to increased interest in DeFi. On the other hand, interest in searching for Bitcoin fell again after halving in May 2020. At present the level of interest in searching for Bitcoin has returned to the same level as in early March.

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.

Market Analysis & Bitcoin Price Q1-Q2 2020

Current events in the crypto market, Bitcoin price movements both from the fundamental and technical aspects we discuss thoroughly.

The contents of this article are for information purposes only and are not investment advice or recommendations or solicitation. Coin Crypto Asia always advises you to get financial advice by you and for yourself before investing or trading cryptocurrency.

Not feel half of 2020 we have passed and we feel it is important for all of us to look back a little to see so far what has happened in the crypto world in 2020.

Beginning with the green candlestick in January which signals the bullish trend of Bitcoin, the optimism of the Bitcoin market continues into February. The more 'green', the price of Bitcoin also set a record high in 2020 (year-to-date) in February in the range of $ 10,500 / BTC. Shortly afterward, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a global market crash that destroyed all profits seen before March.

However, Bitcoin has bounced back with a 27% increase, and so far in 2020 Bitcoin has outperformed the stock market. Except for XRP, most of the best crypto assets based on market cap (market cap) are in the green zone. XRP has so far experienced a 9% drop in market cap in 2020. Overtaking the position of Bitcoin, Ether (ETH) has emerged as the best crypto asset that has so far risen 75% in 2020.

Also! The Good News - Bitcoin Price in Q3-Q4 2020

Crypto market recovery that occurred after the market crash, looks stagnant in recent weeks. Bitcoin price movements are still in the range of $ 9,000 and $ 9,800 since early May until now.

Bitcoin price analysis


After more than a week the market movement is still in a sideways condition with a range-bound sideways around $ 9000, finally, on Monday the BTC broke through the level of $ 9,300 and even prices closed in the range of $ 9,400. This price increase is the highest since June 25. But unfortunately, this is not interesting enough for investors/traders to pump the increase in trading volume. As a result, there is a slight retrace to the $ 9,300 resistance level we mentioned earlier.

If we analyze from the support side, the $ 9000 support level has significantly strengthened in the last few weeks. But now the level is a critical zone that must be wary of if the rising momentum of Bitcoin prices does not continue.

Meanwhile, before Bitcoin rises to face its psychological zone at $ 10,000, there are a number of smaller resistance levels that Bitcoin must cross - although it will require a larger trading volume to be able to maintain the uptrend and breakout until it breaks the downtrend line that we show in color black on the chart.


At the macro-level (greater), we see BTC surviving in an uncertain phase. If we describe in more detail, Bitcoin managed to recover after the market crash due to COVID-19 with volatility and the weekly volume of Bitcoin looks low in the range of trading prices that are generally the same. Low volatility, in the long run, is not something we normally see on the BTC market, and given the current post-COVID-19 socio-economic environmental conditions, we certainly will not be surprised if price action occurs with a clearer direction in the near future.

Warning! Digital Asset Trading is a high-risk activity. Digital Asset Prices are very volatile, where prices can change significantly over time. Please use extra consideration in making the decision to buy or sell Digital Assets. Coin Crypto Asia does not force users to buy or sell Digital Assets, as investments, or for profit. All Digital Asset trading decisions are independent decisions by users.

Trade DAPS and Receive Rewards! 145,000,000 DAPS for You to Claim!

Hotbit is scheduled to launch “Trade DAPS and Receive DAPS Rewards” event on 16:00, March 16th, 2020 (GMT+8). During the event, all traders who trade DAPS on Hotbit may participate in the sharing of the rewards.

Join in the

Trading Competition

- Event Duration: 16:00, March 16th, 2020 - 16:00, March 26th, 2020 (UTC+8)

- During the event, Hotbit will rank all traders who trade DAPS on Hotbit based on the accumulated trading volume of DAPS (buy + sell volume). All traders who trade DAPS on Hotbit during the event will distribute 145,000,000 DAPS as rewards.

- Rules and Regulations: During the event, the traders who are ranked No. 1 - No. 10 will share 58,000,000 DAPS as rewards based on the proportion of their own trading volumes compared with the total trading volumes of all users who are ranked No. 1 - No. 10. All users who are ranked No. 11 and below will share 87,000.000 DAPS as rewards based on the proportion of their own trading volumes compared with the total trading volumes of all users who are ranked No. 11 and below.

- Note: During the event, only those users who accumulate more than 100 DAPS in their trading volumes (buy + sell volumes) will be qualified for participating in the event.


1. The event ranking chart will be published within 10 working days after the event ends.

2. All event prizes will be distributed within 10 working days after the event ends.

3. Hotbit has the final right to the explanation and interpretation of all event rules and regulations. If Hotbit detects fraud, clicks on farming or suitable trading activities, Hotbit has the right to disqualify any user involved in the activity to claim their prize.

4. Risk warning: Cryptocurrency assets are known as a type of innovative investment products that involves comparatively huge fluctuations in their prices. Please judge your investment capabilities rationally and make your investment decisions cautiously.

We hope you enjoy trading on Hotbit!

Litecoin Refuses to $ 60 Overhead Resistance

Litecoin bounced as it made an upward movement to review $ 60 resistance. On January 29, bulls made their first attempt to break the resistance at $ 60 but were rejected. It is estimated that if bulls break the $ 60 resistance, the LTC will rally above $ 65.

Accordingly, if the tempo is maintained, bulls will reach a high of $ 75. Similarly, if the resistance at $ 60 remains unbroken, a high of $ 65 and $ 75 will only be a dream. Litecoin may be required for sideways trends.

Litecoin Indicator Analysis

LTC has a chance to rise because it is trading above the 65 RSI level. The RSI had previously shown an overbought condition when LTC was trading at $ 60. Bulls took another bold step to retest prices at $ 60.

Main Resistance Levels: $ 75, $ 75, $ 110

Main Support Levels: $ 55, $ 50, $ 30

What Is The Next Direction For Litecoin?

In their second challenge, Litecoin made a stopover but had not yet broken through resistance. Of course, if bulls cannot break resistance, LTC will continue the range-bound movement. Conversely, if the LTC falls and breaks below $ 55 support, Litecoin will depreciate and the decline will have a negative effect on the LTC.

Denial. This analysis and estimate is the author's personal opinion not a recommendation to buy or sell cryptocurrency and should not be seen as support by Readers must do their own research before investing funds.

Bitcoin Trading View.

Bitcoin: The first Bullish Signal. Where Is the Bottom? 

The market made an extraordinary failure. Most likely 6500.00 as a round number level likewise can be the neighborhood support for the market. In the event that we get an inversion candle design, it will be the first bullish sign. At this, the nearby cost of the day must be not a long way from the present levels. 

Provided that this is true, the market will have the option to move upward, and the fundamental objective for purchasers will be the obstruction zone at the downtrend line. 

In any case, I figure the market will keep the odds to move precisely to 6000.00 help. This zone is useful for venders as the fundamental objective. Likewise, this level looks progressively intelligent as a beginning stage for a potential upswing. 

In the event that we take a gander at the pointers, they give a bearish sign, and it affirms the downtrend. And yet, RSI came to the oversold zone, and we can begin considering the oversold economic situations. When RSI line inverts in the oversold zone, we will get the second bullish sign. 

A few people consider tumbling to 5000, 3000 and even 1000 levels. For this minute, I don't perceive any purposes behind the descending development even to 5000 help. 

Since so as to break the solid base, the market will require strong reasons. Do we have them now? I don't think so. Will we have them in the fire? I have no thoughts, we will see. Discusses the tumbling to 5000, 3000, and 1000 levels look pointless at this point. 

Comment: We didn't get the inversion candle design. Purchasers could push the value upward however they couldn't close the day at the highest point of the value run. It implies we have a bullish light, yet it's anything but a strong bullish sign. 

Truly, the value ricocheted from 6500 and it very well may be the sign that dealers don't have sources to push value lower. In the event that the cost can remain over 6500, we will have the option to discuss a potential base in 6500. 

It is conceivable to consider purchasing in this zone in the event that you need to exchange the since a long time ago run. Simply remember about legitimate cash the executives!