Articles by "IAT Platform"
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Instant Assets Tokens - Providing Real World Solutions & Utilities

The IA Tokens idea means to reform the land business utilizing Blockchain innovation through the advancement of the IAT Platform. Assets raised from this STO will be utilized to build up the IAT blockchain and our current administration organization that is as of now operational will embrace the benefit the board. The Platform will take into account the Philippines showcase first and we hope to venture into other creating markets in Asia.


Nonetheless, regardless of the way that the land advertises is an amazingly encouraging and exceptionally productive course, despite everything it has its very own issues or as they can, in any case, be called hindrances, in light of which not every person has the chance to become members toward this path. Also, this is expected much of the time to the high edge of passage into this business section. All things considered, not every person will have a lot of cash to purchase or manufacture a specific property. 

Simultaneously, not every person has enough information on the most proficient method to pick a fluid property for themselves to take advantage of its activity. Note that this sort of system applies to both private and non-private and business land. All things considered, whatever the article, before you get it, you should cautiously break down and study it. Help for this situation, obviously, can every related proficient, legal advisors, engineers and different experts who are arranged in the land advertise. Be that as it may, remember about the expense of administrations, which here and there comes to up to 20 percent of the expense of all lodging.

In this way, we see that the land showcase is loaded with different nuances and subtleties, consistency with which adds to a superior collaboration of the financial specialist with this speculation heading. Be that as it may, regardless of how" great " the conventional business framework is, it can't take care of huge numbers of the issues related to it, which implies that numerous experts get an opportunity to offer better and progressively good conditions for their clients. 

It is about these conditions that I need to disclose to you today. So don't switch anyplace and read my survey as far as possible!

Focal points 

As you have just comprehended, the authors of the IAT Platform try to digitize the cutting edge land showcase, in this manner extending the scope of willing members in this segment. In the event that previous just huge speculators could participate in the land advertise, presently on account of the inherent arrangement of utility tokens, anybody can purchase a specific property that he loved the most. And all on the grounds that inside AT Platform now each item land is displayed as digitized resources.

All things considered, not exclusively will all exchanges be fixed through the implicit shrewd agreement, yet in addition the exceptionally planned engineering of the IAT Platform itself will permit staying away from numerous mix-ups and entanglements experienced in the conventional land showcase. Since all data will be put away and transmitted uniquely in the blockchain system, and in this way won't be accessible for hacking, burglary or some other programmer assault. 

Additionally, no less significant detail of the IAT Platform is the lifted limitations for every single outside speculator. That is, it implies that now any willing client of the system has the chance to buy, lease or sell any property that he needs. I trust it is exceptionally advantageous and incredibly famous nowadays.


Despite the potential profits of the real estate market, buyers face numerous problems and limitations. IAT, to maximize benefits and minimize losses people might incur, aims to solve the following through the adoption of the blockchain technology:

✔️ All Round Transactional Costs
✔️ Integrity and Security
✔️ Transparency of Transfer
✔️ Time and Costs Savings
✔️ Restrictions to Foreign Investors

Utilities & Benefits


As you have just speculated, the IAT Platform will run its own IA Tokens with which you can play out any of the accompanying capacities: the obtaining of any advantages inside the IAT framework; installment for different administrations identified with the administration of similar resources; installment for charge exhortation; acquisition of furniture; installment for legal advisors, realtors and substantially more. So, the engineers of AT Platform are endeavoring to accomplish a free and multifunctional utilization of their token, with the goal that the members of their environment can feel its worth, yet additionally apply it practically speaking. 

The aggregate sum of IA Tokens will be 5 billion units with an underlying estimation of $0.01 USD. It will be anything but difficult to get them both with ETH and BTC. Concerning the dispersion of the aggregate sum of tokens, it will look as pursues: (see figure)



A Business Coach and founder of RBG Philippines Inc., Realty Beacon Philippines Inc. and Realty Beacon Pte Ltd. He has trained entrepreneurs, salespeople, professionals, CEOs and business owners from US, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and in the Philippines. He founded and created the Digitokens Inc. a cryptocurrency company that offers digital assets to the global investors.


He is an entrepreneur with 10 years of experience in the real estate industry and has invested in properties in Singapore, Australia, United Kingdom, Malaysia, and the Philippines. He was actively providing portfolio advisory and has been focused on the Philippines real estate market for the last 5 years and is looking to revolutionize the market with his new-found passion in Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain technology.


The CEO of Gravitas and an established lawyer and entrepreneur with extensive experience in the construction, telecommunications, engineering, retail, IT and financial industries. Malcolm is also skilled in litigation, corporate law, and mergers and acquisitions. He previously held legal counsel positions in both global and regional capacities across the Asia-Pacific region, MENA, and North America.


He has worked with Citibank NYC as assistant to VP of loan department from 1989 - 1993 and started a career in Singapore with an MNC group based from the US as director of theirfloor covering division. He Formulated strategies on how to expand their operation in U.S. and Europe. The whole portfolio is more than $35 million. He set up his own company in 2003 selling floor covering to both US and Europe.