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Pixby Project - Where Creativity Is Rewarded

PIXBY is a blockchain-powered freelance marketplace where creativity is rewarded for everyone to display their ability skills. We offer a one-stop solution to people looking for freelancers to solve various types of tasks. PIXBY will operate via a combination of PIXBYTOKEN APIs and other established software tools and applications, along with the Ethereum decentralized applications(Dapp) which will execute PXB tokens, and minimize the need for intermediaries who make freelance market overpriced. We believe that utilizing blockchain technologies will solve the main problems in the current freelance market, which we determined to be high transaction fees and exit scams. In this case, it also using the decentralized blockchain network as a payment infrastructure means of providing royalties and rewarding everyone supporting the system. Our goal is to build and implement the blockchain technology in another area of daily life and build a freelance market that rewards users in return.

About PIXBY Project

With the massive development of communication when you think of a modern company nowadays, it is not always a centralized office where all departments are located in one place. On the opposite, more and more companies are scattered across the country, or even around the world. There is no need for the personal presence of an employee because most of the tasks can be solved remotely. Hiring a freelancer is beneficial to both parties, the freelancers freely manage their time, and employers can save money on renting offices and buying the necessary equipment.

On the other hand, we have blockchain technology that has numerous use cases, what's more, it has crossed over gaming, gambling, financial services, healthcare, and a lot more. Our goal here is to adopt and implement the blockchain technology in another area of daily life, which is the freelance industry use case.


Token info Investment info
Token : PXB token Min. investment : 0.5 ETH
Platform : Ethereum Accepting : ETH, BTC, USDT
Type : ERC20 Distributed in ICO : 65%
PreICO price : 1 PXB = 0.00056 ETH Soft cap : 3,000,000 USD
Price in ICO : 0.0598 USD Hard cap : 63,375 ETH
BONUS Website Info
Main Sale
Public Pre-Sale 1 : 25% Website
Public Pre-Sale 2 : 15% PIXBY-Project-Inc
Public Mainsale : 6% Twitter PixbyToken
Telegram pixbytoken
Tokens for sale : 9750000000 ANN Read!
Total Supply : 150,000,000 PXB WhitePaper Read!


Q3 2019
Start of community Bounty & Airdrop campaigns | Strat of Public Initial Coin Offering(ICO).

Q4 2019
Exchange listing | PIXBY Marketplace Development .

Q1 2020
Run first test of PIXBY DApp on Ethereum test net.

Q2 2020
Release PIXBY Dapps on Mainnet | Further developments.

Q3 2020
Release of PIXBY marketplace on App Store, and Google Play | Further development of ecosystem & improving marketing campaign.

Our Targets

We want to create a platform where freelancers will be able to easily place their services in the form of goods that can be bought in one click using cryptocurrency. Unlike other already available services, Pixby will be free and open to all, which makes the platform more friendly than others.

The PIXBY platform will be available for public access as early as Q2 2020, and while Pixby is in development you have the opportunity to buy PXB tokens before anyone else, and also get a bonus.