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Bitcoin Halving Soon! Time to Buy?

Many people have anticipated the halving event as a time when the price of Bitcoin will skyrocket, especially people who had "stuck" and still survive (HODL) until now. The hope with halving, the price of bitcoin can reach ATH at the end of 2017, almost 20,000 USD, even more.

But, is it true that halving makes bitcoin prices go up right away? Are we wise if we immediately buy up bitcoin now? To find out the answer, let's analyze one by one, starting from the historical, fundamental, to technical.

When is Bitcoin halving?

History of Price Movements When Bitcoin Halving

Judging from its history, halving did make the price of Bitcoin rise spectacularly.

The first halving on November 28, 2012, made the price of Bitcoin go up by more than 9000%. Whereas in the second halving in June 2016, the price of bitcoin rose nearly 3000% thanks to Halving.

At first glance, halving gives us the impression that the price of Bitcoin will rise due to reduced mining rewards, making supply less, demand remains / increases, so that on an economic basis, prices will rise. However, whether it will be so?

We need to know and examine, that the price increase after halving does not just happen. After halving in 2012, it took more than 1 year for bitcoin to achieve a fantastic increase.

Whereas in 2016, it takes 500 days before the price of bitcoin reaches its ATH.

In fact, we can find something unique if we look at the price action of bitcoin when we are close to halving.

When the first halving is finished (November 2012), we can see that the price is actually still and tends to go down for several weeks (watch the blue area), before it rises fantastically.

Similarly, the second halving in 2016, Pay attention to the blue area where the price of the BTC actually dropped for the first few weeks before he rose

Did not rule out the possibility that the price of bitcoin after the third halving (estimated 20 May 2020) will experience the same movement: down or tend to be silent for several weeks, then go up quite far.

If we are not careful and as long as we buy bitcoin in the hope that it will rise during halving, then it can be a problem in our emotions because expectations are too high, or worse, we can lose money.

Why Can After Halving Price Even Down?

It is true that halving makes rewards as supply from bitcoin go down. But the factors to consider are the miners.

Because of their rewards or rewards in the form of bitcoin decline, they will not be as profitable as before, especially with the same electricity price.

Therefore, after halving occurs, the miners will likely "rest" or slow down first. We also need to consider small miners who can lose, even go bankrupt because the reduction in rewards from halving is not worth the cost of using electricity and their equipment is exorbitant. This makes the bitcoin network activity faltered.

Only later after a while, the miners will start to rise again, start bitcoin prices rise again as in the previous halving-halving.

Then, Where to Bitcoin Prices Ahead and After Halving in 2020?

The author tries to provide an analysis using technical analysis. At the moment, bitcoin is heading towards the retest area of ​​the falling wedge pattern which broke through last January 2020.

It is possible that bitcoin can go down to the green area (the zone between 6800-7500) before continuing the increase.

Depending on how fast the price of bitcoin moves, the decline to the green zone could have just happened after halving. Prices can also go up before halving, then go down to the area under the green zone.

Basically we still have plenty of time before halving, there are still more than 70 days left per writing this article. Prices can still go up or down.

How to invest in Bitcoin Towards Halving ?!

Basically, if you want to invest, don't be greedy and understand the risks. As a good investor or trader, keep an eye on price movements and make sure to enter in the right and good entry. Don't just put all the money into crypto.

Hopefully, with this halving bitcoin, we all profit a lot in cryptocurrency!

Who is Satoshi Nakamoto? Introduction to the Mysterious Founder of Bitcoin

The true identity of the creators of Bitcoin is one of the biggest mysteries in the modern world. Over the years many theories have emerged about who Satoshi Nakamoto really is, including time travelers, space aliens, artificially rogue intelligence or fronts for groups such as the NSA, CIA and Yakuza. This article will only present facts that are known about him and candidates who are more likely to be suspected by people who may be difficult to understand figures.

Who is the Mysterious Founder of Bitcoin?

The name Satoshi Nakamoto is an alias used by the person or entity that created Bitcoin to hide their true identity. He claims to be Japanese, born on April 5, 1975 and lives in Japan but people doubt this because of his native English skills and working hours preferences that are more consistent with the US time zone than Asia. Satoshi is a Japanese boy's name which means "one with wise ancestors" and he is considered a boy.

Nakamoto was the first to solve the problem of double spending on decentralized digital currencies, creating a new asset, the world had never seen before: Bitcoin. In October 2008, Satoshi published the original whitepaper, explaining the blueprint for "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Money System." In January 2009 he released version 0.1 of the source code and launched cryptocurrency by mining the genesis block. The founder continued to work on the software project for about one and a half years before breaking away from active development.

No one knows why Satoshi Nakamoto really decided to disappear without ever revealing himself or even cashing in billions of dollars from the coins originally printed. This has provided fertile ground for speculation, educated conjecture and direct conspiracy theories. Researchers have examined several data points left by the mysterious figure, trying to analyze vocabulary, how to write, and other clues to find some clues about their true identity.

Many Facts Appoint Dorian Nakamoto to Become Satoshi

In March 2014, a Newsweek columnist named Leah McGrath Goodman published a story called "The Face Behind Bitcoin." He claimed the inventor of Bitcoin was a retired physicist named Dorian Nakamoto. When Goodman arrived at the Dorian home in California, he said he was "no longer involved in it" and he "could not discuss it." The comments encouraged Goodman and the Newsweek cohort to assume he was talking about the creation of Bitcoin, so they published a description of Dorian's life. The following is the fifth installment of the series "lots of facts", with a comprehensive view of the evidence attached to Dorian Nakamoto and the mysterious creator of Bitcoin.

Dorian Nakamoto: ‘I am no longer involved in that and I cannot discuss it’

Six years ago, Leah McGrath Goodman of Newsweek published a presentation about the inventor of Bitcoin and his report claimed it was California citizen Dorian Nakamoto. Over the past 11 years, there have been a number of self-proclaimed candidates, as well as those accused of being Satoshi. Most of the usual suspects have some ties to the cypherpunk movement, but the suspect Goodman is not involved in the scene. Goodman spent two months investigating his story and one of his biggest selling points was the fact that Dorian's birth name was "Satoshi Nakamoto."

Instead of being a member of the cypherpunk movement, at that time Dorian was a 64-year-old Japanese-American, retired physicist and highly educated engineer. Dorian's life and work skills make Goodman and others believe that he has what it takes to create cryptocurrencies and release them into a nameless world. Because Dorian works for several companies and the U.S. military, some of the projects he works on are considered classified information. The veil of secrecy made Goodman once again believe that Dorian was part of Bitcoin's initial creation.

McGrath went to California after studying Dorian's life for two months and visiting his home located in the foothills of San Gabriel Los Angeles. He gets two police officers from Temple City to escort him and they ask if Dorian is in trouble. "I don't think he's in trouble," Goodman responded to the officer. "I want to ask him about Bitcoin - This person is Satoshi Nakamoto," he added. When Goodman arrested Dorian leaving his home, he confronted him with two police officers as witnesses and questioned him about his involvement in creating Bitcoin. Goodman said that Dorian's response was "cautious but revealing." Newsweek's columnist emphasized that Dorian "secretly acknowledged [ed] his role in the Bitcoin project" but refused to answer questions directly.

Dorian also made a video with Bitcoin evangelist Andreas Antonopoulos telling his story and he thanked the Bitcoin community for all the donations he received. BTC Address: 1Dorian4RoXcnBv9hnQ4Y2C1an6NJ4UrjX has received more than 102 BTC ($ 1 million USD at today's exchange rate) and the wallet is now empty. This is in sharp contrast to the more than 1 million BTC in Satoshi Nakamoto's wallet that has not been used for more than a decade.

Bitcoin Cash [BCH]

History of The Bitcoin Cash

Bitcoin Cash - For many newcomers in the crypto world, cryptocurrencies are quite confusing because there are currently more than 2,100 coins and tokens in circulation, both original and derivative coins. Bitcoin itself which incidentally is the first cryptocurrency already has a wide variety of variations, including Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold, Bitcoin Diamond, and Bitcoin Private. From these variations, BTC biggest competitor is Bitcoin Cash (BCH).

Definition of Bitcoin Cash

The definition of the official Bitcoin Cash website says:
Bitcoin Cash is peer-to-peer electronic cash for the Internet. Fully decentralized, does not involve (the role of) the central bank and does not require a third party to operate.
The emphasis on the "peer-to-peer electronic cash" section is done because the main benefits of Bitcoin Cash are solely focused on the ability to carry out more transactions that are free of network delay constraints. Bitcoin Cash does offer a way to adjust the difficulty level of work faster than the normal difficulty adjustment interval on Bitcoin.

Created Because Bitcoin Transactions Are Too Expensive

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the result of Hardfork Bitcoin which aims to solve scalability problems through the use of larger blocks. Constraints related to scalability in Bitcoin arise when the number of BTC transactions which is rapidly increasing starts to fill the network. This causes the Bitcoin network to be slower and the cost of conducting transactions even more expensive than before. At that time, the cost per transaction on the Bitcoin network reached more than $ 5, regardless of how much BTC was traded.

To overcome this, there are two options which are then debated by the developers; increase the size of Bitcoin blocks or second-tier solutions like Lightning Network. When both parties cannot reach a compromise, a dispute occurs and leads to the creation of a new coin which they consider more perfect, namely Bitcoin Cash.

Supported by Roger Ver, mining giant Jihan Wu, crypto industry leaders, and other experts, Bitcoin Cash was made after hard forking was quite difficult on the Bitcoin Blockchain, by implementing a block size that increased to 8MB. The aim is to overcome transaction bottlenecks and confirm faster transactions into each block.

Larger blocks allow more transactions to occur within a block. However, this is accompanied by a worrying weakness. Those who are still in favor of the BTC argue that the larger blocks will ultimately lead to the centralization of mining.

On the other hand, supporters of BCH argue that through Moore's Law-based technology that is implemented, mining crypto Bitcoin Cash will not be centralized even though it allows the application of larger blocks.

Difference between Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin

Bitcoin Cash (BCH) at a glance is similar to Bitcoin, but basically has some very striking differences:
  • The block size is 8MB.
  • Will not have Segwit.
  • It will not have the acceleration feature at an additional cost.
  • Has replay and wipeout protection.

As such, Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) are two different and independent currencies. Bitcoin Cash may not be sent to Bitcoin addresses, and vice versa.

Anti Replay Attack

One of the best features of Bitcoin Cash is how it is able to withstand one of the biggest problems facing any cryptocurrency after Hardfork, the replay attack.

What is a replay attack? Replay attacks are repetitive data transmissions. This kind of transmission takes transactions that occur on one Blockchain and repeats them on another Blockchain. Thus, a replay attack is able to issue or use the same coin more than once, and this can totally damage the Blockchain network due to supply disruptions.

Bitcoin Cash can protect itself from replays because it uses a redefined sig hash algorithm. This algorithm is only used when the sig hash flag has 6 sets of bits. In this case, the use of OP_RETURN output which has a unique string as additional data is able to ensure the security of Bitcoin Cash. Any transaction that contains a unique string will be considered invalid by the Bitcoin Cash node up to the 530,000th block. Basically, before the block appears, you can divide coins by transacting on the non-UAHF chain first with the OP_RETURN output, and then transacting on the second UAHF chain.

The Bitcoin Cash Hash War

Recently, there was a war that occurred in the Bitcoin Cash community and was nicknamed the Hash War. The Hash War is basically a civil war between two competing factions in the Bitcoin Cash community:
  • Bitcoin ABC (Adjustable Blocksize Cap): is led by Roger Ver and Bitmain's CEO, Jihan Wu.
  • Bitcoin SV (Satoshi's Vision): is the party chaired by Craig Wright and billionaire Calvin Ayre and the owner of CoinGeek.

The two Bitcoin Cash factions above used the power of the Hash to mine the longest chain. Whoever has the longest and more efficient chain, will be the dominant Bitcoin cash chain. According to, 71.8% of the community supports Bitcoin ABC, while Bitcoin SV only holds 28.2%.


There are many strong supporters of Bitcoin Cash who believe that on-chain scaling is the main solution to the current scalability problem. Although it hasn't succeeded in overtaking the original Bitcoin chain in terms of popularity, trust in Bitcoin Cash has not diminished.

While many people deride Bitcoin Cash, there are arguments that argue that testing an on-chain scaling solution is a good test for all cryptocurrencies. If it refers to the development of faster adoption of cryptocurrencies, then it does need Blockchain space that is large enough to prevent network slowdown problems.

Ripple [XRP]

Get to Know the Ripple Closer

To get to know Ripple (XRP) more closely, the first thing to know is that Ripple is a platform and also a cryptocurrency. The Ripple platform is an open-source protocol that is designed to make transactions fast and inexpensive.

Unlike Bitcoin which was never made to be a simple payment engine, Ripple will certainly master international transactions throughout the world. Very ambitious indeed, but who knows? Maybe the cryptocurrency exchange platform will slowly start to decrease as it did with Blockbuster stores.

The Ripple platform has its own currency, XRP but also allows everyone to use this platform to make their own cryptocurrency through RippleNet.

What is RippleNet?

RippleNet is a network of institutional payment services such as banks and financial services businesses that use solutions developed by Ripple to provide a seamless experience in sending money globally.

Example: First of all, Mr. Jones lives in New York and has a box of chocolates he doesn't want. And he really wanted to watch a baseball game but didn't have the ticket. Next, there is Ms. Smith lives in Los Angeles and has a rare stamp that he wants to exchange for a box of chocolates. Finally, there is Mr. Brown, who lives in Alaska, is looking for rare stamps and he happens to have a baseball game in New York.

Under normal circumstances without using Ripple, the three people will not meet and they will not get what they want. But on the Ripple platform, all they have to say is "I have chocolate, I want a baseball ticket" and the system will see the fastest and cheapest combination to make that happen.

Additionally, the Ripple platform allows payments in any cryptocurrency including Bitcoin and has a minimum internal transaction commission amount of $ 0.00001. The only reason why it isn't free is to prevent DDoS attacks.

What is XRP?

XRP is a token that is used to represent the transfer value in a Ripple network. The main purpose of XRP is to become a mediator for other exchanges, cryptocurrency, and fiat. The best way to describe an XRP is a Joker card that can turn into any card. If coin investors want to exchange dollars for euros, it can be dollars with dollars and euros with euros to minimize the commission. As mentioned before, the transaction fee at Ripple is $ 0.00001.

Who is the creator of Ripple (XRP)?

The Ripple Protocol as a prototype was made in 2004. But the real history began in 2013 when Jed McCaleb, the creator of the EDonkey network invited world-renowned investors to invest in Ripple Labs.

Chris Larsen is an angel investor, business executive and privacy activist who is considered the richest person in crypto assets. He is known for being a co-founder of several start-ups in the field of online financial services, starting with the online pawn loan service, E-Loan in 1996.

Jeb McCaleb is a programmer and entrepreneur. He is also a co-founder of several crypto startups including Ripple, Stellar, eDonkey, Overnet and also the crypto exchange Mt. Gox (he sold his shares and the platform was re-coded before the hacking incident occurred), which during his heyday handled more than 70% of Bitcoin transactions worldwide.

What is the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA)?

Unlike Bitcoin or Ethereum, Ripple does not have a blockchain. A cryptocurrency without a blockchain might sound a bit strange - if you don't have a blockchain, how can you verify transactions and make sure everything works well? For this reason, Ripple has its own patented technology, the Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA)

The word "consensus" in the name of the technology means that if every node has an agreement with the other nodes, there will be no problem. Imagine if in one room there were 12 court judges who wanted to make an agreement and each made a decision. If everyone agrees that the defendant deserves punishment then the defendant will be given a sentence. However, if there is only one person who disagrees, then nothing will happen until it is known what makes one person have their own opinions.

What are the benefits of ripple?

  • Ripple was originally designed as a daily payment system, so Ripple is more energy-efficient than Bitcoin. As a result, transactions are faster and cheaper
  • Ripple has started as an official organization because its main focus is to be used by banks. So Ripple is not subject to several regulatory checks like many other cryptocurrencies.
  • Ripple has the ability to be exchanged for any currency or valuable objects (such as gold) with a minimum commission standard.
The world economy may be a complicated system that has undergone many alternative phases within the past century. As strange because it might sound these days, there are times once banking crises were rare, the pay was rising aboard productivity, and the U.S. greenback would get a definite quantity of pure gold. Despite its obvious successes in sure areas, the world medium of exchange that set the foundations for now of stable growth eventually unsuccessful, and here’s why.

The post-World War II era started with a negotiated medium of exchange that set the foundations for international business and money relations. This was a product of the Bretton Woods agreement from 1944, that created a brand new money order during a world destroyed by its largest military conflict nonetheless.

When $35 Bought You an oz. of Gold

The conference in New Hampshire, command before the war was over, established the most pillars of worldwide finance and trade: the International fund (IMF) and also the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), currently a part of the globe Bank cluster. the final Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), later replaced by the globe Trade Organization (WTO), was signed shortly when.

The governments behind the Bretton Woods system, several of the time period allies against Reich, aimed to make a world within which a serious armed conflict and a world depression may ne'er happen once more. That was to be achieved by building a good international medium of exchange and reducing barriers to trade. Over 700 representatives of forty-four countries beat the agreement within the course of a month. No bankers were invited to require half, by the way.

U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr. addresses delegates at the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference, July 8, 1944 (Source: World Bank)
The delegates determined that their financial construct ought to rest on the U.S. greenback because of the world’s reserve currency. In a trial to duplicate the pre-war gold normal, though, during a restricted kind, the greenback was tied to the dear metal at a hard and fast worth. Us government committed to converting bucks into gold at $35 an oz. The U.S. currency became the new gold normal, whereas retentive flexibility as compared with real gold.

A system of fastened exchange rates was then introduced, within which all alternative major currencies were pegged to the gold-backed U.S. dollar. taking part nations had to keep up currency costs among 1 Chronicle of parity through interventions in their exchange markets. Purchases and sales of foreign currency were perpetually created to stay rates on the point of the target.

The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

The Bretton Woods system was effectively a financial union with the greenback being its main currency. for a few time, it generated the soundness the post-war world required to recover and make. just about no major country practiced a banking crisis throughout the amount the agreement was revered, between 1945 and 1971.

Speculative money flows were seriously curtailed and investment capital was channeled into industrial and technological development instead. serving to national economies grow, making jobs and lowering trade barriers were to provide peace a stronger probability. And to an oversized extent they did, other than conflict proxy conflicts.

In 1971 the USA President Kills The Gold normal

Several notable achievements resulted from the Bretton Woods arrangement during a style of domains. a web portal referred to as WTF Happened In 1971?, the year once President Nixon’s administration unilaterally terminated the U.S. dollar’s interchangeableness to gold, summarizes most of them, backed with astonishing numbers. for instance, up till Washington’s call to finish the dollar-gold normal, productivity rose steeply and wages, not like these days, didn’t fall behind.

In alternative words, the rising worth of products and services translated into rising procure employees. The 119% increase in productivity from 1947 to 1979, the last year once these indicators were moving along, was closely followed by a 100% positive amendment within the average hourly compensation. Since then, until 2009, productivity has big by a large eightieth, whereas compensation scored solely AN V-day increase, the quoted knowledge shows.

Similar trends will be determined with several alternative pairs of indicators. The divergence between real gross domestic product per capita and average real wage within the U.S. has been growing steadily since the 70s, in line with the calculations of the Bureau of Economic Analysis and also the Bureau of Labor Statistics. the buyer index number skyrocketed when the loosening of the greenback from gold. constant applies to the median sales worth of recent homes sold within the country. And against this backcloth, divorce prevalence and imprisonment rates within the U.S. accrued markedly.

The post-war semi-gold normal quenched financial gain difference within us, that had been rising within the years following the institution of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 and jumped once more when the U.S. government determined to show the greenback into strictly paper money. Since 1971, the highest 1 Chronicles of earners have seen their financial gain grow considerably, whereas that of the lowest ninetieth has remained nearly unchanged for many years. The curves crossed somewhere within the starting of the century and within the years when the 2008 international money crisis the made is obtaining richer, whereas the poor are obtaining poorer once more.

Other negative trends when the ending of the last gold normal embodies the flight U.S. debt, from well below a trillion bucks within the 70s to over $20 trillion in 2018. As of Gregorian calendar month 2019, federal debt command by the general public amounted to $16.17 trillion. Last year it had been roughly seventy-six of gross domestic product and also the legislature Budget workplace expects it to succeed in over one hundred and fiftieth by 2040. At constant time, the United States’ merchandise visible balance has born dramatically, reaching a record low of virtually -$80 billion at the tip of Dec.
Ethereum (ETH)

Ethereum (ETH) is a chain-block platform with intelligent contract functions. Ethereum has functions like a virtual machine that can execute smart peer-to-peer contracts with Ether cryptographic money (ETH).

Ethereum is a major project that was started by Vitalik Buterin in 2013. The first block of Ethereum was found on 30 July 2015.


Ether is the Ethereum platform's currency sign unit. Ether is traded on the cryptocurrency exchange like another cryptocurrency. As a common currency Ether can have exchange rates that can be traded with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ripple, Dash, and so on [4]. Ether is used to pay for Ethereum network computing. Like Bitcoin, Ethereum uses the idea of the Ethash proof-of-work chaining algorithm.

History of The Bitcoin and its Journey

Bitcoin is electronic money that was made in 2009 created by Satoshi Nakamoto. The name is also associated with open source software that he designed, and also uses peer-to-peer networks without centralized storage or a single administrator where the United States Treasury calls bitcoin a decentralized currency. Unlike most currencies, bitcoin does not depend on trusting major publishers. Bitcoin uses a database that is distributed and spreads to nodes of a P2P network to transaction journals and uses cryptography to provide basic security functions, such as ensuring that bitcoin can only be spent by people owning it, and should never be done more from one time.

The design of the Bitcoin allows for anonymous ownership and transfer of wealth. Bitcoin - Bitcoin can be stored on a personal computer in a wallet file format or stored by a third-party wallet service, and apart from all that Bitcoin - bitcoin can be sent over the internet to anyone who has a Bitcoin address. The peer-to-peer bitcoin topology and the lack of a single administration make it impossible for authorities, any government, to manipulate the value of bitcoin - bitcoin or cause inflation by producing more bitcoin.

Bitcoin was one of the first implementations of the so-called cryptocurrency (cryptocurrency?), First described by Wei Dai in 1998 on the cypherpunks mailing list.


Bitcoin relies on the number of transfers between public accounts using public-key cryptography. All transactions are open to the public and stored in a distributed database. To prevent double-expenditure, the network implements a distributed time server, using the idea of chaining evidence from work. The entire history of transactions has been properly stored in the database and to reduce the size of the repository, a Merkle tree was used.


Someone who participates in the bitcoin network has a wallet that stores several critical keypairs. Public key - a public key, or address - a bitcoin address, which acts as the endpoint of sending or receiving for all payments. The associated private key only allows payment only from the user himself. The addresses do not contain any information about the owner and are generally unknown. Addresses in a human-readable format consist of random numbers and letters about 33 characters long, in semi-numeric format. Bitcoin users can have many addresses, and in fact can generate new addresses without any restrictions, because creating a new address is immediate, comparable to creating a new public / private key pair, and does not require any connection with any nodes on the network. In making single-purpose / single-use addresses - addresses can help the anonymity of that user.


Bitcoin - bitcoin contains the current owner's public key (address). When user A sends a value to user B, A will release their ownership value by adding public key (address) B to the coins and signing it with his own private key. Then he will broadcast these bitcoins in an appropriate message, or transaction, on a peer-to-peer network. The rest of the network nodes validate the signature of the criterion and the amount of the transaction before accepting it.


Any transaction that is broadcast to other nodes does not immediately become official until it is recognized in a time-stamp that has been stamped from all known transactions, which is called a blockchain. This recognition comes from a system that is believed-way to prevent double expenditure and counterfeiting.

At certain times, each node that produces collects all unrecognized transactions which are known from within a candidate block, a file which among other things contains cryptographic hashes of blocks that were previously valid and also known by that node. Then the node tries to produce a cryptographic hash of the block with certain characteristics, an effort that requires a predictable value from the repetition of experiments and errors. When a node finds a solution, it will announce it to all networks. Network members will receive a new block that has been solved and validate it before accepting it, and then add it to the chain.

Finally, the block-chain contains the cryptographic history of ownership of all coins that originate from the author's address to the current owner's address. Therefore, if a user tries to reuse the coins he has spent, the network will reject the transaction.

Bitcoin Production

The Bitcoin network randomly creates and distributes batches of new bitcoins about 6 times an hour to someone who runs the software with the 'generate coins' option that has been previously chosen. Each user has the potential to receive a set by running that option, or a program that has been specialized to run on a device the user has (for example a graphics card - VGA). Generate bitcoin - bitcoin is often termed as "mining", a term that is similar to the analogy of gold mining. Regarding the probability that a user will receive a set depends very much on the computational power, he contributes to the network which is also related to the combined computational power of all nodes. The amount of bitcoin that is made in each batch is no more than 50 BTC, and along with the time the award has also been programmed to decrease to zero, there will be no more than 21 million bitcoins there. As payment is reduced, the motives of these users are expected to change to get transaction fees.

All nodes that generate from the network are competing to be the first to find a solution to a cryptographic problem regarding the candidate blocks, a problem that requires the repetition of experiments and errors. When a node finds a correct solution, it will announce it to the rest of the network and claim a set of bitcoins. Members of the network will receive the blocks that have been solved and validate them before receiving them in full and adding them to the chain. Nodes can hire their Central Processing Unit using standard clients or use other software that utilizes the power of their Graphics processing unit. Users can also produce bitcoin collectively.

Because every one block will be generated every 10 minutes, each node separately rearranges the difficulty of the problem that is tried to be solved every two weeks for every change of the overall power of the central processing unit (CPU) of the peer-to-peer network.

Transaction Fees

Because nodes do not have bonds to include transactions in every block they produce, Bitcoin senders can also voluntarily pay transaction fees. Doing so will speed up the transaction and provide incentives for users who run the node, especially when the difficulty of generating bitcoin is increased or the prize of each block decreases over time. Nodes collect transaction costs associated with all transactions entered in their candidate block.

The Economy

The economy of Bitcoin is still small compared to economies that have long been established and software is still in the beta development stage. But used goods and services, such as used cars and freelance software development contracts, can now be traded. Bitcoin - Bitcoin is accepted for both virtual and real goods services. The Electronic Frontier Foundation and the Singularity Institute accept donations through bitcoin. Currency exchangers exchange commonly used currencies (including US dollars, Russian rubble, and Japanese yen) to bitcoin through the bitcoin exchange site. [19] [own issue source?] [20] Anyone can see block-chains and observe transactions in real-time. A variety of service facilities for observing are available.

Monetary Difference

Unlike conventional fiat currencies, bitcoin is different in that there is no oversight that can control value due to its decentralized nature, reducing circulation can cause instability that is usually caused by central banks. There is also limited inflation control implemented in the Bitcoin software, but it can be predicted and known by all parties. Therefore inflation cannot be manipulated from the central to affect the redistribution of value from the general public.

Transfers are facilitated directly without using a financial processor between nodes. This type of transaction makes chargeback impossible. Bitcoin clients will broadcast transactions to neighboring nodes which will spread payments to all networks. Transactions that fail or are wrong will be rejected by honest clients. Most transactions are free of charge, but a fee can usually be paid to other nodes to prioritize transaction processing.

Over time, the total amount of bitcoin will increase to 21 million. Circulation of money is increasing as a geometric series that takes place every 4 years; it is estimated that in 2013 half of the total circulation will be successfully produced, and in 2017, 3/4 of that will be completed. As we move towards this value, bitcoin is likely to begin to experience deflation in value due to a lack of new introductions. Although Bitcoin can be divided into eight decimal places (giving 2.1 x 1015 total units), eliminating practical impropriety can cause adjustments in the value of the deflationary environment. Rather than relying on the newly created bitcoin incentive to record transactions into blocks, the nodes in this period are expected to depend on their ability to competitively collect transaction processing fees.


Possible failure scenarios for Bitcoin include currency devaluation, a decline in the user base, or an entire government crackdown on stopping software operations. However, it may not be possible for "crypto-money such as bitcoin." It seems that the decentralization and anonymity contained in Bitcoin is a reaction to the United States government which executes virtual currency companies such as e-gold and Liberty Dollar. In an Irish Times newspaper investigating Danny O'Brien's article reporting "When I show people the economics of Bitcoin, they ask: 'Is this legal' They ask: 'Is this a fraud?' "I imagine that lawyers and economists are trying hard to answer both of these questions. I think you will add parliamentarians to the list as soon as possible."

In February 2011, the coverage on Slashdot and the subsequent effect of Slashdot affected the value of bitcoin and its availability from several related sites.

Legality of Use

The legality of the use of Bitcoin is changing rapidly throughout the world, some countries such as Thailand prohibit Bitcoin, the German state gives legal status and some countries like China restrict the use of bitcoin. On 6 February 2014, the Government of Indonesia stated that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies are not legal currencies or payment instruments in Indonesia. Indonesian people are advised to be careful of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies. All risks - related to ownership/use of Bitcoin are borne by the owner/user of Bitcoin and other virtual currencies.